(** Module: Interpreter Description: Input wave -> interpretation -> output wave @author WANG Haisheng Created: 15/05/2013 Modified: 14/08/2013 *) open Aux;; open Beam;; open Process;; open Faustio;; exception Missing_Expression;; let version = "Faustine: 0.0.1";; let set_GC () = let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.minor_heap_size = 0xFFFFFF } in let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.major_heap_increment = 0xFFFFFF } in let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.space_overhead = 100 } in let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.max_overhead = 0xFFF } in let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.stack_limit = 0xFFFFF } in let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.allocation_policy = 1 } in () ;; let path_dsp = ref "";; let size_input = ref 0;; let inputs = ref [];; let time_max = ref 0xFFFF;; let dir_output = ref "";; let format_output = ref "";; let basename_output = ref "";; let stdout_filename = ref "";; let option_usage = "usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " [-f dsp_src] [-i input] [-l length] [--odir dir] [--oformat wav/csv/nst] [--obasename name]";; let option_unknown = fun x -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Bad argument : " ^ x)) let speclist = [ ("-f", Arg.String (fun s -> path_dsp := s), ": faust .dsp source file"); ("-i", Arg.String (fun s -> incr size_input; inputs := !inputs @ [s]), ": set input file"); ("-l", Arg.Int (fun i -> time_max := i), ": maximun number of output samples"); ("--odir", Arg.String (fun s -> dir_output := s), ": set output directory"); ("--oformat", Arg.String (fun s -> format_output := s), ": set output format wav/csv/nst"); ("--obasename", Arg.String (fun s -> basename_output := s), ": set output basename"); ];; let file_of_path : string -> string = fun (path : string) -> let fragments = Str.split (Str.regexp "/") path in let n = List.length fragments in List.nth fragments (n - 1);; let get_extension : string -> string = fun (file : string) -> let fragments = Str.split (Str.regexp "\.") file in let n = List.length fragments in List.nth fragments (n - 1);; let chk_extension : string -> bool = fun (file : string) -> let extension = get_extension file in if extension = "csv" || extension = "wav" || extension = "nst" then true else false;; let chk_input_path : string -> bool = fun (path : string) -> let file_in = file_of_path path in chk_extension file_in;; let stdinput = fun (x : unit) -> let path = Unix.readlink "/proc/self/fd/0" in if chk_input_path path then ( incr size_input; inputs := !inputs @ [path] ) else ();; let chk_output_path : string -> bool = fun (path : string) -> let fragments = Str.split (Str.regexp "/") path in let location = List.nth fragments 0 in if location = "dev" then false else true;; let stdoutput = fun (x : unit) -> let path = Unix.readlink "/proc/self/fd/1" in if chk_output_path path then stdout_filename := path else ();; let stdio = fun (x : unit) -> stdinput (); stdoutput ();; let main () = let () = Arg.parse speclist option_unknown option_usage in let () = stdio () in let _ = Sys.signal Sys.sigalrm Sys.Signal_ignore in let _ = set_GC () in let io = new iomanager in let () = io#set !stdout_filename !dir_output !format_output !basename_output in let () = output_string stderr ("\n Faustine -> Reading input ...") in let tic0 = Unix.time () in let input : beam = io#read !inputs in let toc0 = Unix.time () in let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc0 -. tic0)) ^ "s.)\n") in let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Preprocessing...") in let tic1 = Unix.time () in let faust_core = Preprocess.preprocess !path_dsp in let toc1 = Unix.time () in let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc1 -. tic1)) ^ "s.)\n") in let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Constructing process...") in let tic2 = Unix.time () in let faust_exp = exp_of_string faust_core in let proc = (new proc_factory)#make faust_exp in let toc2 = Unix.time () in let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc2 -. tic2)) ^ "s.)\n") in let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Constructing signals...") in let tic3 = Unix.time () in let output : beam = proc#eval input in let toc3 = Unix.time () in let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc3 -. tic3)) ^ "s.)\n") in if (!stdout_filename = "" && !format_output = "") || (!format_output = "nst") || (!stdout_filename <> "" && (get_extension !stdout_filename) = "nst") then ( let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Evaluating...") in let tic4 = Unix.time () in let raws = output#output_values !time_max in let rates = output#frequency in let toc4 = Unix.time () in let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc4 -. tic4)) ^ "s.)\n") in let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Writing output...") in let tic5 = Unix.time () in let output_paths = io#write_nst rates raws in let toc5 = Unix.time () in let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc5 -. tic5)) ^ "s.)\n") in let _ = Array.map (output_string stderr) (Array.map decorate output_paths) in () ) else ( let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Evaluating...") in let tic6 = Unix.time () in let data = output#output !time_max in let rates = output#frequency in let toc6 = Unix.time () in let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc6 -. tic6)) ^ "s.)\n") in let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Writing output...") in let tic7 = Unix.time () in let output_paths = io#write rates data in let toc7 = Unix.time () in let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc7 -. tic7)) ^ "s.)\n") in let _ = Array.map (output_string stderr) (Array.map decorate output_paths) in () );; main();;