/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Parser for the Faust language */ %{ #include "tree.hh" #include "xtended.hh" #include "boxes.hh" #include "prim2.hh" #include "signals.hh" #include "errormsg.hh" #include "sourcereader.hh" #include "doc.hh" #include "ppbox.hh" #include <string> #include <list> #define YYDEBUG 1 #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 #define YYMAXDEPTH 100000 using namespace std; extern char* yytext; extern const char* yyfilename; extern int yylineno; extern int yyerr; extern Tree gResult; extern bool gStripDocSwitch; extern bool gLstDependenciesSwitch; extern bool gLstDistributedSwitch; extern bool gLstMdocTagsSwitch; extern map<Tree, set<Tree> > gMetaDataSet; extern vector<Tree> gDocVector; int yylex(); //---------------------------------------------------------- // unquote() : remove enclosing quotes and carriage return // characters from string. Returns a Tree //---------------------------------------------------------- char replaceCR(char c) { return (c!='\n') ? c : ' '; } Tree unquote(char* str) { //-----------copy unquoted filename------------- char buf[512]; int j=0; if (str[0] == '"') { //it is a quoted string, we remove the quotes for (int i=1; j<511 && str[i];) { buf[j++] = replaceCR(str[i++]); } // remove last quote if (j>0) buf[j-1] = 0; } else { for (int i=0; j<511 && str[i];) { buf[j++] = replaceCR(str[i++]); } } buf[j] = 0; return tree(buf); //---------------------------------------------- } %} %union { CTree* exp; char* str; string* cppstr; bool b; } %start program /* With local environment (lowest priority)*/ %left WITH /* Block Diagram Algebra */ /*%left SEQ SPLIT MIX*/ %right SPLIT MIX %right SEQ %right PAR %left REC /* Primitive boxes */ %left LT LE EQ GT GE NE %left ADD SUB OR %left MUL DIV MOD AND XOR LSH RSH %left POWOP %left FDELAY %left DELAY1 %left APPL DOT %left HASH %token MEM %token PREFIX %token INTCAST %token FLOATCAST %token FFUNCTION %token FCONSTANT %token FVARIABLE %token BUTTON %token CHECKBOX %token VSLIDER %token HSLIDER %token NENTRY %token VGROUP %token HGROUP %token TGROUP %token HBARGRAPH %token VBARGRAPH %token ATTACH %token ACOS %token ASIN %token ATAN %token ATAN2 %token COS %token SIN %token TAN %token EXP %token LOG %token LOG10 %token POWFUN %token SQRT %token ABS %token MIN %token MAX %token FMOD %token REMAINDER %token FLOOR %token CEIL %token RINT %token RDTBL %token RWTBL %token SELECT2 %token SELECT3 %token INT %token FLOAT %token LAMBDA %token DOT %token WIRE %token CUT %token ENDDEF %token VIRG %right LPAR %left RPAR %right LBRAQ %left RBRAQ %right LCROC %left RCROC %token WITH %token DEF %token IMPORT %token COMPONENT %token LIBRARY %token ENVIRONMENT %token IPAR %token ISEQ %token ISUM %token IPROD %token STRING %token FSTRING %token IDENT %token EXTRA %token DECLARE %token CASE %token ARROW %token VECTORIZE %token SERIALIZE %token HASH %token RATE %token UPSAMPLE %token DOWNSAMPLE /* Begin and End tags for documentations, equations and diagrams */ %token BDOC %token EDOC %token BEQN %token EEQN %token BDGM %token EDGM %token BLST %token ELST %token BMETADATA %token EMETADATA %token <cppstr> DOCCHAR %token NOTICE %token LISTING %token LSTTRUE %token LSTFALSE %token LSTDEPENDENCIES %token LSTMDOCTAGS %token LSTDISTRIBUTED %token LSTEQ %token LSTQ %type <exp> program %type <exp> stmtlist %type <exp> statement %type <exp> deflist %type <exp> definition %type <exp> params %type <exp> expression %type <exp> defname %type <exp> infixexp %type <exp> primitive %type <exp> argument %type <exp> arglist %type <exp> ident %type <exp> name %type <exp> ffunction %type <exp> fconst %type <exp> fvariable %type <exp> signature %type <exp> string %type <exp> uqstring %type <exp> fstring %type <exp> type %type <exp> typelist %type <exp> fun %type <exp> fpar %type <exp> fseq %type <exp> fsum %type <exp> fprod %type <exp> button %type <exp> checkbox %type <exp> vslider %type <exp> hslider %type <exp> nentry %type <exp> vgroup %type <exp> hgroup %type <exp> tgroup %type <exp> vbargraph %type <exp> hbargraph %type <exp> rule %type <exp> rulelist %type <exp> doc %type <exp> docelem %type <cppstr> doctxt %type <exp> doceqn %type <exp> docdgm %type <exp> docntc %type <exp> doclst %type <exp> docmtd %type <exp> lstattrlist %type <exp> lstattrdef %type <b> lstattrval %% /* grammar rules and actions follow */ program : stmtlist { $$ = $1; gResult = formatDefinitions($$); } ; stmtlist : /*empty*/ { $$ = nil; } | stmtlist statement { $$ = cons ($2,$1); } deflist : /*empty*/ { $$ = nil; } | deflist definition { $$ = cons ($2,$1); } ; statement : IMPORT LPAR uqstring RPAR ENDDEF { $$ = importFile($3); } | DECLARE name string ENDDEF { declareMetadata($2,$3); $$ = nil; } | definition { $$ = $1; } | BDOC doc EDOC { declareDoc($2); $$ = nil; /* cerr << "Yacc : doc : " << *$2 << endl; */ } ; doc : /* empty */ { $$ = nil; } | doc docelem { $$ = cons ($2,$1); } ; docelem : doctxt { $$ = docTxt($1->c_str()); delete $1; } | doceqn { $$ = docEqn($1); } | docdgm { $$ = docDgm($1); } | docntc { $$ = docNtc(); } | doclst { $$ = docLst(); } | docmtd { $$ = docMtd($1); } ; doctxt : /* empty */ { $$ = new string(); } | doctxt DOCCHAR { $$ = &($1->append(yytext)); } ; doceqn : BEQN expression EEQN { $$ = $2; } ; docdgm : BDGM expression EDGM { $$ = $2; } ; docntc : NOTICE { } ; doclst : BLST lstattrlist ELST { } ; lstattrlist : /* empty */ { } | lstattrlist lstattrdef { } ; lstattrdef : LSTDEPENDENCIES LSTEQ LSTQ lstattrval LSTQ { gLstDependenciesSwitch = $4; } | LSTMDOCTAGS LSTEQ LSTQ lstattrval LSTQ { gStripDocSwitch = $4; gStripDocSwitch==true ? gStripDocSwitch=false : gStripDocSwitch=true; } | LSTDISTRIBUTED LSTEQ LSTQ lstattrval LSTQ { gLstDistributedSwitch = $4; } ; lstattrval : LSTTRUE { $$ = true; } | LSTFALSE { $$ = false; } ; docmtd : BMETADATA name EMETADATA { $$ = $2; } ; definition : defname LPAR arglist RPAR DEF expression ENDDEF { $$ = cons($1,cons($3,$6)); } | defname DEF expression ENDDEF { $$ = cons($1,cons(nil,$3)); } | error ENDDEF { $$ = nil; yyerr++; } ; defname : ident { $$=$1; setDefProp($1, yyfilename, yylineno); } ; params : ident { $$ = cons($1,nil); } | params PAR ident { $$ = cons($3,$1); } ; expression : expression WITH LBRAQ deflist RBRAQ { $$ = boxWithLocalDef($1,formatDefinitions($4)); } | expression PAR expression { $$ = boxPar($1,$3); } | expression SEQ expression { $$ = boxSeq($1,$3); } | expression SPLIT expression { $$ = boxSplit($1,$3); } | expression MIX expression { $$ = boxMerge($1,$3); } | expression REC expression { $$ = boxRec($1,$3); } | infixexp { $$ = $1; } ; infixexp : infixexp ADD infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigAdd)); } | infixexp SUB infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigSub)); } | infixexp MUL infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigMul)); } | infixexp DIV infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigDiv)); } | infixexp MOD infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigRem)); } | infixexp POWOP infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),gPowPrim->box()); } | infixexp FDELAY infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigFixDelay)); } | infixexp DELAY1 { $$ = boxSeq($1,boxPrim1(sigDelay1)); } | infixexp