/* A simple chorus effect. */ declare name "chorus -- a simple chorus effect"; declare author "Albert Graef"; declare version "1.0"; import("music.lib"); level = hslider("level", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); freq = hslider("freq", 2, 0, 10, 0.01); dtime = hslider("delay", 0.025, 0, 0.2, 0.001); depth = hslider("depth", 0.02, 0, 1, 0.001); tblosc(n,f,freq,mod) = (1-d)*rdtable(n,waveform,i&(n-1)) + d*rdtable(n,waveform,(i+1)&(n-1)) with { waveform = time*(2.0*PI)/n : f; phase = freq/SR : (+ : decimal) ~ _; modphase = decimal(phase+mod/(2*PI))*n; i = int(floor(modphase)); d = decimal(modphase); }; chorus(d,freq,depth) = fdelay(1<<16, t) with { t = SR*d/2*(1+depth*tblosc(1<<16, sin, freq, 0)); }; process = vgroup("chorus", (c, c)) with { c(x) = x+level*chorus(dtime,freq,depth,x); };