#! /usr/local/bin/pure -x /* Copyright (c) 2009 by Albert Graef. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // This is set at build time. let version = "@version@"; using dict, faustxml, getopt, regex, system; using namespace faustxml; /* Constructors to represent Pd messages and objects. */ public obj msg text connect coords send receive route bng tgl nbx hsl vsl hradio vradio; send = s; receive = r; /* Merge subpatches. */ merge a b = a+map (shift (nobjs a)) b with shift n (connect x i y j) = connect (x+n) i (y+n) j; shift _ x = x otherwise; nobjs objs = #filter isobj objs; isobj (f@_ x) = isobj f; isobj x = any ((===)x) [obj,msg,text] otherwise; end; /* Move subpatches on the canvas. */ move dx dy objs = map (move dx dy) objs if listp objs; move dx dy (obj x y) = obj (x+dx) (y+dy); move dx dy (msg x y) = msg (x+dx) (y+dy); move dx dy (f@_ x) = move dx dy f x; move dx dy x = x otherwise; /* Write dsp and synth patches to a file. */ write_dsp info outname = fputs "#N canvas 0 0 450 300 10;\n" f $$ do (write_obj f) objs when name,_ = info; outname = if null outname then name+".pd" else outname; f = fopen outname "w"; if pointerp f then () else throw $ outname+strerror errno; objs = make_dsp info; end; write_synth n info outname = fputs "#N canvas 0 0 450 300 10;\n" f $$ do (write_obj f) objs when name,_ = info; outname = if null outname then name+".pd" else outname; f = fopen outname "w"; if pointerp f then () else throw $ outname+strerror errno; objs = make_synth n info; end; write_obj f x = fprintf f "#X %s;\n" $ obj_str x; obj_str (f@_ x::string) = obj_str f if null x; = obj_str f+" \\"+x if x!0 == "$"; = obj_str f+" "+x otherwise; obj_str (f@_ x::int) = obj_str f+sprintf " %d" x otherwise; obj_str (f@_ x::double) = obj_str f+sprintf " %g" x otherwise; obj_str (f@_ x) = obj_str f+" "+str x; obj_str f = str f otherwise; /* Construct dsp and synth patches. */ comment y = [text 0 (y+10) $ sprintf "Generated %s by faust2pd v%s. \ See http://faust.grame.fr and http://pure-lang.googlecode.com." (strftime "%c" (localtime time),version)]; make_dsp (name,descr,version,in,out,layout) = merge dsp controls + (if null controls then [] else [coords 0 (-1) 1 1 x (y-10) 1 0 0]) + comment y when controls = filter is_dsp_control $ pdcontrols layout; k = #controls; x,y,controls = make_controls layout controls; dsp = move 10 (y+60) $ make_simple (name+"~") in out; end; make_synth n (name,descr,version,in,out,layout) = merge voices controls + (if null controls then [] else [coords 0 (-1) 1 1 x (y-10) 1 0 0]) + comment y when controls = filter is_voice_control $ pdcontrols layout; k = #controls; x,y,controls = make_controls layout controls; voices = move 10 (y+60) $ make_voices (name+"~") out n; end; // check for the "active" control which is treated specially is_dsp_control c = name~="active" when name = last $ split "/" $ control_label c end; // check for "active" and special voice controls (freq/gain/gate) which // shouldn't be exposed in the GUI is_voice_control c = ~any ((==)name) ["active","freq","gain","gate"] when name = last $ split "/" $ control_label c end; /* Create the dsp subpatch. */ make_simple dsp in out = // -- objects -- [obj (i*60) 0 "inlet~" | // 0..in-1 inlet~ i = 1..in] + [obj 0 0 "inlet", // in inlet obj (max 2 (in+1)*60) 0 receive "$0-read", // in+1 receive $0-read obj (max 2 (in+1)*60) 30 "faust-control" "$0", // in+2 faust-control $0 obj (max 2 (in+1)*60) 60 send "$0-write", // in+3 