#!/bin/bash ##################################################################### # # # Compiles Faust programs to jack-qt # # (c) Grame, 2009 # # # ##################################################################### PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin FAUST=faust OSCINC="" QTDEFS="" OSCLIB="" #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Analyze command arguments : # faust options -> OPTIONS # if -omp : -openmp or -fopenmp -> OPENMP # existing *.dsp files -> FILES # # PHASE 1 : Look for -icc option to force use of intel icc (actually icpc) # without having to configure CXX and CXXFLAGS for p in $@; do if [ "$p" = "-icc" ]; then CXX=icpc CXXFLAGS='-O3 -xT -ftz -fno-alias -fp-model fast=2' fi done #PHASE 2 : dispatch command arguments for p in $@; do if [ "$p" = -omp ]; then if [[ $CXX == "icpc" ]]; then OMP="-openmp" else OMP="-fopenmp" fi elif [ "$p" = -icc ]; then ignore=" " elif [ "$p" = "-osc" ]; then OSCINC="INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/local/lib/faust/osclib" QTDEFS="DEFINES += OSCCTRL" OSCLIB="-L/usr/local/lib/faust/osclib -lOSCFaust -loscpack" elif [ ${p:0:1} = "-" ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS $p" elif [[ -e "$p" ]]; then FILES="$FILES $p" else OPTIONS="$OPTIONS $p" fi done #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check darwin specifics # if [[ $(uname) == Darwin ]]; then SPEC="-spec macx-g++ -Wnone" EXT=".app" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------- # compile the *.dsp files # for p in $FILES; do CUR=$(pwd) f=$(basename "$p") SRCDIR=$(dirname "$p") # creates a temporary dir TDR=$(mktemp -d faust.XXX) TMP="$TDR/${f%.dsp}" mkdir "$TMP" # compile faust to c++ $FAUST -a ca-qt.cpp $OPTIONS "$SRCDIR/$f" -o "$TMP/${f%.dsp}.cpp" # compile c++ to binary ( cd "$TMP" qmake -project "INCLUDEPATH+=$CUR" "INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/local/lib/faust/" "$OSCINC" "LIBS+=-framework CoreAudio -framework AudioUnit -framework CoreServices $OSCLIB" "HEADERS+=/usr/local/lib/faust/gui/faustqt.h" "$QTDEFS" qmake $SPEC make ) > /dev/null #2>/dev/null rm -rf "$SRCDIR/${f%.dsp}$EXT" cp -r "$TMP/${f%.dsp}$EXT" "$SRCDIR/${f%.dsp}$EXT" rm -rf "$TDR" # collect binary file name for FaustGIDE BINARIES="$BINARIES$SRCDIR/${f%.dsp}$EXT;" done echo $BINARIES