DOT ident { $$ = boxAccess($1,$3); } | infixexp AND infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigAND)); } | infixexp OR infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigOR)); } | infixexp XOR infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigXOR)); } | infixexp LSH infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigLeftShift)); } | infixexp RSH infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigRightShift)); } | infixexp LT infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigLT)); } | infixexp LE infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigLE)); } | infixexp GT infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigGT)); } | infixexp GE infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigGE)); } | infixexp EQ infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigEQ)); } | infixexp NE infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigNE)); } | infixexp HASH infixexp { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar($1,$3),boxPrim2(sigConcat)); } | infixexp LPAR arglist RPAR %prec APPL { $$ = buildBoxAppl($1,$3); } | infixexp LCROC deflist RCROC %prec APPL { $$ = boxModifLocalDef($1,formatDefinitions($3)); } | primitive { $$ = $1; } ; primitive : INT { $$ = boxInt(atoi(yytext)); } | FLOAT { $$ = boxReal(atof(yytext)); } | ADD INT { $$ = boxInt (atoi(yytext)); } | ADD FLOAT { $$ = boxReal(atof(yytext)); } | SUB INT { $$ = boxInt ( -atoi(yytext) ); } | SUB FLOAT { $$ = boxReal( -atof(yytext) ); } | WIRE { $$ = boxWire(); } | CUT { $$ = boxCut(); } | MEM { $$ = boxPrim1(sigDelay1); } | PREFIX { $$ = boxPrim2(sigPrefix); } | INTCAST { $$ = boxPrim1(sigIntCast); } | FLOATCAST { $$ = boxPrim1(sigFloatCast); } | ADD { $$ = boxPrim2(sigAdd); } | SUB { $$ = boxPrim2(sigSub); } | MUL { $$ = boxPrim2(sigMul); } | DIV { $$ = boxPrim2(sigDiv); } | MOD { $$ = boxPrim2(sigRem); } | FDELAY { $$ = boxPrim2(sigFixDelay); } | AND { $$ = boxPrim2(sigAND); } | OR { $$ = boxPrim2(sigOR); } | XOR { $$ = boxPrim2(sigXOR); } | LSH { $$ = boxPrim2(sigLeftShift); } | RSH { $$ = boxPrim2(sigRightShift); } | LT { $$ = boxPrim2(sigLT); } | LE { $$ = boxPrim2(sigLE); } | GT { $$ = boxPrim2(sigGT); } | GE { $$ = boxPrim2(sigGE); } | EQ { $$ = boxPrim2(sigEQ); } | NE { $$ = boxPrim2(sigNE); } | ATTACH { $$ = boxPrim2(sigAttach); } | ACOS { $$ = gAcosPrim->box(); } | ASIN { $$ = gAsinPrim->box(); } | ATAN { $$ = gAtanPrim->box(); } | ATAN2 { $$ = gAtan2Prim->box(); } | COS { $$ = gCosPrim->box(); } | SIN { $$ = gSinPrim->box(); } | TAN { $$ = gTanPrim->box(); } | EXP { $$ = gExpPrim->box(); } | LOG { $$ = gLogPrim->box(); } | LOG10 { $$ = gLog10Prim->box(); } | POWOP { $$ = gPowPrim->box(); } | POWFUN { $$ = gPowPrim->box(); } | SQRT { $$ = gSqrtPrim->box(); } | ABS { $$ = gAbsPrim->box(); } | MIN { $$ = gMinPrim->box(); } | MAX { $$ = gMaxPrim->box(); } | FMOD { $$ = gFmodPrim->box(); } | REMAINDER { $$ = gRemainderPrim->box(); } | FLOOR { $$ = gFloorPrim->box(); } | CEIL { $$ = gCeilPrim->box(); } | RINT { $$ = gRintPrim->box(); } | RDTBL { $$ = boxPrim3(sigReadOnlyTable); } | RWTBL { $$ = boxPrim5(sigWriteReadTable); } | SELECT2 { $$ = boxPrim3(sigSelect2); } | SELECT3 { $$ = boxPrim4(sigSelect3); } | VECTORIZE { $$ = boxPrim2(sigVectorize); } | SERIALIZE { $$ = boxPrim1(sigSerialize); } | HASH { $$ = boxPrim2(sigConcat); } | UPSAMPLE { $$ = boxPrim2(sigUpSample); } | DOWNSAMPLE { $$ = boxPrim2(sigDownSample); } | LCROC RCROC { $$ = boxPrim2(sigVectorAt); } | LCROC infixexp RCROC { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar(boxWire(),$2),boxPrim2(sigVectorAt)); } | ident { $$ = $1; } | SUB