declare name "Modal Bar"; declare description "Nonlinear Modal percussive instruments"; declare author "Romain Michon ("; declare copyright "Romain Michon"; declare version "1.0"; declare licence "STK-4.3"; // Synthesis Tool Kit 4.3 (MIT style license); declare description "A number of different struck bar instruments. Presets numbers: 0->Marimba, 1->Vibraphone, 2->Agogo, 3->Wood1, 4->Reso, 5->Wood2, 6->Beats, 7->2Fix; 8->Clump"; import("music.lib"); import("instrument.lib"); //==================== GUI SPECIFICATION ================ freq = nentry("h:Basic_Parameters/freq [1][unit:Hz] [tooltip:Tone frequency]",440,20,20000,1); gain = nentry("h:Basic_Parameters/gain [1][tooltip:Gain (value between 0 and 1)]",0.8,0,1,0.01); gate = button("h:Basic_Parameters/gate [1][tooltip:noteOn = 1, noteOff = 0]"); stickHardness = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Stick_Hardness [2][tooltip:A value between 0 and 1]",0.25,0,1,0.01); reson = nentry("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Resonance [2][tooltip:A value between 0 and 1]",1,0,1,1); presetNumber = nentry("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Preset [2][tooltip:0->Marimba, 1->Vibraphone, 2->Agogo, 3->Wood1, 4->Reso, 5->Wood2, 6->Beats, 7->2Fix; 8->Clump]",1,0,8,1); typeModulation = nentry("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Modulation_Type [3][tooltip: 0=theta is modulated by the incoming signal; 1=theta is modulated by the averaged incoming signal; 2=theta is modulated by the squared incoming signal; 3=theta is modulated by a sine wave of frequency freqMod; 4=theta is modulated by a sine wave of frequency freq;]",0,0,4,1); nonLinearity = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Nonlinearity [3][tooltip:Nonlinearity factor (value between 0 and 1)]",0,0,1,0.01); frequencyMod = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Modulation_Frequency [3][unit:Hz][tooltip:Frequency of the sine wave for the modulation of theta (works if Modulation Type=3)]",220,20,1000,0.1); nonLinAttack = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Nonlinearity_Attack [3][unit:s][Attack duration of the nonlinearity]",0.1,0,2,0.01); vibratoFreq = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Vibrato_Parameters/Vibrato_Freq [4][unit:Hz]",6,1,15,0.1); vibratoGain = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Vibrato_Parameters/Vibrato_Gain [4][tooltip:A value between 0 and 1]",0.1,0,1,0.01); //==================== SIGNAL PROCESSING ================ //----------------------- Nonlinear filter ---------------------------- //nonlinearities are created by the nonlinear passive allpass ladder filter declared in filter.lib //nonlinear filter order nlfOrder = 6; //nonLinearModultor is declared in instrument.lib, it adapts allpassnn from filter.lib //for using it with waveguide instruments NLFM = nonLinearModulator((nonLinearity : smooth(0.999)),1,freq, typeModulation,(frequencyMod : smooth(0.999)),nlfOrder); //----------------------- Synthesis parameters computing and functions declaration ---------------------------- //stereoizer is declared in instrument.lib and implement a stereo spacialisation in function of //the frequency period in number of samples stereo = stereoizer(SR/freq); //check if the vibraphone is used vibratoOn = presetNumber == 1; //vibrato vibrato = 1 + osc(vibratoFreq)*vibratoGain*vibratoOn; //filter bank output gain directGain = loadPreset(presetNumber,3,2); //modal values for the filter bank loadPreset = ffunction(float loadPreset (int,int,int), ,""); //filter bank using biquad filters biquadBank = _ <: sum(i, 4, oneFilter(i)) with{ condition(x) = x<0 <: *(-x),((-(1))*-1)*x*freq :> +; dampCondition = (gate < 1) & (reson != 1); //the filter coefficients are interpolated when changing of preset oneFilter(j,y) = (loadPreset(presetNumber,0,j : smooth(0.999)) : condition), loadPreset(presetNumber,1,j : smooth(0.999))*(1-(gain*0.03*dampCondition)), y*(loadPreset(presetNumber,2,j) : smooth(0.999)) : bandPassH; }; //one pole filter with pole set at 0.9 for pre-filtering, onePole is declared in instrument.lib sourceFilter = onePole(b0,a1) with{ b0 = 1 - 0.9; a1 = -0.9; }; //excitation signal excitation = counterSamples < (marmstk1TableSize*rate) : *(marmstk1Wave*gate) with{ //readMarmstk1 and marmstk1TableSize are both declared in instrument.lib marmstk1 = time%marmstk1TableSize : int : readMarmstk1; dataRate(readRate) = readRate : (+ : decimal) ~ _ : *(float(marmstk1TableSize)); //the reading rate of the stick table is defined in function of the stickHardness rate = 0.25*pow(4,stickHardness); counterSamples = (*(gate)+1)~_ : -(1); marmstk1Wave = rdtable(marmstk1TableSize,marmstk1,int(dataRate(rate)*gate)); }; process = excitation : sourceFilter : *(gain) <: //resonance (biquadBank <: -(*(directGain))) + (directGain*_) : //vibrato for the vibraphone *(vibrato) : NLFM*0.6 : stereo : instrReverb;