From: Benoît Pin <>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 20:51:23 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Introduction d'un système de remise scriptable.

Introduction d'un système de remise scriptable.

diff --git a/skins/ b/skins/
index f305a1e..e12acec 100755
--- a/skins/
+++ b/skins/
@@ -22,127 +22,133 @@ form = context.REQUEST.form
 nextStep = None
 if cart.locked :
-	pendingOrder = context.restrictedTraverse(cart.pendingOrderPath)
-	return context.setRedirect(pendingOrder, 'object/view', ajax=form.get('ajax'))
+    pendingOrder = context.restrictedTraverse(cart.pendingOrderPath)
+    return context.setRedirect(pendingOrder, 'object/view', ajax=form.get('ajax'))
 if order :
-	if isAnon :
-		atool = portal.portal_actions
-		came_from = '%s/my_cart' % portal_url
-		return context.setRedirect(atool, 'customer/login', came_from=came_from, ajax=form.get('ajax'))
+    if isAnon :
+        atool = portal.portal_actions
+        came_from = '%s/my_cart' % portal_url
+        return context.setRedirect(atool, 'customer/login', came_from=came_from, ajax=form.get('ajax'))
 if shipping :
-	member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember()
-	options['shipping_fullname']	= member.getMemberFullName(nameBefore=0)
-	options['shipping_address']		= member.getProperty('billing_address')
-	options['shipping_city']		= member.getProperty('billing_city')
-	options['shipping_zipcode']		= member.getProperty('billing_zipcode')
-	options['shipping_country']		= member.getProperty('country')
-	return context.shipping_template(**options)
+    member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember()
+    options['shipping_fullname']    = member.getMemberFullName(nameBefore=0)
+    options['shipping_address']     = member.getProperty('billing_address')
+    options['shipping_city']        = member.getProperty('billing_city')
+    options['shipping_zipcode']     = member.getProperty('billing_zipcode')
+    options['shipping_country']     = member.getProperty('country')
+    return context.shipping_template(**options)
 if set_shipping :
-	fg = lambda name : form.get(name,'').strip()
-	if context.shipping_set_control(**form) :
-		order = pptool.addPrintOrder(cart)
-		return context.setRedirect(order, 'object/view', ajax=fg('ajax'))
-	else :
-		for name in [ 'shipping_fullname'
-					, 'shipping_address'
-					, 'shipping_city'
-					, 'shipping_zipcode'
-					, 'shipping_country'] :
-			options[name] = fg(name)
-		return context.shipping_template(**options)
+    fg = lambda name : form.get(name,'').strip()
+    if context.shipping_set_control(**form) :
+        order = pptool.addPrintOrder(cart)
+        return context.setRedirect(order, 'object/view', ajax=fg('ajax'))
+    else :
+        for name in [ 'shipping_fullname'
+                    , 'shipping_address'
+                    , 'shipping_city'
+                    , 'shipping_zipcode'
+                    , 'shipping_country'] :
+            options[name] = fg(name)
+        return context.shipping_template(**options)
 if isAnon :
-	nextStep = {'name':'order', 'value' : _('Order >>')}
+    nextStep = {'name':'order', 'value' : _('Order >>')}
 else :
-	nextStep = {'name':'shipping', 'value' : _('Shipping >>')}
+    nextStep = {'name':'shipping', 'value' : _('Shipping >>')}
 msg = ''
 for k, v in form.items() :
-	if hasattr(v, 'items') :
-		uid, templateId = k.split('_',1)
-		if v.has_key('refresh') :
-			quantity = v['quantity']
-			try :
-				quantity = int(quantity)
-			except ValueError:
-				msg = _('You must enter an integer for quantity (found: %s)') % quantity
-			if quantity <= 0 :
-				msg = _('You must enter a positive value for quantity (found: %s)') % quantity
-			if not msg :
-				item = {'cmf_uid'			: uid
-					   ,'printing_template' : templateId
-					   ,'quantity'			: quantity}
-				try :
-					cart.update(context, item)
-				except SoldOutError, e :
-					n = e.n
-					if n > 1 :
-						msg = _("Only %d available copies of this photo in this size.") % n
-					elif n == 1 :
-						msg = _("Only one last available copy of this photo in this size.")
-					else :
-						msg = _("No more available copy of this photo and in this size.")
-		if v.has_key('delete'):
-			cart.remove(context, uid, templateId)
+    if hasattr(v, 'items') :
+        uid, templateId = k.split('_',1)
+        if v.has_key('refresh') :
+            quantity = v['quantity']
+            try :
+                quantity = int(quantity)
+            except ValueError:
+                msg = _('You must enter an integer for quantity (found: %s)') % quantity
+            if quantity <= 0 :
+                msg = _('You must enter a positive value for quantity (found: %s)') % quantity
+            if not msg :
+                item = {'cmf_uid'           : uid
+                       ,'printing_template' : templateId
+                       ,'quantity'          : quantity}
+                try :
+                    cart.update(context, item)
+                except SoldOutError, e :
+                    n = e.n
+                    if n > 1 :
+                        msg = _("Only %d available copies of this photo in this size.") % n
+                    elif n == 1 :
+                        msg = _("Only one last available copy of this photo in this size.")
