declare name "Tibetan Bowl"; declare description "Banded Waveguide Modeld Tibetan Bowl"; declare author "Romain Michon"; declare copyright "Romain Michon ("; declare version "1.0"; declare licence "STK-4.3"; // Synthesis Tool Kit 4.3 (MIT style license); declare description "This instrument uses banded waveguide. For more information, see Essl, G. and Cook, P. Banded Waveguides: Towards Physical Modelling of Bar Percussion Instruments, Proceedings of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference."; import("music.lib"); import("instrument.lib"); //==================== GUI SPECIFICATION ================ freq = nentry("h:Basic_Parameters/freq [1][unit:Hz] [tooltip:Tone frequency]",440,20,20000,1); gain = nentry("h:Basic_Parameters/gain [1][tooltip:Gain (value between 0 and 1)]",0.8,0,1,0.01); gate = button("h:Basic_Parameters/gate [1][tooltip:noteOn = 1, noteOff = 0]"); select = nentry("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Excitation_Selector [2][tooltip:0=Bow; 1=Strike]",0,0,1,1); integrationConstant = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Integration_Constant [2][tooltip:A value between 0 and 1]",0,0,1,0.01); baseGain = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Base_Gain [2][tooltip:A value between 0 and 1]",1,0,1,0.01); bowPressure = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Bow_Pressure [2][tooltip:Bow pressure on the instrument (Value between 0 and 1)]",0.2,0,1,0.01); bowPosition = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Physical_Parameters/Bow_Position [2][tooltip:Bow position on the instrument (Value between 0 and 1)]",0,0,1,0.01); typeModulation = nentry("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Modulation_Type [3][tooltip: 0=theta is modulated by the incoming signal; 1=theta is modulated by the averaged incoming signal; 2=theta is modulated by the squared incoming signal; 3=theta is modulated by a sine wave of frequency freqMod; 4=theta is modulated by a sine wave of frequency freq;]",0,0,4,1); nonLinearity = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Nonlinearity [3][tooltip:Nonlinearity factor (value between 0 and 1)]",0,0,1,0.01); frequencyMod = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Modulation_Frequency [3][unit:Hz][tooltip:Frequency of the sine wave for the modulation of theta (works if Modulation Type=3)]",220,20,1000,0.1); nonLinAttack = hslider("h:Physical_and_Nonlinearity/v:Nonlinear_Filter_Parameters/Nonlinearity_Attack [3][unit:s][Attack duration of the nonlinearity]",0.1,0,2,0.01); //==================== MODAL PARAMETERS ================ preset = 0; nMode(0) = 12; modes(0,0) = 0.996108344; basegains(0,0) = 0.999925960128219; excitation(0,0) = 11.900357 / 10; modes(0,1) = 1.0038916562; basegains(0,1) = 0.999925960128219; excitation(0,1) = 11.900357 / 10; modes(0,2) = 2.979178; basegains(0,2) = 0.999982774366897; excitation(0,2) = 10.914886 / 10; modes(0,3) = 2.99329767; basegains(0,3) = 0.999982774366897; excitation(0,3) = 10.914886 / 10; modes(0,4) = 5.704452; basegains(0,4) = 1.0; excitation(0,4) = 42.995041 / 10; modes(0,5) = 5.704452; basegains(0,5) = 1.0; excitation(0,5) = 42.995041 / 10; modes(0,6) = 8.9982; basegains(0,6) = 1.0; excitation(0,6) = 40.063034 / 10; modes(0,7) = 9.01549726; basegains(0,7) = 1.0; excitation(0,7) = 40.063034 / 10; modes(0,8) = 12.83303; basegains(0,8) = 0.999965497558225; excitation(0,8) = 7.063034 / 10; modes(0,9) = 12.807382; basegains(0,9) = 0.999965497558225; excitation(0,9) = 7.063034 / 10; modes(0,10) = 17.2808219; basegains(0,10) = 0.9999999999999999999965497558225; excitation(0,10) = 57.063034 / 10; modes(0,11) = 21.97602739726; basegains(0,11) = 0.999999999999999965497558225; excitation(0,11) = 57.063034 / 10; //==================== SIGNAL PROCESSING ================ //----------------------- Nonlinear filter ---------------------------- //nonlinearities are created by the nonlinear passive allpass ladder filter declared in filter.lib //nonlinear filter order nlfOrder = 6; //nonLinearModultor is declared in instrument.lib, it adapts allpassnn from filter.lib //for using it with waveguide instruments NLFM = nonLinearModulator((nonLinearity : smooth(0.999)),1,freq, typeModulation,(frequencyMod : smooth(0.999)),nlfOrder); //----------------------- Synthesis parameters computing and functions declaration ---------------------------- //the number of modes depends on the preset being used nModes = nMode(preset); //bow table parameters tableOffset = 0; tableSlope = 10 - (9*bowPressure); delayLengthBase = SR/freq; //delay lengths in number of samples delayLength(x) = delayLengthBase/modes(preset,x); //delay lines delayLine(x) = delay(4096,delayLength(x)); //Filter bank: bandpass filters (declared in instrument.lib) radius = 1 - PI*32/SR; bandPassFilter(x) = bandPass(freq*modes(preset,x),radius); //Delay lines feedback for bow table lookup control baseGainApp = 0.8999999999999999 + (0.1*baseGain); velocityInputApp = integrationConstant; velocityInput = velocityInputApp + _*baseGainApp,par(i,(nModes-1),(_*baseGainApp)) :> +; //Bow velocity is controled by an ADSR envelope maxVelocity = 0.03 + 0.1*gain; bowVelocity = maxVelocity*adsr(0.02,0.005,90,0.01,gate); //stereoizer is declared in instrument.lib and implement a stereo spacialisation in function of //the frequency period in number of samples stereo = stereoizer(delayLengthBase); //----------------------- Algorithm implementation ---------------------------- //Bow table lookup (bow is decalred in instrument.lib) bowing = bowVelocity - velocityInput <: *(bow(tableOffset,tableSlope)) : /(nModes); //One resonance resonance(x) = + : + (excitation(preset,x)*select) : delayLine(x) : *(basegains(preset,x)) : bandPassFilter(x); process = //Bowed Excitation (bowing*((select-1)*-1) <: //nModes resonances with nModes feedbacks for bow table look-up par(i,nModes,(resonance(i)~_)))~par(i,nModes,_) :> + : //Signal Scaling and stereo NLFM : stereo : instrReverb;