X-Git-Url: https://scm.cri.ensmp.fr/git/Plinn.git/blobdiff_plain/3c4367d8e03450e9a73e61f4247145d2b6c86a33..959d888c17d1403d2eeecc19bc4b5e2c8d1debf6:/skins/jscalendar/doc/html/reference.html?ds=inline diff --git a/skins/jscalendar/doc/html/reference.html b/skins/jscalendar/doc/html/reference.html deleted file mode 100644 index 997fc48..0000000 --- a/skins/jscalendar/doc/html/reference.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1316 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -DHTML Calendar Widget - - - - - - -











- - - -


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DHTML Calendar Widget


-Mihai Bazon, <mishoo@infoiasi.ro>

February 6, 2004



-calendar version: 0.9.6 “Keep cool but don’t freeze” -



- -

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- -
- -



-    1  Overview
-        1.1  How does this thing work?
-        1.2  Project files
-        1.3  License


-    2  Quick startup
-        2.1  Installing a popup calendar
-        2.2  Installing a flat calendar
-        2.3  Calendar.setup in detail


-    3  The Calendar object overview
-        3.1  Creating a calendar
-        3.2  Order does matter ;-)
-        3.3  Caching the object
-        3.4  Callback functions


-    4  The Calendar object API reference
-        4.1  Calendar constructor
-        4.2  Useful member variables (properties)
-        4.3  Public methods
-            4.3.1  Calendar.create
-            4.3.2  Calendar.callHandler
-            4.3.3  Calendar.callCloseHandler
-            4.3.4  Calendar.hide
-            4.3.5  Calendar.setDateFormat
-            4.3.6  Calendar.setTtDateFormat
-            4.3.7  Calendar.setDisabledHandler
-            4.3.8  Calendar.setDateStatusHandler
-            4.3.9  Calendar.show
-            4.3.10  Calendar.showAt
-            4.3.11  Calendar.showAtElement
-            4.3.12  Calendar.setDate
-            4.3.13  Calendar.setFirstDayOfWeek
-            4.3.14  Calendar.parseDate
-            4.3.15  Calendar.setRange


-    5  Side effects


-    6  Credits





- -

1  Overview

The DHTML Calendar widget1 -is an (HTML) user interface element that gives end-users a friendly way to -select date and time. It works in a web browser. The first versions only provided -support for popup calendars, while starting with version 0.9 it also supports -“flat” display. A “flat” calendar is a calendar that stays visible in the -page all the time. In this mode it could be very useful for “blog” pages and -other pages that require the calendar to be always present.


-The calendar is compatible with most popular browsers nowadays. While it’s -created using web standards and it should generally work with any compliant -browser, the following browsers were found to work: Mozilla (the -development platform), Netscape 6.0 or better, all other Gecko-based browsers, -Internet Explorer 5.0 or better for Windows2, Opera 73 and Konqueror 3.1.2 (with pretty much the -same dysfunctions as in Opera).


-You can find the latest info and version at the calendar homepage:



- -http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl -


- -

1.1  How does this thing work?

DHTML is not “another kind of HTML”. It’s merely a naming convention. DHTML -refers to the combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and DOM. DOM (Document -Object Model) is a set of interfaces that glues the other three together. In -other words, DOM allows dynamic modification of an HTML page through a program. -JavaScript is our programming language, since that’s what browsers like. CSS -is a way to make it look good ;-). So all this soup is generically known as -DHTML.


-Using DOM calls, the program dynamically creates a <table> element -that contains a calendar for the given date and then inserts it in the document -body. Then it shows this table at a specified position. Usually the position -is related to some element in which the date needs to be displayed/entered, -such as an input field.


-By assigning a certain CSS class to the table we can control the look of the -calendar through an external CSS file; therefore, in order to change the -colors, backgrounds, rollover effects and other stuff, you can only change a -CSS file—modification of the program itself is not necessary.



- -

1.2  Project files

Here’s a description of the project files, excluding documentation and example -files.






- -

1.3  License

- -© Mihai Bazon, 2002 – 2003, <mishoo@infoiasi.ro>
-http://dynarch.com/mishoo/ -

-The calendar is released under the -GNU Lesser General Public License. You -can read the entire license text -here.