+                    else :
+                        msg = _("No more available copy of this photo and in this size.")
+        if v.has_key('delete'):
+            cart.remove(context, uid, templateId)
 options['empty'] = not cart
 infos = []
 prices = []
 quantityTotal = 0
 for item in cart :
-	b = uidh.getBrain(item['cmf_uid'])
-	poptions = pptool.getPrintingOptionsContainerFor(b.getObject())
-	pt = getattr(poptions, item['printing_template'])
-	size = b.getThumbnailSize
-	d = {'thumbUrl' : '%s/getThumbnail' % b.getURL()
-		,'thumbHeight' : size['height'] / 2
-		,'thumbWidth' : size['width'] / 2
-		,'alt' : ('%s - %s' % (b.Title, b.Description)).strip(' -')
-		,'cmf_uid':b.cmf_uid
-		,'title': pt.title
-		,'description': pt.description
-		,'quantity':item['quantity']
-		,'amount': '%s €' % (pt.price * item['quantity']).taxed
-		,'templateId': pt.getId()
-		}
-	quantityTotal += item['quantity']
-	prices.append(pt.price * item['quantity'])
-	infos.append(d)
+    b = uidh.getBrain(item['cmf_uid'])
+    poptions = pptool.getPrintingOptionsContainerFor(b.getObject())
+    pt = getattr(poptions, item['printing_template'])
+    size = b.getThumbnailSize
+    d = {'thumbUrl' : '%s/getThumbnail' % b.getURL()
+        ,'thumbHeight' : size['height'] / 2
+        ,'thumbWidth' : size['width'] / 2
+        ,'alt' : ('%s - %s' % (b.Title, b.Description)).strip(' -')
+        ,'cmf_uid':b.cmf_uid
+        ,'title': pt.title
+        ,'description': pt.description
+        ,'quantity':item['quantity']
+        ,'amount': '%s €' % (pt.price * item['quantity']).taxed
+        ,'templateId': pt.getId()
+        }
+    quantityTotal += item['quantity']
+    prices.append(pt.price * item['quantity'])
+    infos.append(d)
 options['infos'] = infos
 if len(prices) == 1:
-	pricesTotal = prices[0]
+    pricesTotal = prices[0]
 elif len(prices) > 1 :
-	pricesTotal = reduce(lambda a, b : a + b, prices)
+    pricesTotal = reduce(lambda a, b : a + b, prices)
 if prices :
-	options['pricesTotal'] = pricesTotal
-	options['quantityTotal'] = quantityTotal
-	shippingFees = pptool.getShippingFeesFor(price=pricesTotal)
-	options['shippingFees'] = shippingFees
-	options['totalAmount'] = pricesTotal + shippingFees
+    options['pricesTotal'] = pricesTotal
+    options['quantityTotal'] = quantityTotal
+    discount = 0
+    if context.get('photoprint_discount') :
+        discount = context.photoprint_discount(pricesTotal, quantityTotal)
+    options['discount'] = discount
+    shippingFees = pptool.getShippingFeesFor(price=pricesTotal)
+    options['shippingFees'] = shippingFees
+    coeff = (100 - discount) / 100.
+    options['totalAmount'] = pricesTotal * coeff + shippingFees
 breadcrumbs = [
-	{ 'id'		: 'root'
-	, 'title'	: portal.title
-	, 'url'		: portal_url},
+    { 'id'      : 'root'
+    , 'title'   : portal.title
+    , 'url'     : portal_url},
-	{'id'		: 'my_cart'
-	,'title'	: _('My cart')
-	, 'url'		: '%s/my_cart' % portal_url}
-	]
+    {'id'       : 'my_cart'
+    ,'title'    : _('My cart')
+    , 'url'     : '%s/my_cart' % portal_url}
+    ]
 options['breadcrumbs'] = breadcrumbs
 if msg :
-	context.REQUEST.other['portal_status_message'] = msg
+    context.REQUEST.other['portal_status_message'] = msg
 options['cartIsOrder'] = False
 options['nextStep'] = nextStep
 return context.my_cart_template(**options)
diff --git a/skins/ b/skins/
index b05a499..bdafd8c 100644
--- a/skins/
+++ b/skins/
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@
                 <td tal:content="python:'%s €' % options['pricesTotal'].taxed">prices total</td>
                 <td colspan="2"><br/></td>
+              <tr tal:define="discount options/discount" tal:condition="discount">
+                <th colspan="3" style="text-align:right;padding-right:1em" i18n:translate="">Discount</th>
+                <td><span tal:replace="discount"/>%</td>
+                <td colspan="2"><br/></td>
+              </tr>
                 <th colspan="3" style="text-align:right;padding-right:1em" i18n:translate="">Shipping</th>
                 <td tal:content="python:'%s €' % options['shippingFees'].taxed">2</td>