s $0-write obj 0 60 receive "$0-in", // in+4 receive $0-in obj 0 90 dsp, // in+5 dsp obj 0 120 send "$0-out"] + // in+6 s $0-out [obj (i*60) 150 "outlet~" | // in+7..in+7+out-1 i = 1..out] + // outlet~ [obj 0 150 "outlet"] + // in+7+out outlet // -- connections -- [connect in 0 (in+2) 0, // inlet -> faust-control connect (in+1) 0 (in+2) 0, // receive $0-read -> faust-control connect (in+2) 0 (in+3) 0, // faust-control -> s $0-write connect (in+5) 0 (in+6) 0, // dsp -> s $0-out connect in 0 (in+7+out) 0, // inlet -> outlet connect (in+4) 0 (in+5) 0] + // receive $0-in -> dsp [connect (i-1) 0 (in+5) i | // inlet~ -> dsp i = 1..in] + [connect (in+5) i (in+7+i-1) 0 | // dsp -> outlet~ i = 1..out]; /* Create the synth subpatch. */ make_voices dsp out n = // -- objects -- [obj 0 0 "inlet", // 0 inlet #1 obj 120 0 "inlet", // 1 inlet #2 obj 180 0 receive "$0-read", // 2 r $0-read obj 120 30 receive "$0-all", // 3 r $0-all obj 180 30 "faust-control" "$0", // 4 faust-control $0 obj 180 60 send "$0-write", // 5 s $0-write obj 120 60 receive "$0-in", // 6 r $0-in obj 120 ((n+1)*30+60) send "$0-out"] + // 7 s $0-out cat [[obj 0 (i*30+60) "faust-gate" i, // 8,10..2*n+6 faust-gate 1..n obj 120 (i*30+60) dsp] | // 9,11..2*n+7 dsp #1..n i = 1..n] + [obj (i*60+120) ((n+1)*30+90) "outlet~" | // 2*n+8..2*n+8+out-1 i = 0..out-1] + // outlet~ #1..n [obj 0 ((n+1)*30+90) "outlet"] + // 2*n+8+out outlet // -- connections -- [connect 1 0 4 0, // inlet #2 -> faust-control connect 2 0 4 0, // r $0-read -> faust-control connect 4 0 5 0, // faust-control -> s $0-write connect 1 0 (2*n+8+out) 0, // inlet #2 -> outlet connect 6 0 9 0, // r $0-in -> dsp #1 connect 9 0 7 0] + // dsp #1 -> s $0-out cat [[connect 0 0 (2*i+8) 0, // inlet #1 -> faust-gate 1..n connect (2*i+8) 0 (2*i+9) 0, // faust-gate 1..n -> dsp #1..n connect 3 0 (2*i+9) 0] | // r $0-all -> dsp #1..n i = 0..n-1] + [connect (2*i+9) (j+1) (2*n+8+j) 0 | // dsp #1..n -> outlet~ #1..n i = 0..n-1; j = 0..out-1]; /* Create the GUI+controls subpatch. */ const black = -1; const white = -0x40000; const gray = -0x38e39; /* FIXME: The following is mostly guesswork, so you might have to customize this. Maybe these values should be configurable from the command line, or a better layout algorithm should be designed which also takes into account the widget labels. */ const button_x,button_y = 50,30; const nentry_x,nentry_y = 75,30; const hslider_x,hslider_y = 150,30; const vslider_x,vslider_y = 50,150; make_controls layout controls = x,y,c if ~null gui when x,y,gui = make_gui layout; c = move (max 450 (x+30)) 10 $ make_control_objs controls; c = merge gui c; end; = 0,0,[] otherwise; /* Create the GUI subpatch. */ let fn1,fn2 = 10,10; // default GUI font sizes, adapt as needed make_gui layout = x,y,c+ [obj (x-38) 3 bng 15 250 50 1 "$0-init" "$0-ignore" "empty" 0 (-6) 0 fn1 white black black, obj (x-18) 3 tgl 15 1 "$0-active" "$0-active" "empty" 0 (-6) 0 fn1 white black black 1 1] if ~null c when x,y,c = make_group "" (10,30) layout end; = 0,0,[] otherwise; make_group path (x,y) (tgroup g) = make_group path (x,y) (hgroup g); make_group path (x,y) (hgroup (name,items)) = //printf "end %s\n" $ join2 path $ mangle name $$ x,y,cat (reverse c) when _,_,_,_,x,y,c = //printf "hgroup %s\n" $ join2 path $ mangle name $$ foldl (hstep (make_group (join2 path (mangle name)))) (x,y,x,y,x,y,[]) items; end; make_group path (x,y) (vgroup (name,items)) = //printf "end %s\n" $ join2 path $ mangle name $$ x,y,cat (reverse c) when _,_,_,_,x,y,c = //printf "vgroup %s\n" $ join2 path $ mangle name $$ foldl (vstep (make_group (join2 path (mangle name)))) (x,y,x,y,x,y,[]) items; end; make_group path (x,y) item = //printf "%s [%s] item %s\n" (str (x,y),path,str item) $$ add_widget path (x,y) item; hstep f (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,c) item = hbreak f (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,c) item (x,y,c1) when x,y,c1 = f (x1,y1) item end; hbreak f (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,c) item (x,y,c1) = x0,y0,x,y1,max x2 x,max y2 y,c1:c if width<=0 || x<=width || x1<=x0; = hbreak f (x0,y0,x0,y2,x2,y2,c) item (f (x0,y2) item); vstep f (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,c) item = vbreak f (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,c) item (x,y,c1) when x,y,c1 = f (x1,y1) item end; vbreak f (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,c) item (x,y,c1) = x0,y0,x1,y,max x2 x,max y2 y,c1:c if height<=0 || y<=height || y1<=y0; = vbreak f (x0,y0,x2,y0,x2,y2,c) item (f (x2,y0) item); checkname name = "empty" if null name; = name otherwise; match_control path name pat = fnmatch pat (join2 path name) 0 if index pat "/" >= 0; = fnmatch pat name 0 otherwise; let gmax = max; add_widget path (x,y) item = x,y,[] if null (join2 path name) || any (match_control path name) exclude when name = mangle $ control_label item end; add_widget path (x,y) (button name) = add_widget path (x,y) (checkbox name) if fake_buttons_flag; add_widget path (x,y) (button name) = x+button_x,y+button_y, [obj x y bng 15 250 50 0 s s name 0 (-6) 0 fn1 white black black] when name = mangle name; s = control_sym $ join2 path name; name = checkname name; end if nvoices==0 || ~any ((==)name) ["freq","gain","gate"]; add_widget path (x,y) (checkbox name) = x+button_x,y+button_y, [obj x y tgl 15 0 s s name 0 (-6) 0 fn1 white black black 0 1] when name = mangle name; s = control_sym $ join2 path name; name = checkname name; end if nvoices==0 || ~any ((==)name) ["freq","gain","gate"]; add_widget path (x,y) (nentry (name,init,min,max,_)) = x+nentry_x,y+nentry_y, [obj x y nbx 5 14 min max 0 0 s s name 0 (-6) 0 fn2 white black black 256] when name = mangle name; s = control_sym $ join2 path name; name = checkname name; end if nvoices==0 || ~any ((==)name) ["freq","gain","gate"]; add_widget path (x,y) (hslider (name,init,min,max,step)) = if radio_sliders>0 && min==0 && step==1 && max0 && min==0 && step==1 && max0 then "$0-all" else "$0-in"), obj (dx+dx div 2) 0 send "$0-read", obj (2*dx) 0 receive "$0-write"] + c when controls = checkbox "active":controls; dx = foldl max 0 $ map ((#).control_label) controls; dx = (dx+7)*8; _,c = foldl (control_objs dx) (0,[]) controls; end; control_objs dx (j,c) (button name) = control_objs dx (j,c) (checkbox name) if fake_buttons_flag; control_objs dx (j,c) (button name) = (j+1,c+button_control_objs dx j name s 0) when s = control_sym name end; control_objs dx (j,c) (checkbox "active") = (j+1,c+activate_control_objs dx j "active" s 1) when s = control_sym "active" end; control_objs dx (j,c) (checkbox name) = (j+1,c+active_control_objs dx j name s 0) when s = control_sym name end; control_objs dx (j,c) (nentry (name,init,_)) = (j+1,c+active_control_objs dx j name s init) when s = control_sym name end; control_objs dx (j,c) (hslider (name,init,_)) = (j+1,c+active_control_objs dx j name s init) when s = control_sym name end; control_objs dx (j,c) (vslider (name,init,_)) = (j+1,c+active_control_objs dx j name s init) when s = control_sym name end; control_objs dx (j,c) (hbargraph (name,_)) = (j+1,c+passive_control_objs dx j name s 0) when s = control_sym name end; control_objs dx (j,c) (vbargraph (name,_)) = (j+1,c+passive_control_objs dx j name s 0) when s = control_sym name end; control_objs _ (j,c) _ = (j,c) otherwise; control_sym name = sprintf "$0-%s" $ substr name 1 (#name-1) if name!0=="/"; = sprintf "$0-%s" name otherwise; activate_control_objs dx j name s init = [msg 0 ((2*j+1)*20) init, obj 0 ((2*j+2)*20) send s, //connect 0 0 (6*j+4) 0, connect (6*j+4) 0 (6*j+5) 0, obj dx ((2*j+1)*20) receive s, msg dx ((2*j+2)*20) name "$1", connect (6*j+6) 0 (6*j+7) 0, connect (6*j+7) 0 1 0, obj (2*dx) ((2*j+1)*20) route name, obj (2*dx) ((2*j+2)*20) send s, connect (if j>0 then 6*j+2 else 3) (if j>0 then 1 else 0) (6*j+8) 0, connect (6*j+8) 0 (6*j+9) 0]; active_control_objs dx j name s init = [msg 0 ((2*j+1)*20) init, obj 0 ((2*j+2)*20) send s, connect 0 0 (6*j+4) 0, connect (6*j+4) 0 (6*j+5) 0, obj dx ((2*j+1)*20) receive s, msg dx ((2*j+2)*20) name "$1", connect (6*j+6) 0 (6*j+7) 0, connect (6*j+7) 0 1 0, obj (2*dx) ((2*j+1)*20) route name, obj (2*dx) ((2*j+2)*20) send s, connect (if j>0 then 6*j+2 else 3) (if j>0 then 1 else 0) (6*j+8) 0, connect (6*j+8) 0 (6*j+9) 0]; button_control_objs dx j name s init = [msg 0 ((2*j+1)*20) init, obj 0 ((2*j+2)*20) "faust-s" s, connect 0 0 (6*j+4) 0, connect (6*j+4) 0 (6*j+5) 0, obj dx ((2*j+1)*20) receive s, obj dx ((2*j+2)*20) "faust-r" name, connect (6*j+6) 0 (6*j+7) 0, connect (6*j+7) 0 1 0, obj (2*dx) ((2*j+1)*20) route name, obj (2*dx) ((2*j+2)*20) "faust-s" s, connect (if j>0 then 6*j+2 else 3) (if j>0 then 1 else 0) (6*j+8) 0, connect (6*j+8) 0 (6*j+9) 0]; passive_control_objs dx j name s init = [msg 0 ((2*j+1)*20) init, obj 0 ((2*j+2)*20) send s, connect 0 0 (6*j+4) 0, connect (6*j+4) 0 (6*j+5) 0, obj dx ((2*j+1)*20) "faust-timer" "$0", msg dx ((2*j+2)*20) name, connect (6*j+6) 0 (6*j+7) 0, connect (6*j+7) 0 2 0, obj (2*dx) ((2*j+1)*20) route name, obj (2*dx) ((2*j+2)*20) send s, connect (if j>0 then 6*j+2 else 3) (if j>0 then 1 else 0) (6*j+8) 0, connect (6*j+8) 0 (6*j+9) 0]; /* Make control names as in faustxml.pure but with name mangling and "/" in front. */ mangle s = join "-" $ filter (\x->~null x) $ regsplit "[^A-Za-z0-9]+" REG_EXTENDED s 0 when s = strcat $ regsplit "[ \t]*\\[[^]]+\\][ \t]*" REG_EXTENDED s 0; end; pdcontrols x = filter (((~=)"/").control_label) $ controls "" x with controls path x = case x of f@_ (lbl::string,ctrls@[]) | f@_ (lbl::string,ctrls@(_:_)) = catmap (controls (join2 path lbl)) ctrls when lbl = mangle lbl end; f@_ (lbl::string,args) = [f (join2 path lbl,args)] when lbl = mangle lbl end; f@_ lbl::string = [f (join2 path lbl)] when lbl = mangle lbl end; end; end if controlp x; join2 "" s = "/"+s; join2 s "" = s; join2 s t = s+"/"+t otherwise; /* main program */ error msg::string = fprintf stderr "%s: %s\n" (prog,msg) $$ exit 1; error x = fprintf stderr "%s: unknown error (%s)\n" (prog,str x) $$ exit 1; invalid_option opt = error $ sprintf "invalid option %s, try -h for help" opt; invalid_src_option opt = error $ sprintf "invalid option %s in source" opt; get_set_opt opt = case myopts!![opt] of [val::string] = split "," val; _ = [] otherwise; end; get_int_opt opt = case myopts!![opt] of [val::string] = check_int_opt opt val