declare name "rms"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Grame"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "(c)GRAME 2009"; // Root Mean Square of n consecutive samples RMS(n) = square : mean(n) : sqrt ; // the square of a signal square(x) = x * x ; // the mean of n consecutive samples of a signal // uses fixpoint to avoid the accumulation of // rounding errors mean(n) = float2fix : integrate(n) : fix2float : /(n); // the sliding sum of n consecutive samples of a signal integrate(n,x) = x - x@n : +~_ ; // convertion between float and fix point float2fix(x) = int(x*(1<<20)); fix2float(x) = float(x)/(1<<20); // Root Mean Square of 1000 consecutive samples process = RMS(1000) ;