- -

2  Quick startup


-Installing the calendar used to be quite a task until version 0.9.3. Starting -with 0.9.3 I have included the file calendar-setup.js whose goal is to -assist you to setup a popup or flat calendar in minutes. You are -encouraged to modify this file and not calendar.js if you need -extra customization, but you’re on your own.


-First you have to include the needed scripts and style-sheet. Make sure you do -this in your document’s <head> section, also make sure you put the -correct paths to the scripts.



<style type="text/css">@import url(calendar-win2k-1.css);</style>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-en.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar-setup.js"></script>



- -

2.1  Installing a popup calendar


-Now suppose you have the following HTML:



<form ...>
-  <input type="text" id="data" name="data" />
-  <button id="trigger">...</button>


-You want the button to popup a calendar widget when clicked? Just -insert the following code immediately after the HTML form:



<script type="text/javascript">
-  Calendar.setup(
-    {
-      inputField  : "data",         // ID of the input field
-      ifFormat    : "%m %d, %Y",    // the date format
-      button      : "trigger"       // ID of the button
-    }
-  );


-The Calendar.setup function, defined in calendar-setup.js -takes care of “patching” the button to display a calendar when clicked. The -calendar is by default in single-click mode and linked with the given input -field, so that when the end-user selects a date it will update the input field -with the date in the given format and close the calendar. If you are a -long-term user of the calendar you probably remember that for doing this you -needed to write a couple functions and add an “onclick” handler for the -button by hand.


-By looking at the example above we can see that the function -Calendar.setup receives only one parameter: a JavaScript object. -Further, that object can have lots of properties that tell to the setup -function how would we like to have the calendar. For instance, if we would -like a calendar that closes at double-click instead of single-click we would -also include the following: singleClick:false.


-For a list of all supported parameters please see the section -2.3.



- -

2.2  Installing a flat calendar


-Here’s how to configure a flat calendar, using the same Calendar.setup -function. First, you should have an empty element with an ID. This element -will act as a container for the calendar. It can be any block-level element, -such as DIV, TABLE, etc. We will use a DIV in this example.



<div id="calendar-container"></div>


-Then there is the JavaScript code that sets up the calendar into the -“calendar-container” DIV. The code can occur anywhere in HTML -after the DIV element.



<script type="text/javascript">
-  function dateChanged(calendar) {
-    // Beware that this function is called even if the end-user only
-    // changed the month/year.  In order to determine if a date was
-    // clicked you can use the dateClicked property of the calendar:
-    if (calendar.dateClicked) {
-      // OK, a date was clicked, redirect to /yyyy/mm/dd/index.php
-      var y = calendar.date.getFullYear();
-      var m = calendar.date.getMonth();     // integer, 0..11
-      var d = calendar.date.getDate();      // integer, 1..31
-      // redirect...
-      window.location = "/" + y + "/" + m + "/" + d + "/index.php";
-    }
-  };
-  Calendar.setup(
-    {
-      flat         : "calendar-container", // ID of the parent element
-      flatCallback : dateChanged           // our callback function
-    }
-  );



