X-Git-Url: https://scm.cri.ensmp.fr/git/Faustine.git/blobdiff_plain/056d65cce93f673551b565e7d11f196be2e8ec93..456ab1eb0f387a99d0bfdc5bb3c42c20d645b331:/Makefile

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 79e54a5..748378e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 # Faustine top-level Makefile.
 EXEC = faustine
-SRC_DIR = interpretor
+SRC_DIR = interpreter
 PREPROCESSOR_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/preprocessor/faust-0.9.47mr3
-OUTPUTSOUNDS_DIR = examples/output_sounds
+EXAMPLES_DIR = examples
 PREFIX ?= /usr/local
 prefix := $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)
-arch   := $(wildcard architecture/*.*)
+lib    := $(wildcard lib/*.*)
 all: $(EXEC)
-	@cd $(SRC_DIR) && $(MAKE) opt      # using ocamlopt
-	@cd $(SRC_DIR) && $(MAKE) clean
+	$(MAKE) -C $(SRC_DIR) opt    # using ocamlopt compiler (optimized)
 .PHONY: clean mrproper test help install uninstall
@@ -27,28 +27,31 @@ help :
 	@echo "make dist : make a tar.gz file ready for distribution (TODO)"
-	@(cd $(SRC_DIR) && $(MAKE) clean)
+	@($(MAKE) -C $(SRC_DIR) clean)
 	@(rm -f *~)
 mrproper: clean
-	@(cd $(SRC_DIR) && $(MAKE) mrproper)
-	@(cd $(PREPROCESSOR_DIR) && $(MAKE) clean)
+	@($(MAKE) -C $(SRC_DIR) mrproper)
+	@($(MAKE) -C $(PREPROCESSOR_DIR) clean)
+	@($(MAKE) -C $(EXAMPLES_DIR) clean)
-test: # TODO, obsolete
-	@rm -f $(OUTPUTSOUNDS_DIR)/output0.wav
-	@cd $(SRC_DIR) && ./faustine -d ../dsp_files/sin.dsp
-	@ls -l $(OUTPUTSOUNDS_DIR)/output0.wav
+	@ls -l $(SINWAVE_DIR)/output1.wav
 	@echo "    You might want to check the output file with either:"
-	@echo "audacity ../examples/output_sounds/output0.wav"
-	@echo "open ../examples/output_sounds/output0.wav"
-	@echo "octave -q --eval 'plot(wavread(\"../examples/output_sounds/output0.wav\")); pause'"
+	@echo "audacity $(SINWAVE_DIR)/output1.wav"
+	@echo "open $(SINWAVE_DIR)/output1.wav"
+	@echo "octave -q --eval 'plot(wavread(\"$(SINWAVE_DIR)/output1.wav\")); pause'"
 install :
 	mkdir -p $(prefix)/lib/faustine/
 	mkdir -p $(prefix)/bin/
-	install interpretor/faustine $(prefix)/bin/
-	install -m 0644 $(arch) $(prefix)/lib/faustine/
+	install $(SRC_DIR)/faustine $(prefix)/bin/
+	install -m 0644 $(lib) $(prefix)/lib/faustine/
 uninstall :
 	rm -rf $(prefix)/lib/faustine/