ident { $$ = boxSeq(boxPar(boxInt(0),$2),boxPrim2(sigSub)); } | LPAR expression RPAR { $$ = $2; } | LAMBDA LPAR params RPAR DOT LPAR expression RPAR { $$ = buildBoxAbstr($3,$7); } | CASE LBRAQ rulelist RBRAQ { $$ = boxCase(checkRulelist($3)); } | ffunction { $$ = boxFFun($1); } | fconst { $$ = $1; } | fvariable { $$ = $1; } | COMPONENT LPAR uqstring RPAR { $$ = boxComponent($3); } | LIBRARY LPAR uqstring RPAR { $$ = boxLibrary($3); } | ENVIRONMENT LBRAQ deflist RBRAQ { $$ = boxWithLocalDef(boxEnvironment(),formatDefinitions($3)); } | button { $$ = $1; } | checkbox { $$ = $1; } | vslider { $$ = $1; } | hslider { $$ = $1; } | nentry { $$ = $1; } | vgroup { $$ = $1; } | hgroup { $$ = $1; } | tgroup { $$ = $1; } | vbargraph { $$ = $1; } | hbargraph { $$ = $1; } | fpar { $$ = $1; } | fseq { $$ = $1; } | fsum { $$ = $1; } | fprod { $$ = $1; } ; ident : IDENT { $$ = boxIdent(yytext); } ; name : IDENT { $$ = tree(yytext); } ; arglist : argument { $$ = cons($1,nil); } | arglist PAR argument { $$ = cons($3,$1); } ; argument : argument SEQ argument { $$ = boxSeq($1,$3); } | argument SPLIT argument { $$ = boxSplit($1,$3); } | argument MIX argument { $$ = boxMerge($1,$3); } | argument REC argument { $$ = boxRec($1,$3); } | infixexp { $$ = $1; } ; string : STRING { $$ = tree(yytext); } ; uqstring : STRING { $$ = unquote(yytext); } ; fstring : STRING { $$ = tree(yytext); } | FSTRING { $$ = tree(yytext); } ; /* description of iterative expressions */ fpar : IPAR LPAR ident PAR argument PAR expression RPAR { $$ = boxIPar($3,$5,$7); } ; fseq : ISEQ LPAR ident PAR argument PAR expression RPAR { $$ = boxISeq($3,$5,$7); } ; fsum : ISUM LPAR ident PAR argument PAR expression RPAR { $$ = boxISum($3,$5,$7); } ; fprod : IPROD LPAR ident PAR argument PAR expression RPAR { $$ = boxIProd($3,$5,$7); } ; /* description of foreign functions */ ffunction : FFUNCTION LPAR signature PAR fstring PAR string RPAR { $$ = ffunction($3,$5,$7); } ; fconst : FCONSTANT LPAR type name PAR fstring RPAR { $$ = boxFConst($3,$4,$6); } fvariable : FVARIABLE LPAR type name PAR fstring RPAR { $$ = boxFVar($3,$4,$6); } ; /* Description of user interface building blocks */ button : BUTTON LPAR uqstring RPAR { $$ = boxButton($3); } ; checkbox : CHECKBOX LPAR uqstring RPAR { $$ = boxCheckbox($3); } ; vslider : VSLIDER LPAR uqstring PAR argument PAR argument PAR argument PAR argument RPAR { $$ = boxVSlider($3,$5,$7,$9,$11); } ; hslider : HSLIDER LPAR uqstring PAR argument PAR argument PAR argument PAR argument RPAR { $$ = boxHSlider($3,$5,$7,$9,$11); } ; nentry : NENTRY LPAR uqstring PAR argument PAR argument PAR argument PAR argument RPAR { $$ = boxNumEntry($3,$5,$7,$9,$11); } ; vgroup : VGROUP LPAR uqstring PAR expression RPAR { $$ = boxVGroup($3, $5); } ; hgroup : HGROUP LPAR uqstring PAR expression RPAR { $$ = boxHGroup($3, $5); } ; tgroup : TGROUP LPAR uqstring PAR expression RPAR { $$ = boxTGroup($3, $5); } ; vbargraph : VBARGRAPH LPAR uqstring PAR argument PAR argument RPAR { $$ = boxVBargraph($3,$5,$7); } ; hbargraph : HBARGRAPH LPAR uqstring PAR argument PAR argument RPAR { $$ = boxHBargraph($3,$5,$7); } ; /* Description of foreign functions */ signature : type fun LPAR typelist RPAR { $$ = cons($1, cons($2, $4)); } | type fun LPAR RPAR { $$ = cons($1, cons($2, nil)); } ; fun : IDENT { $$ = tree(yytext); } ; typelist : type { $$ = cons($1,nil); } | typelist PAR type { $$ = cons($3,$1); } ; rulelist : rule { $$ = cons($1,nil); } | rulelist rule { $$ = cons($2,$1); } ; rule : LPAR arglist RPAR ARROW expression ENDDEF { $$ = cons($2,$5); } ; type : INTCAST { $$ = tree(0); } | FLOATCAST { $$ = tree(1); } ; %%