- -

2.3  Calendar.setup in detail


-Following there is the complete list of properties interpreted by -Calendar.setup. All of them have default values, so you can pass only those -which you would like to customize. Anyway, you must pass at least one -of inputField, displayArea or button, for a popup -calendar, or flat for a flat calendar. Otherwise you will get a -warning message saying that there’s nothing to setup.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
property type description default -
inputField -string The ID of your input field. -null -
displayArea -string This is the ID of a <span>, <div>, or any other element that you would like to use to display the current date. This is generally useful only if the input field is hidden, as an area to display the date. -null -
button -string The ID of the calendar “trigger”. This is an element (ordinarily a button or an image) that will dispatch a certain event (usually “click”) to the function that creates and displays the calendar. -null -
eventName -string The name of the event that will trigger the calendar. The name should be without the “on” prefix, such as “click” instead of “onclick”. Virtually all users will want to let this have the default value (“click”). Anyway, it could be useful if, say, you want the calendar to appear when the input field is focused and have no trigger button (in this case use “focus” as the event name). -“click” -
ifFormat -string The format string that will be used to enter the date in the input field. This format will be honored even if the input field is hidden. -“%Y/%m/%d” -
daFormat -string Format of the date displayed in the displayArea (if specified). -“%Y/%m/%d” -
singleClick -boolean Wether the calendar is in “single-click mode” or “double-click mode”. If true (the default) the calendar will be created in single-click mode. -true -
disableFunc -function A function that receives a JS Date object. It should return -true if that date has to be disabled, false otherwise. -DEPRECATED (see below). -null -
dateStatusFunc -function A function that receives a JS Date object and returns a boolean -or a string. This function allows one to set a certain CSS class to some -date, therefore making it look different. If it returns true then -the date will be disabled. If it returns false nothing special -happens with the given date. If it returns a string then that will be taken -as a CSS class and appended to the date element. If this string is -“disabled” then the date is also disabled (therefore is like returning -true). For more information please also refer to section -4.3.8. -null -
firstDay -integer Specifies which day is to be displayed as the first day of -week. Possible values are 0 to 6; 0 means Sunday, 1 means Monday, ..., 6 -means Saturday. The end user can easily change this too, by clicking on the -day name in the calendar header. -0 -
weekNumbers -boolean If “true” then the calendar will display week numbers. -true -
align -string Alignment of the calendar, relative to the reference element. The -reference element is dynamically chosen like this: if a displayArea is -specified then it will be the reference element. Otherwise, the input field -is the reference element. For the meaning of the alignment characters -please section 4.3.11. -“Bl” -
range -array An array having exactly 2 elements, integers. (!) The first [0] element is the minimum year that is available, and the second [1] element is the maximum year that the calendar will allow. -[1900, 2999] -
flat -string If you want a flat calendar, pass the ID of the parent object in -this property. If not, pass null here (or nothing at all as -null is the default value). -null -
flatCallback -function You should provide this function if the calendar is flat. It -will be called when the date in the calendar is changed with a reference to -the calendar object. See section 2.2 for an example -of how to setup a flat calendar. -null -
onSelect -function If you provide a function handler here then you have to manage -the “click-on-date” event by yourself. Look in the calendar-setup.js and -take as an example the onSelect handler that you can see there. -null -
onClose -function This handler will be called when the calendar needs to close. -You don’t need to provide one, but if you do it’s your responsibility to -hide/destroy the calendar. You’re on your own. Check the calendar-setup.js -file for an example. -null -
onUpdate -function If you supply a function handler here, it will be called right -after the target field is updated with a new date. You can use this to -chain 2 calendars, for instance to setup a default date in the second just -after a date was selected in the first. -null -
date -date This allows you to setup an initial date where the calendar will be -positioned to. If absent then the calendar will open to the today date. -null -
showsTime -boolean If this is set to true then the calendar will also -allow time selection. -false -
timeFormat -string Set this to “12” or “24” to configure the way that the -calendar will display time. -“24” -
electric -boolean Set this to “false” if you want the calendar to update the -field only when closed (by default it updates the field at each date change, -even if the calendar is not closed) true -
position -array Specifies the [x, y] position, relative to page’s top-left corner, -where the calendar will be displayed. If not passed then the position will -be computed based on the “align” parameter. Defaults to “null” (not -used). null -
cache -boolean Set this to “true” if you want to cache the calendar object. -This means that a single calendar object will be used for all fields that -require a popup calendar false -
showOthers -boolean If set to “true” then days belonging to months overlapping -with the currently displayed month will also be displayed in the calendar -(but in a “faded-out” color) false - -
- -


- -

3  The Calendar object overview


-Basically you should be able to setup the calendar with the function presented -in the previous section. However, if for some reason Calendar.setup -doesn’t provide all the functionality that you need and you want to tweak into -the process of creating and configuring the calendar “by hand”, then this -section is the way to go.


-The file calendar.js implements the functionality of the calendar. -All (well, almost all) functions and variables are embedded in the JavaScript -object “Calendar”.


-You can instantiate a Calendar object by calling the constructor, like -this: var cal = new Calendar(...). We will discuss the parameters -later. After creating the object, the variable cal will contain a -reference to it. You can use this reference to access further options of the -calendar, for instance:



cal.weekNumbers = false; // do not display week numbers
-cal.showsTime = true;    // include a time selector
-cal.setDateFormat("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M"); // set this format: 2003.12.31 23:59
-cal.setDisabledHandler(function(date, year, month, day) {
-  // verify date and return true if it has to be disabled
-  // ``date'' is a JS Date object, but if you only need the
-  // year, month and/or day you can get them separately as
-  // next 3 parameters, as you can see in the declaration
-  if (year == 2004) {
-    // disable all dates from 2004
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;


-etc. Prior to version -0.9.3 this was the only way to configure it. The Calendar.setup -function, documented in section 2, basically does the same -things (actually more) in order to setup the calendar, based on the parameters -that you provided.



