###-------------------------------------------- ### Build puredata externals on Darwin or Linux ### system := $(shell uname -s) DEST := pddir/ dspsrc := $(wildcard *.dsp) cppsrc := $(addprefix $(DEST), $(dspsrc:.dsp=.cpp)) patches := $(addprefix $(DEST), $(dspsrc:.dsp=.pd)) FAUST2PD := faust2pd F2PDFLAGS := -r 10 -s ###-------------------------------------------- ### compilation flags for Linux ### LINUXCFLAGS := -DPD -fPIC -Wall -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math LINUXINCLUDE := -I/usr/include/pdextended ###-------------------------------------------- ### compilation flags for Darwin ### DARWINCFLAGS := -DPD -fPIC -Wall -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math DYNLOAD_FLAGS := -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace DARWININCLUDE := -I/Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/include/ ###-------------------------------------------- ### check what type of modules to build (MacOSX Darwin or Linux) ### ifeq ($(system), Darwin) modules := $(addprefix $(DEST), $(dspsrc:.dsp=~.pd_darwin)) else modules := $(addprefix $(DEST), $(dspsrc:.dsp=~.pd_linux)) endif ###-------------------------------------------- ### Will use faust2pd to create the GUI patches ### only if it is installed helper:=$(shell which faust2pd) hasfaust2pd := $(findstring /faust2pd, $(helper)) ifeq ($(hasfaust2pd),) todo:=$(modules) else todo:=$(modules) $(patches) endif ###-------------------------------------------- allmodules: $(todo) $(DEST)%.cpp: %.dsp faust -a $(ARCH) $< -o $@ $(DEST)%.pd: %.dsp faust -xml $< -o /dev/null $(FAUST2PD) $(F2PDFLAGS) $<.xml mv $(<:.dsp=.pd) $(DEST) rm -f $<.xml $(DEST)%~.pd_linux: $(DEST)%.cpp $(CXX) $(LINUXCFLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE) -shared -Dmydsp=$(patsubst %~.pd_linux,%,$(notdir $@)) $< -o $@ # On Darwin we create both 32-bits and 64-bits intel code $(DEST)%~.pd_darwin: $(DEST)%.cpp $(CXX) -arch i386 $(DARWINCFLAGS) $(DARWININCLUDE) $(DYNLOAD_FLAGS) -Dmydsp=$(patsubst %~.pd_darwin,%,$(notdir $@)) $< -o $@.i386 $(CXX) -arch x86_64 $(DARWINCFLAGS) $(DARWININCLUDE) $(DYNLOAD_FLAGS) -Dmydsp=$(patsubst %~.pd_darwin,%,$(notdir $@)) $< -o $@.x86_64 lipo -create $@.i386 $@.x86_64 -output $@ rm $@.i386 $@.x86_64 clean: rm -rf $(DEST)