Additional tools for Faust ========================== Grame, Centre National de Creation Musicale These additional tools are provided by various contributors to help the building process of applications and plugins with Faust. Currently the following tools are available : - faust2oct is a script to create dynamically loadable functions for gnu octave - faust2appls contains simple scripts to easily and quickly generate svg diagrams as well as jack, alsa and plot applications - faust2sc is a Ruby program used to generate language modules (e.g. for Haskell and SuperCollider). - faust2pd is a Q program used to generate a user interface patch to use in conjuction with a Faust generated pd plugin. - scbuilder is a Ruby/Python/SCons script for building SuperCollider plugins, either from C++ sources or from Faust specifications. - faust2ck is a wrapper-generator for ChucK Ugens. It allows to create ChucK-compatible C++ code that can be placed in the Chuck source tree to extend the language. - faust2flash allows to convert Faust programs into Flash .swf files that can be published in web pages.