- -

3.1  Creating a calendar

The calendar is created by following some steps (even the function -Calendar.setup, described in section 2, does the -same). While you can skip optional (marked “opt”) steps if you’re happy with -the defaults, please respect the order below.





  1. Instantiate a Calendar object. Details about this in -section 4.1.



  2. opt   Set the weekNumbers property to false if you don’t want -the calendar to display week numbers.



  3. opt   Set the showsTime property to true if you -want the calendar to also provide a time selector.



  4. opt   Set the time24 property to false if you want -the time selector to be in 12-hour format. Default is 24-hour format. This -property only has effect if you also set showsTime to -true.



  5. opt   Set the range of years available for selection (see section -4.3.15). The default range is [1970..2050].



  6. opt   Set the getDateStatus property. You should pass -here a function that receives a JavaScript Date object and returns -true if the given date should be disabled, false otherwise (details in -section 4.3.7).



  7. opt   Set a date format. Your handler function, passed to the -calendar constructor, will be called when a date is selected with a reference -to the calendar and a date string in this format.



  8. Create the HTML elements related to the calendar. This step -practically puts the calendar in your HTML page. You simply call -Calendar.create(). You can give an optional parameter if you wanna -create a flat calendar (details in section 4.3.1).



  9. opt   Initialize the calendar to a certain date, for instance from -the input field.



  10. Show the calendar (details in section 4.3.9).






- -

3.2  Order does matter ;-)

As you could see in the previous section, there are more steps to be followed -in order to setup the calendar. This happens because there are two different -things that need to be accomplished: first there is the JavaScript object, that -is created with new Calendar(...). Secondly there are the HTML -elements that actually lets you see and manipulate the calendar.



-[ Those that did UI4 programming, no matter in what -language and on what platform, may be familiar with this concept. First there -is the object in memory that lets you manipulate the UI element, and secondly -there is the UI element (known as “control”, “window”, “widget”, etc.), -also in memory but you don’t usually access it directly. ] -

-By instantiating the calendar we create the JavaScript object. It lets us -configure some properties and it also knows how to create the UI element (the -HTML elements actually) that will eventually be what the end-user sees on -screen. Creation of the HTML element is accomplished by the function -Calendar.create. It knows how to create popup or flat calendars. -This function is described in section 4.3.1.


-Some properties need to be set prior to creating the HTML elements, because -otherwise they wouldn’t have any effect. Such a property is -weekNumbers—it has the default value “true”, and if you don’t -want the calendar to display the week numbers you have to set it to false. If, -however, you do that after calling Calendar.create the calendar -would still display the week numbers, because the HTML elements are already -created (including the <td>-s in the <table> element that -should contain the week numbers). For this reason the order of the steps above -is important.


-Another example is when you want to show the calendar. The “create” function -does create the HTML elements, but they are initially hidden (have the style -“display: none”) unless the calendar is a flat calendar that should be always -visible in the page. Obviously, the Calendar.show function should be -called after calling Calendar.create.



- -

3.3  Caching the object

Suppose the end-user has popped up a calendar and selects a date. The calendar -then closes. What really happens now?


-There are two approaches. The first (used in very old versions of the -calendar) was to drop completely the Calendar object and when the end-user pops -up the calendar again to create another one. This approach is bad for more -reasons:





-The second approach, implemented by the Calendar.setup function, is to -cache the JavaScript object. It does this by checking the global variable -window.calendar and if it is not null it assumes it is the created -Calendar object. When the end-user closes the calendar, our code will only -call “hide” on it, therefore keeping the JavaScript object and the -HTML elements in place.


-CAVEAT:     Since time selection support was introduced, this -“object caching” mechanism has the following drawback: if you once created -the calendar with the time selection support, then other items that may not -require this functionality will still get a calendar with the time selection -support enabled. And reciprocal. ;-) Hopefully this will be corrected in a -later version, but for now it doesn’t seem such a big problem.



