Domains Module ============== .. py:class :: Domain .. py:method:: polyhedra(self) Return . Domain Properties ----------------- .. py:method:: symbols(self) Returns a list of the symbols used in a set. .. py:method:: dimension(self) Returns the number of variables in a set. .. py:method:: disjoint(self) Returns a set as disjoint. .. py:method:: num_parameters(self) Returns the total number of parameters, input, output or set dimensions. .. py:method:: involves_dims(self, dims) Returns true if set depends on given dimensions. Unary Properties ---------------- .. py:method:: isempty(self) Return true is set is an Empty set. .. py:method:: isuniverse(self) Return true if set is the Universe set. .. py:method:: isbounded(self) Return true if set is bounded .. py:method:: disjoint(self) Returns this set as a disjoint set. Binary Properties ----------------- .. py:method:: isdisjoint(self, other) Return true if the intersection of two sets results in an Empty set. .. py:method:: issubset(self, other) Returns true if one set contains the other set. .. py:method:: __eq__(self, other) Return true if self == other. .. py:method:: __lt__(self, other) Return true if self < other. .. py:method:: __le__(self, other) Return true if self <= other. .. py:method:: __gt__(self, other) Return true if self > other. .. py:method:: __ge__(self, other) Return true if self >= other. Unary Operations ---------------- .. py:method:: complement(self) Return the complement of a set. .. py:method:: simplify(self) Removes redundant constraints from a set. .. py:method:: project(self, dims) Return a new set with the given dimensions removed. .. py:method:: aspolyhedron(self) Return polyhedral hull of a set. .. py:method:: asdomain(self) Return .. py:method:: sample(self) Return a single sample subset of a set. Binary Operations ----------------- .. py:method:: intersection(self) Return the intersection of two sets as a new set. .. py:method:: union(self) Return the union of two sets as a new set. .. py:method:: __and__(self, other) Return the union of two sets as a new set. .. py:method:: __or__(self, other) Return the intersection of two sets as a new set. .. py:method:: __add__(self, other) Return the sum of two sets. .. py:method:: difference(self, other) Return the difference of two sets. Lexiographic Operations ----------------------- .. py:method:: lexmin(self) Return a new set containing the lexicographic minimum of the elements in the set. .. py:method:: lexmax(self) Return a new set containing the lexicographic maximum of the elements in the set. Plot Properties --------------- .. py:method:: points(self) Return a list of the points contained in a set. .. py:method:: vertices(self) Return a list of the verticies of this set. .. py:method:: faces(self) Return a list of the vertices for each face of a set. .. py:method:: plot(self, plot=None, **kwargs) Return a plot of the given set.