declare name "Nonlinear EKS"; declare author "Julius Smith and Romain Michon"; declare version "1.0"; declare license "STK-4.3"; declare copyright "Julius Smith"; declare reference ""; // -> Virtual\_Electric\_Guitars\_Faust.html"; import("music.lib"); // Define SR, delay import("instrument.lib"); import("effect.lib"); // stereopanner //==================== GUI SPECIFICATION ================ // standard MIDI voice parameters: // NOTE: The labels MUST be "freq", "gain", and "gate" for faust2pd freq = nentry("freq", 440, 20, 7040, 1); // Hz gain = nentry("gain", 1, 0, 10, 0.01); // 0 to 1 gate = button("gate"); // 0 or 1 // Additional parameters (MIDI "controllers"): // Pick angle in [0,0.9]: pickangle = 0.9 * hslider("pick_angle",0,0,0.9,0.1); // Normalized pick-position in [0,0.5]: beta = hslider("pick_position [midi: ctrl 0x81]", 0.13, 0.02, 0.5, 0.01); // MIDI Control 0x81 often "highpass filter frequency" // String decay time in seconds: t60 = hslider("decaytime_T60", 4, 0, 10, 0.01); // -60db decay time (sec) // Normalized brightness in [0,1]: B = hslider("brightness [midi:ctrl 0x74]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01);// 0-1 // MIDI Controller 0x74 is often "brightness" // (or VCF lowpass cutoff freq) // Dynamic level specified as dB level desired at Nyquist limit: L = hslider("dynamic_level", -10, -60, 0, 1) : db2linear; // Note: A lively clavier is obtained by tying L to gain (MIDI velocity). //Nonlinear filter parameters typeModulation = nentry("v:Nonlinear Filter/typeMod",0,0,4,1); nonLinearity = hslider("Nonlinearity",0,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); frequencyMod = hslider("freqMod",220,20,1000,0.1) : smooth(0.999); //==================== SIGNAL PROCESSING ================ //----------------------- noiseburst ------------------------- // White noise burst (adapted from Faust's karplus.dsp example) // Requires music.lib (for noise) noiseburst(gate,P) = noise : *(gate : trigger(P)) with { diffgtz(x) = (x-x') > 0; decay(n,x) = x - (x>0)/n; release(n) = + ~ decay(n); trigger(n) = diffgtz : release(n) : > (0.0); }; nlfOrder = 6; P = SR/freq ; // fundamental period in samples Pmax = 4096; // maximum P (for delay-line allocation) ppdel = beta*P; // pick position delay pickposfilter = ffcombfilter(Pmax,ppdel,-1); // defined in filter.lib excitation = noiseburst(gate,P) : *(gain); // defined in signal.lib rho = pow(0.001,1.0/(freq*t60)); // multiplies loop-gain // Original EKS damping filter: b1 = 0.5*B; b0 = 1.0-b1; // S and 1-S dampingfilter1(x) = rho * ((b0 * x) + (b1 * x')); // Linear phase FIR3 damping filter: h0 = (1.0 + B)/2; h1 = (1.0 - B)/4; dampingfilter2(x) = rho * (h0 * x' + h1*(x+x'')); loopfilter = dampingfilter2; // or dampingfilter1 filtered_excitation = excitation : smooth(pickangle) : pickposfilter : levelfilter(L,freq); // see filter.lib //nonlinear allpass filter (nonLinearModulator is declared in instrument.lib) NLFM = nonLinearModulator(nonLinearity,1,freq,typeModulation,frequencyMod,nlfOrder); //declared in instrument.lib stereo = stereoizer(P); stringloop = (+ : fdelay4(Pmax, P-2)) ~ (loopfilter : NLFM); process = filtered_excitation : stringloop : stereo : instrReverb;