- -

3.4  Callback functions

You might rightfully wonder how is the calendar related to the input field? -Who tells it that it has to update that input field when a date is -selected, or that it has to jump to that URL when a date is clicked in -flat mode?


-All this magic is done through callback functions. The calendar doesn’t know -anything about the existence of an input field, nor does it know where to -redirect the browser when a date is clicked in flat mode. It just calls your -callback when a particular event is happening, and you’re responsible to handle -it from there. For a general purpose library I think this is the best model of -making a truly reusable thing.


-The calendar supports the following user callbacks:






- -

4  The Calendar object API reference



- -

4.1  Calendar constructor





var calendar = Calendar(firstDayOfWeek, date, onSelect, onClose);


-Parameters are as follows:






- -

The onSelect event


-Here is a typical implementation of this function:



function onSelect(calendar, date) {
-  var input_field = document.getElementById("date");
-  input_field.value = date;


-date is in the format selected with calendar.setDateFormat -(see section 4.3.5). This code simply updates the -input field. If you want the calendar to be in single-click mode then you -should also close the calendar after you updated the input field, so we come to -the following version:



function onSelect(calendar, date) {
-  var input_field = document.getElementById("date");
-  input_field.value = date;
-  if (calendar.dateClicked) {
-    calendar.callCloseHandler(); // this calls "onClose" (see above)
-  }


-Note that we checked the member variable dateClicked and -only hide the calendar if it’s true. If this variable is false it -means that no date was actually selected, but the user only changed the -month/year using the navigation buttons or the menus. We don’t want to hide -the calendar in that case.



- -

The onClose event


-This event is triggered when the calendar should close. It should hide or -destroy the calendar object—the calendar itself just triggers the event, but -it won’t close itself.


-A typical implementation of this function is the following:



function onClose(calendar) {
-  calendar.hide();
-  // or calendar.destroy();



- -

4.2  Useful member variables (properties)


-After creating the Calendar object you can access the following properties:





-There are lots of other member variables, but one should access them only -through member functions so I won’t document them here.



- -

4.3  Public methods

- -

4.3.1  Calendar.create


-This function creates the afferent HTML elements that are needed to display the -calendar. You should call it after setting the calendar properties. Synopsis: -

calendar.create(); // creates a popup calendar
-  // -- or --
-calendar.create(document.getElementById(parent_id)); // makes a flat calendar


-It can create a popup calendar or a flat calendar. If the “parent” argument -is present (it should be a reference—not ID—to an HTML element) then -a flat calendar is created and it is inserted in the given element.


-At any moment, given a reference to a calendar object, we can inspect if it’s a -popup or a flat calendar by checking the boolean member variable -isPopup:



if (calendar.isPopup) {
-   // this is a popup calendar
-} else {
-   // this is a flat calendar



- -

4.3.2  Calendar.callHandler


-This function calls the first user callback (the -onSelect handler) with the required parameters.



- -

4.3.3  Calendar.callCloseHandler


-This function calls the second user callback (the -onClose handler). It’s useful when you want to have a -“single-click” calendar—just call this in your onSelect handler, -if a date was clicked.



- -

4.3.4  Calendar.hide


-Call this function to hide the calendar. The calendar object and HTML elements -will not be destroyed, thus you can later call one of the show -functions on the same element.



- -

4.3.5  Calendar.setDateFormat


-This function configures the format in which the calendar reports the date to -your “onSelect” handler. Call it like this:





-As you can see, it receives only one parameter, the required format. The magic -characters are the following:



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%a abbreviated weekday name
%A full weekday name
%b abbreviated month name
%B full month name
%C century number
%d the day of the month ( 00 .. 31 )
%e the day of the month ( 0 .. 31 )
%H hour ( 00 .. 23 )
%I hour ( 01 .. 12 )
%j day of the year ( 000 .. 366 )
%k hour ( 0 .. 23 )
%l hour ( 1 .. 12 )
%m month ( 01 .. 12 )
%M minute ( 00 .. 59 )
%n a newline character
%p “PM” or “AM”
%P “pm” or “am”
%S second ( 00 .. 59 )
%s number of seconds since Epoch (since Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
%t a tab character
%U, %W, %V the week number
%u the day of the week ( 1 .. 7, 1 = MON )
%w the day of the week ( 0 .. 6, 0 = SUN )
%y year without the century ( 00 .. 99 )
%Y year including the century ( ex. 1979 )
%% a literal % character -

-There are more algorithms for computing the week number. All -three specifiers currently implement the same one, as defined by ISO 8601: -“the week 01 is the week that has the Thursday in the current year, which is -equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January. Weeks start on -Monday.”



