X-Git-Url: https://scm.cri.ensmp.fr/git/Faustine.git/blobdiff_plain/c7f552fd8888da2f0d8cfb228fe0f28d3df3a12c..b4b6f2ea75b9f0f3ca918f5b84016610bf7a4d4f:/interpretor/faust-0.9.47mr3/documentation/faust-quick-reference-src/chapters/compiler.tex?ds=inline diff --git a/interpretor/faust-0.9.47mr3/documentation/faust-quick-reference-src/chapters/compiler.tex b/interpretor/faust-0.9.47mr3/documentation/faust-quick-reference-src/chapters/compiler.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 0213ff5..0000000 --- a/interpretor/faust-0.9.47mr3/documentation/faust-quick-reference-src/chapters/compiler.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -% INVOKING THE COMPILER % -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - - -\chapter{Invoking the \faust compiler} -The \faust compiler is invoked using the \texttt{faust} command. It translate \faust programs into C++ code. -The generated code can be wrapped into an optional \emph{architecture file} allowing to directly produce a fully operational program. - -\begin{rail} -compiler : "faust" (options) (file +); -\end{rail} - -For example \lstinline'faust noise.dsp' will compile \lstinline'noise.dsp' and output the corresponding C++ code on the standard output. The option \lstinline'-o' allows to choose the output file : \lstinline'faust noise.dsp -o noise.cpp'. The option \lstinline'-a' allows to choose the architecture file : \lstinline'faust -a alsa-gtk.cpp noise.dsp'. - -To compile a \faust program into an ALSA application on Linux you can use the following commands: -\begin{lstlisting} - faust -a alsa-gtk.cpp noise.dsp -o noise.cpp - g++ -lpthread -lasound - `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` - noise.cpp -o noise -\end{lstlisting} - -\section{Compilation options} -Compilation options are listed in the following table : - -\bigskip - -\small -%%\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[t]{|l|l|X|} - -\tablefirsthead{ -\hline -\textbf{Short} & \textbf{Long} & \textbf{Description} \\ -\hline -} -\tablehead{ -\hline -\textbf{Short} & \textbf{Long} & \textbf{Description} \\ -\hline -} -\tabletail{ - \hline - \multicolumn{3}{|r|}{\small\sl continued on next page}\\ - \hline -} -\tablelasttail{ - \hline -} - - -\begin{supertabular}{|p{1.5cm}|p{4cm}|p{5cm}|} -\texttt{-h} & \texttt{--help} & print the help message \\ -\texttt{-v} & \texttt{--version} & print version information \\ -\texttt{-d} & \texttt{--details} & print compilation details \\ -\texttt{-tg} & \texttt{--task-graph} & draw a graph of all internal computation loops as a .dot (graphviz) file. \\ -\texttt{-sg} & \texttt{--signal-graph} & draw a graph of all internal signal expressions as a .dot (graphviz) file. \\ - -\texttt{-ps} & \texttt{--postscript} & generate block-diagram postscript files \\ -\texttt{-svg} & \texttt{--svg} & generate block-diagram svg files \\ -\texttt{-blur} & \texttt{--shadow-blur} & add a blur to boxes shadows \\ -\texttt{-sd} & \texttt{--simplify-diagrams} & simplify block-diagram before drawing them \\ -\texttt{-f \farg{n}} & \texttt{--fold \farg{n}} & max complexity of svg diagrams before splitting into several files (default 25 boxes) \\ -\texttt{-mns \farg{n}} & \texttt{--max-name-size \farg{n}} & max character size used in svg diagram labels\\ -\texttt{-sn} & \texttt{--simple-names} & use simple names (without arguments) for block-diagram (default max size : 40 chars) \\ -\texttt{-xml} & \texttt{--xml} & generate an additional description file in xml format \\ -\texttt{-uim} & \texttt{--user-interface-macros} & add user interface macro definitions to the C++ code \\ -\texttt{-flist} & \texttt{--file-list} & list all the source files and libraries implied in a compilation \\ -\texttt{-norm} & \texttt{--normalized-form} & prints the internal signals in normalized form and exits \\ -\hline -\texttt{-lb} & \texttt{--left-balanced} & generate left-balanced expressions \\ -\texttt{-mb} & \texttt{--mid-balanced} & generate mid-balanced expressions (default) \\ -\texttt{-rb} & \texttt{--right-balanced} & generate right-balanced expressions \\ -\texttt{-lt} & \texttt{--less-temporaries} & generate less temporaries in compiling delays \\ -\texttt{-mcd \farg{n}} & \texttt{--max-copy-delay \farg{n}}& threshold between copy and ring buffer delays (default 16 samples)\\ -\hline -\texttt{-vec} & \texttt{--vectorize} & generate easier to vectorize code \\ -\texttt{-vs \farg{n}} & \texttt{--vec-size \farg{n}} & size of the vector (default 32 samples) when -vec \\ -\texttt{-lv \farg{n}} & \texttt{--loop-variant \farg{n}} & loop variant [0:fastest (default), 1:simple] when -vec\\ -\texttt{-dfs} & \texttt{--deepFirstScheduling} & schedule vector loops in deep first order when -vec \\ -\hline -\texttt{-omp} & \texttt{--openMP} & generate parallel code using OpenMP (implies -vec) \\ -\texttt{-sch} & \texttt{--scheduler} & generate parallel code using threads directly (implies -vec) \\ -\texttt{-g} & \texttt{--groupTasks} & group sequential tasks together when -omp or -sch is used \\ -\hline -\texttt{-single} & \texttt{--single-precision-floats} & use floats for internal computations (default) \\ -\texttt{-double} & \texttt{--double-precision-floats} & use doubles for internal computations \\ -\texttt{-quad} & \texttt{--quad-precision-floats} & use extended for internal computations \\ -\hline -\texttt{-mdoc} & \texttt{--mathdoc} & generates the full mathematical description of a \faust program \\ -\texttt{-mdlang \farg{l}} & \texttt{--mathdoc-lang \farg{l}} & choose the language of the mathematical description (\farg{l} = en, fr, ...) \\ -\texttt{-stripmdoc} & \texttt{--strip-mdoc-tags} & remove documentation tags when printing \faust listings\\ -\hline -\texttt{-cn \farg{name}} & \texttt{--class-name \farg{name}} & name of the dsp class to be used instead of 'mydsp' \\ -\texttt{-t \farg{time}} & \texttt{--timeout \farg{time}} & time out of time seconds (default 600) for the compiler to abort \\ -\texttt{-a \farg{file}} & & architecture file to use \\ -\texttt{-o \farg{file}} & & C++ output file\\ -%%\end{tabularx} -\end{supertabular} -\normalsize - -\bigskip -