if ~null val; _ = 0 otherwise; end; extern int atoi(char*); check_int_opt opt val = n if n>0 when n = atoi val end; = error $ sprintf "invalid option value %s %s" (opt,val); print_usage prog = printf "faust2pd version %s, Copyright (c) 2009 by Albert Graef\n\ Usage: %s [-hVbs] [-f size] [-o output-file] [-n #voices]\n\ [-r max] [-X patterns] [-x width] [-y height] input-file\n\ Options:\n\ -h, --help display this help message and exit\n\ -V, --version display the version number and exit\n\ -b, --fake-buttons replace buttons (bangs) with checkboxes (toggles)\n\ -f, --font-size font size for GUI elements (10 by default)\n\ -n, --nvoices create a synth patch with the given number of voices\n\ -o, --output-file output file name ('.pd' file)\n\ -r, --radio-sliders radio controls for sliders with values 0..max-1\n\ -s, --slider-nums sliders with additional number control\n\ -X, --exclude exclude controls matching the given glob patterns\n\ -x, --width maximum width of the GUI area\n\ -y, --height maximum height of the GUI area\n\ input-file input file name ('.dsp.xml' file)\n\ Default output-file is input-file with new extension '.pd'.\n" (version,prog) $$ exit 0; print_version = printf "faust2pd version %s, Copyright (c) 2009 by Albert Graef\n" version $$ exit 0; let opts = [("--help", "-h", NOARG), ("--version", "-V", NOARG), ("--fake-buttons", "-b", NOARG), ("--slider-nums", "-s", NOARG), ("--radio-sliders", "-r", REQARG), ("--nvoices", "-n", REQARG), ("--font-size", "-f", REQARG), ("--width", "-x", REQARG), ("--height", "-y", REQARG), ("--exclude", "-X", REQARG), ("--output-file", "-o", REQARG)]; //let compiling = 1; //let argv = ["faust2pd","test/organ.dsp.xml"]; let prog,myargs = case argv of prog:args = prog,args; _ = "faust2pd",[] end; //let prog = "faust2pd"; let myopts,myargs = catch invalid_option $ getopt opts myargs; let myopts = dict myopts; let help_flag = member myopts "--help"; let version_flag = member myopts "--version"; if compiling then () else if version_flag then print_version else if help_flag then print_usage prog else if null myargs then error "no source file specified, try -h for help" else if #myargs>1 then error "more than one source file specified, try -h for help" else (); let xmlname:_ = if compiling then [""] else myargs; let outname = if member myopts "--output-file" then myopts!"--output-file" else (); if outname===xmlname then error "output would overwrite source file, aborting" else (); attrs s = regexg (\info->info!3) "\\[pd:([^]]+)\\]" REG_EXTENDED s 0; let dsp_info => (src_opts,_) = if compiling then () => ([],[]) else (dsp_info => catch invalid_src_option (getopt opts src_opts) when setlocale LC_ALL "C"; dsp_info = catch error (faustxml::info xmlname); src_opts = case dsp_info!5 of _ (label,_) = ["--"+opt | opt = attrs label]; _ = []; end; end); /* Command line options always override what's in the source. */ let myopts = dict (src_opts+members myopts); let fake_buttons_flag = member myopts "--fake-buttons"; let slider_nums_flag = member myopts "--slider-nums"; let [radio_sliders,nvoices,height,width,fnsize] = map get_int_opt ["--radio-sliders","--nvoices","--height","--width","--font-size"]; let exclude = get_set_opt "--exclude"; let fn1,fn2 = if fnsize>0 then fnsize,fnsize else fn1,fn2; main = catch error mainprog $$ exit 0; mainprog = write_synth nvoices dsp_info outname if nvoices>0; = write_dsp dsp_info outname otherwise; if compiling then () else main;