declare name "Bowed"; declare description "Nonlinear WaveGuide Bowed Instrument"; declare author "Romain Michon"; declare copyright "Romain Michon ("; declare version "1.0"; declare licence "STK-4.3"; // Synthesis Tool Kit 4.3 (MIT style license); declare description "A bowed string model, a la Smith (1986), after McIntyre, Schumacher, Woodhouse (1983)."; declare reference ""; import("music.lib"); import("instrument.lib"); //==================== GUI SPECIFICATION ================ freq = nentry("h:Basic_Parameters/freq [1][unit:Hz] [tooltip:Tone frequency]",440,20,20000,1); gain = nentry("h:Basic_Parameters/gain [1][tooltip:Gain (value between 0 and 1)]",1,0,1,0.01); gate = button("h:Basic_Parameters/gate [1][tooltip:noteOn = 1, noteOff = 0]"); bowPosition = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Bow_Position [2][tooltip:Bow position along the string (value between 0 and 1)]",0.7,0.01,1,0.01); bowPressure = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Bow_Pressure [2][tooltip:Bow pressure on the string (value between 0 and 1)]",0.75,0,1,0.01); typeModulation = nentry("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Modulation_Type [3][tooltip: 0=theta is modulated by the incoming signal; 1=theta is modulated by the averaged incoming signal; 2=theta is modulated by the squared incoming signal; 3=theta is modulated by a sine wave of frequency freqMod; 4=theta is modulated by a sine wave of frequency freq;]",0,0,4,1); nonLinearity = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Nonlinearity [3][tooltip:Nonlinearity factor (value between 0 and 1)]",0,0,1,0.01); frequencyMod = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Modulation_Frequency [3][unit:Hz][tooltip:Frequency of the sine wave for the modulation of theta (works if Modulation Type=3)]",220,20,1000,0.1); nonLinAttack = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Nonlinearity_Attack [3][unit:s][Attack duration of the nonlinearity]",0.1,0,2,0.01); vibratoFreq = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Vibrato_Parameters/Vibrato_Freq [4][unit:Hz]",6,1,15,0.1); vibratoGain = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Vibrato_Parameters/Vibrato_Gain [4][tooltip:A value between 0 and 1]",0.01,0,1,0.01); vibratoBegin = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Vibrato_Parameters/Vibrato_Begin [4][unit:s][tooltip:Vibrato silence duration before attack]",0.05,0,2,0.01); vibratoAttack = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Vibrato_Parameters/Vibrato_Attack [4][unit:s][tooltip:Vibrato attack duration]",0.5,0,2,0.01); vibratoRelease = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Vibrato_Parameters/Vibrato_Release [4][unit:s][tooltip:Vibrato release duration]",0.01,0,2,0.01); envelopeAttack = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Envelope_Parameters/Envelope_Attack [5][unit:s][tooltip:Envelope attack duration]",0.01,0,2,0.01); envelopeDecay = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Envelope_Parameters/Envelope_Decay [5][unit:s][tooltip:Envelope decay duration]",0.05,0,2,0.01); envelopeRelease = hslider("h:Envelopes_and_Vibrato/v:Envelope_Parameters/Envelope_Release [5][unit:s][tooltip:Envelope release duration]",0.1,0,2,0.01); //==================== SIGNAL PROCESSING ================ //----------------------- Nonlinear filter ---------------------------- //nonlinearities are created by the nonlinear passive allpass ladder filter declared in filter.lib //nonlinear filter order nlfOrder = 6; //attack - sustain - release envelope for nonlinearity (declared in instrument.lib) envelopeMod = asr(nonLinAttack,100,envelopeRelease,gate); //nonLinearModultor is declared in instrument.lib, it adapts allpassnn from filter.lib //for using it with waveguide instruments NLFM = nonLinearModulator((nonLinearity : smooth(0.999)),envelopeMod,freq, typeModulation,(frequencyMod : smooth(0.999)),nlfOrder); //----------------------- Synthesis parameters computing and functions declaration ---------------------------- //Parameters for the bow table tableOffset = 0; tableSlope = 5 - (4*bowPressure); //the bow table is declared in instrument.lib bowTable = bow(tableOffset,tableSlope); //a attack - decay - sustain - release envelope is used envelope = adsr(gain*envelopeAttack,envelopeDecay,90, (1-gain)*envelopeRelease,gate); maxVelocity = 0.03 + (0.2 * gain); //Delay lines declaration and vibrato, the length of the two delay lines are evolving propotionally betaRatio = 0.027236 + (0.2*bowPosition); fdelneck = (SR/freq-4)*(1 - betaRatio); vibratoEnvelope = envVibrato(vibratoBegin,vibratoAttack,100,vibratoRelease,gate); vibrato = fdelneck + ((SR/freq - 4)*vibratoGain*vibratoEnvelope*osc(vibratoFreq)); neckDelay = fdelay(4096,vibrato); fdelbridge = (SR/freq - 4)*betaRatio; bridgeDelay = delay(4096,fdelbridge); //Body Filter: a biquad filter with a normalized pick gain (declared in instrument.lib) bodyFilter = bandPass(500,0.85); //String Filter: a lowpass filter (declared in instrument.lib) stringFilter = *(0.95) : -onePole(b0,a1) with{ pole = 0.6 - (0.1*22050/SR); gain = 0.95; b0 = 1-pole; a1 = -pole; }; //stereoizer is declared in instrument.lib and implement a stereo spacialisation in function of //the frequency period in number of samples stereo = stereoizer(SR/freq); //----------------------- Algorithm implementation ---------------------------- bowVelocity = envelope*maxVelocity; instrumentBody(feedBckBridge) = (*(-1) <: +(feedBckBridge),_ : (bowVelocity-_ <: *(bowTable) <: _,_),_ : _, + : +(feedBckBridge),_) ~ (neckDelay) : !,_; process = (stringFilter : instrumentBody) ~ (bridgeDelay : NLFM) : bodyFilter(*(0.2)) : _*gain*8 : stereo : instrReverb;