  	FAUST library file
	Copyright (C) 2010-2011 GRAME, Centre National de Creation Musicale
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as 
	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the 
	License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 	License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
  	Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
  	02111-1307 USA. 

declare name "Reduce Library";
declare author "Yann Orlarey (orlarey at grame.fr)";
declare copyright "Grame";
declare version "0.1";
declare license "LGPL"; 

// Provides various operations on block of samples
// using a high order 'reduce(op, n)' fold-like function :
//   sumn(n) : the sum  of a block of n input samples
//   maxn(n) : the max  of a block of n input samples
//   minn(n) : the min  of a block of n input samples
//   mean(n) : the mean of a block of n input samples
//   RMS(n)  : the RMS  of a block of n input samples

// reduce (op, n, x)
// Fold-like high order function. Apply a binary operation <op> 
// on a block of <n> consecutive samples of a signal <x>. 
// For example : reduce(max,128) will compute the maximun of each
// block of 128 samples. Please note that the resulting
// value, while produced continuously, will be constant for 
// the duration of a block. A new value is only produced 
// at the end of a block. Note also that blocks should be of at
// least one sample (n>0). 
reduce(op, n, x) = compute ~ (_,_,_) : (!,!,_)
    with {
        compute (acc, count, val) =
            if(count<n, op(acc,x), x), 		// new acc
            if(count<n, count+1, 1),     	// new count
            if(count<n, val, acc);      	// new val
        if (c, then, else) = select2(c, else, then);

// reducemap (op, foo, n, x)
// Like reduce but a foo function is applied to the result. From
// a mathematical point of view :
// reducemap(op,foo,n) is equivalent to reduce(op,n):foo
// but more efficient.
reducemap(op, foo, n, x) = compute ~ (_,_,_) : (!,!,_)
    with {
        compute (acc, count, val) =
            if(count<n, op(acc,x), x), 		// new acc
            if(count<n, count+1, 1),     	// new count
            if(count<n, val, foo(acc));     // new val
        if (c, then, else) = select2(c, else, then);

// the sum of the amplitudes of the input signal
sumn(n) = reduce(+,n);

// the maximum amplitude of the input signal
maxn(n) = reduce(max,n);

// the minimum amplitude of the input signal
minn(n) = reduce(min,n);

// the average amplitude of the input signal
mean(n) = reducemap(+, /(n), n);

// RMS
RMS(n) = float : ^(2) : reducemap(+, (/(n):sqrt), n);