.. _tutorial: Tutorial ======== This section a short introduction to some of LinPy's features. For a comprehensive description of its functionalities, please consult the :ref:`reference`. .. _tutorial_polyhedra: Z-Polyhedra ----------- The following example shows how we can manipulate polyhedra using LinPy. Let us define two square polyhedra, corresponding to the sets ``square1 = {(x, y) | 0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 2}`` and ``square2 = {(x, y) | 2 <= x <= 4, 2 <= y <= 4}``. First, we need define the symbols used, for instance with the :func:`symbols` function. >>> from linpy import * >>> x, y = symbols('x y') Then, we can build the :class:`Polyhedron` object ``square1`` from its constraints: >>> square1 = Le(0, x, 2) & Le(0, y, 2) >>> square1 And(0 <= x, x <= 2, 0 <= y, y <= 2) LinPy provides comparison functions :func:`Lt`, :func:`Le`, :func:`Eq`, :func:`Ne`, :func:`Ge` and :func:`Gt` to build constraints, and logical operators :func:`And`, :func:`Or`, :func:`Not` to combine them. Alternatively, a polyhedron can be built from a string: >>> square2 = Polyhedron('1 <= x <= 3, 1 <= y <= 3') >>> square2 And(1 <= x, x <= 3, 1 <= y, y <= 3) The usual polyhedral operations are available, including intersection: >>> inter = square1.intersection(square2) # or square1 & square2 >>> inter And(1 <= x, x <= 2, 1 <= y, y <= 2) convex union: >>> hull = square1.convex_union(square2) >>> hull And(0 <= x, 0 <= y, x <= y + 2, y <= x + 2, x <= 3, y <= 3) and projection: >>> proj = square1.project([y]) >>> proj And(0 <= x, x <= 2) Equality and inclusion tests are also provided. Special values :data:`Empty` and :data:`Universe` represent the empty and universe polyhedra. >>> inter <= square1 True >>> inter == Empty False .. _tutorial_domains: Domains ------- LinPy is also able to manipulate polyhedral *domains*, that is, unions of polyhedra. An example of domain is the set union (as opposed to convex union) of polyhedra ``square1`` and ``square2``. The result is a :class:`Domain` object. >>> union = square1.union(square2) # or square1 | square2 >>> union Or(And(x <= 2, 0 <= x, y <= 2, 0 <= y), And(x <= 3, 1 <= x, y <= 3, 1 <= y)) >>> union <= hull True Unlike polyhedra, domains allow exact computation of union, subtraction and complementary operations. >>> diff = square1.difference(square2) # or square1 - square2 >>> diff Or(And(x == 0, 0 <= y, y <= 2), And(y == 0, 1 <= x, x <= 2)) >>> ~square1 Or(x + 1 <= 0, 3 <= x, And(0 <= x, x <= 2, y + 1 <= 0), And(0 <= x, x <= 2, 3 <= y)) .. _tutorial_plot: Plotting -------- LinPy can use the :mod:`matplotlib` plotting library, if available, to plot bounded polyhedra and domains. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from matplotlib import pylab >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') >>> square1.plot(plot, facecolor='red', alpha=0.3) >>> square2.plot(plot, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3) >>> hull.plot(plot, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.3) >>> pylab.show() Note that you can pass a plot object to the :meth:`Domain.plot` method, which provides great flexibility. Also, keyword arguments can be passed such as color and the degree of transparency of a polygon. .. figure:: images/union.jpg :align: center 3D plots are also supported: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from matplotlib import pylab >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D >>> from linpy import * >>> x, y, z = symbols('x y z') >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d', aspect='equal') >>> plot.set_title('Chamfered cube') >>> poly = Le(0, x, 3) & Le(0, y, 3) & Le(0, z, 3) & \ Le(z - 2, x) & Le(x, z + 2) & Le(1 - z, x) & Le(x, 5 - z) & \ Le(z - 2, y) & Le(y, z + 2) & Le(1 - z, y) & Le(y, 5 - z) & \ Le(y - 2, x) & Le(x, y + 2) & Le(1 - y, x) & Le(x, 5 - y) >>> poly.plot(plot, facecolor='red', alpha=0.75) >>> pylab.show() .. figure:: images/cham_cube.jpg :align: center