
MRFausti is an interpreter for multi-rate FAUST programs, written in OCaml.

FAUST (Functional Audio Stream) is a functional programming language
specifically designed for real-time signal processing and
synthesis. It targets high-performance signal processing applications
and audio plug-ins for a variety of platforms and
standards. <http://faust.grame.fr>

MRFausti provides support for some vector features presented in the
paper "Semantics for Multirate Faust", written by Pierre Jouvelot and
Yann Orlarey, 2009:

- vectorize 
- serialize
- [] (pick an element from a vector)
- # (concatenate two vectors)


  Changes               what's new with each release
  INSTALL               instructions for installation
  LICENSE               license and copyright notice
  Makefile              main Makefile
  README                this file
  config/               autoconfiguration stuff
  emacs/                OCaml editing mode and debugger interface for GNU Emacs
  lex/                  lexer generator
  otherlibs/            several external libraries
  parsing/              syntax analysis
  stdlib/               standard library
  tools/                various utilities
  toplevel/             interactive system
  typing/               typechecking
  utils/                utility libraries
  yacc/                 parser generator


See the file INSTALL for installation instructions on Unix, Linux and
MacOS X machines.  For MS Windows, see README.win32.



The FAUST documentation is available at


The OCaml manual is distributed in HTML, PDF, Postscript, DVI, and
Emacs Info files.  It is available on the World Wide Web, at


git test
Merge test