- -

4.3.6  Calendar.setTtDateFormat


-Has the same prototype as Calendar.setDateFormat, but refers to the -format of the date displayed in the “status bar” when the mouse is over some -date.



- -

4.3.7  Calendar.setDisabledHandler


-This function allows you to specify a callback function that checks if a -certain date must be disabled by the calendar. You are responsible to write -the callback function. Synopsis:



function disallowDate(date) {
-  // date is a JS Date object
-  if (  date.getFullYear() == 2003 &&
-        date.getMonth()    == 6 /* July, it's zero-based */ &&
-        date.getDate()     == 5  ) {
-    return true; // disable July 5 2003
-  }
-  return false; // enable other dates


-If you change this function in “real-time”, meaning, without creating a new -calendar, then you have to call calendar.refresh() to make it -redisplay the month and take into account the new disabledHandler. -Calendar.setup does this, so you have no such trouble with it.


-Note that disallowDate should be very fast, as it is called for each -date in the month. Thus, it gets called, say, 30 times before displaying the -calendar, and 30 times when the month is changed. Tests I’ve done so far show -that it’s still good, but in the future I might switch it to a different design -(for instance, to call it once per month and to return an array of dates that -must be disabled).


-This function should be considered deprecated in the favor of -Calendar.setDateStatusHandler, described below.



- -

4.3.8  Calendar.setDateStatusHandler


-This function obsoletes Calendar.setDisabledHandler. You call it with -a function parameter, but this function can return a boolean -or a string. If the return value is a boolean (true or -false) then it behaves just like setDisabledHandler, -therefore disabling the date if the return value is true.


-If the returned value is a string then the given date will gain an additional -CSS class, namely the returned value. You can use this to highlight some dates -in some way. Note that you are responsible for defining the CSS class that you -return. If you return the string “disabled” then that date will be disabled, -just as if you returned true.


-Here is a simple scenario that shows what you can do with this function. The -following should be present in some of your styles, or in the document head in -a STYLE tag (but put it after the place where the calendar styles were -loaded):



.special { background-color: #000; color: #fff; }


-And you would use the following code before calling Calendar.create():



// this table holds your special days, so that we can automatize
-// things a bit:
-    0 : [ 13, 24 ],             // special days in January
-    2 : [ 1, 6, 8, 12, 18 ],    // special days in March
-    8 : [ 21, 11 ],             // special days in September
-   11 : [ 25, 28 ]              // special days in December
-// this function returns true if the passed date is special
-function dateIsSpecial(year, month, day) {
-    var m = SPECIAL_DAYS[month];
-    if (!m) return false;
-    for (var i in m) if (m[i] == day) return true;
-    return false;
-// this is the actual date status handler.  Note that it receives the
-// date object as well as separate values of year, month and date, for
-// your confort.
-function dateStatusHandler(date, y, m, d) {
-    if (dateIsSpecial(y, m, d)) return ``special'';
-    else return false;
-    // return true above if you want to disable other dates
-// configure it to the calendar


-The above code adds the “special” class name to some dates that are defined -in the SPECIAL_DAYS table. Other dates will simply be displayed as default, -enabled.



- -

4.3.9  Calendar.show


-Call this function do show the calendar. It basically sets the CSS “display” -property to “block”. It doesn’t modify the calendar position.


-This function only makes sense when the calendar is in popup mode.



- -

4.3.10  Calendar.showAt


-Call this to show the calendar at a certain (x, y) position. Prototype:



calendar.showAt(x, y);


-The parameters are absolute coordinates relative to the top left -corner of the page, thus they are page coordinates not screen -coordinates.


-After setting the given coordinates it calls Calendar.show. This function only -makes sense when the calendar is in popup mode.



