This folder contains several examples of Faust programs as well as
Makefiles to compile them for various audio architectures. 

	cd examples
	make help 

will give you the main targets

Compilation of MAX/MSP externals on OSX

¥ Compilation of all .dsp files to produce MAX/MSP externals on OSX can be done using the Makefile

	- edit the Makefile.mspcompile file and setup the "cycling" and "install_plug_ins" variables with the appropriate values for your machine

	- use "make msp" to produce all MAX/MSP externals

Compilation of VST plug-ins on OSX

¥ Compilation of all .dsp files to produce VST plug-ins on OSX can be done using the Makefile

	- edit the Makefile.vstcompile file and setup the "vst_sdk" and "install_plug_ins" variables  with the appropriate values for your machine

	- use "make vst" to produce all VST plug-ins