- -

4.3.11  Calendar.showAtElement


-This function is useful if you want to display the calendar near some element. -You call it like this:



calendar.showAtElement(element, align);


-where element is a reference to your element (for instance it can be the input -field that displays the date) and align is an optional parameter, of type string, -containing one or two characters. For instance, if you pass "Br" as -align, the calendar will appear below the element and with its right -margin continuing the element’s right margin.


-As stated above, align may contain one or two characters. The first character -dictates the vertical alignment, relative to the element, and the second -character dictates the horizontal alignment. If the second character is -missing it will be assumed "l" (the left margin of the calendar will -be at the same horizontal position as the left margin of the element).


-The characters given for the align parameters are case sensitive. This -function only makes sense when the calendar is in popup mode. After computing -the position it uses Calendar.showAt to display the calendar there.



- -

Vertical alignment

The first character in “align” can take one of the following values:






- -

Horizontal alignment

The second character in “align” can take one of the following values:






- -

Default values

If the “align” parameter is missing the calendar will choose -“Br”.



- -

4.3.12  Calendar.setDate


-Receives a JavaScript Date object. Sets the given date in the -calendar. If the calendar is visible the new date is displayed immediately.



calendar.setDate(new Date()); // go today



- -

4.3.13  Calendar.setFirstDayOfWeek


-Changes the first day of week. The parameter has to be a numeric value ranging -from 0 to 6. Pass 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, ..., 6 for Saturday.



calendar.setFirstDayOfWeek(5); // start weeks on Friday



- -

4.3.14  Calendar.parseDate


-Use this function to parse a date given as string and to move the calendar to -that date.


-The algorithm tries to parse the date according to the format that was -previously set with Calendar.setDateFormat; if that fails, it still -tries to get some valid date out of it (it doesn’t read your thoughts, though).






- -

4.3.15  Calendar.setRange


-Sets the range of years that are allowed in the calendar. Synopsis:



calendar.setRange(1970, 2050);



- -

5  Side effects

The calendar code was intentionally embedded in an object to make it have as -less as possible side effects. However, there are some—not harmful, after -all. Here is a list of side effects; you can count they already happened after -calendar.js was loaded.





  1. The global variable window.calendar will be set to null. This -variable is used by the calendar code, especially when doing drag & drop for -moving the calendar. In the future I might get rid of it, but for now it -didn’t harm anyone.



  2. The JavaScript Date object is modified. We add some properties -and functions that are very useful to our calendar. It made more sense to add -them directly to the Date object than to the calendar itself. -Complete list:





    1. Date._MD = new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); -

    2. Date.SECOND = 1000 /* milliseconds */; -

    3. Date.MINUTE = 60 * Date.SECOND; -

    4. Date.HOUR = 60 * Date.MINUTE; -

    5. Date.DAY = 24 * Date.HOUR; -

    6. Date.WEEK = 7 * Date.DAY;



    7. Date.prototype.getMonthDays(month) — returns the number of days -of the given month, or of the current date object if no month was given.



    8. Date.prototype.getWeekNumber() — returns the week number of the -date in the current object.



    9. Date.prototype.equalsTo(other_date) — compare the current date -object with other_date and returns true if the dates are -equal. It ignores time.



    10. Date.prototype.print(format) — returns a string with the -current date object represented in the given format. It implements the format -specified in section 4.3.5.









- -

6  Credits

The following people either sponsored, donated money to the project or bought -commercial licenses (listed in reverse chronological order). Your name could -be here too! If you wish to sponsor the project (for instance request a -feature and pay me for implementing it) or donate some money please -please contact me at mishoo@infoiasi.ro.






- -Thank you!
-— mishoo@infoiasi.ro -




1 -by the term “widget” I understand a single element of user interface. -But that’s in Linux world. For those that did lots of Windows -programming the term “control” might be more familiar -


2 people report that the calendar does -not work with IE5/Mac. I don’t have access to a Macintosh, -therefore—sorry—I can’t fix it.


3 under Opera 7 the calendar still lacks some functionality, such as -keyboard navigation; also Opera doesn’t seem to allow disabling text -selection when one drags the mouse on the page; despite all that, the -calendar is still highly functional under Opera 7 and looks as good as -in other supported browsers.


4 user interface

-Last modified: Fri, Feb 6, 2004, 8:53 pm
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