-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Écran de jeu MinWii :
-bandes arc-en-ciel représentant un clavier.
-import pygame
-from colorsys import hls_to_rgb
-from gradients import gradients
-from math import floor
-# TODO : positionner cette constance en fonction de la résolution d'affichage
-# externaliser la conf.
-BORDER = 5 # 5px
-FIRST_HUE = 0.6
-class _PlayingScreenBase(pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates) :
- def __init__(self, distinctNotes=[]) :
- """
- distinctNotes : notes disctinctes présentes dans la chanson
- triées du plus grave au plus aigu.
- """
- super(_PlayingScreenBase, self).__init__()
- self.distinctNotes = distinctNotes
- self.keyboardLength = 0
- self.keyboardRects = []
- self._initRects()
- self._initColumns()
- def _initRects(self) :
- """ création des espaces réservés pour
- afficher les colonnes.
- """
- ambitus = self.distinctNotes[-1].midi - self.distinctNotes[0].midi
- if ambitus <= 12 :
- self.keyboardLength = 8
- else :
- self.keyboardLength = 11
- screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
- # taille de la zone d'affichage utile (bordure autour)
- dispWidth = screen.get_width() - 2 * BORDER
- dispHeight = screen.get_height() - 2 * BORDER
- columnWidth = int(round(float(dispWidth) / self.keyboardLength))
- rects = []
- for i in range(self.keyboardLength) :
- upperLeftCorner = (i*columnWidth + BORDER, BORDER)
- rect = pygame.Rect(upperLeftCorner, (columnWidth, dispHeight))
- rects.append(rect)
- self.keyboardRects = rects
- def _initColumns(self) :
- hueStep = FIRST_HUE / (self.keyboardLength - 1)
- for i, rect in enumerate(self.keyboardRects) :
- hue = FIRST_HUE - hueStep * i
- c = Column(hue, rect)
- self.add(c)
- def highlightColumn(self, index) :
- for i, sprite in enumerate(self.sprites()) :
- sprite.update(i==index)
- self.draw(pygame.display.get_surface())
-class SongPlayingScreen(_PlayingScreenBase) :
- def __init__(self, song) :
- super(SongPlayingScreen, self).__init__(song.distinctNotes)
- self.song = song
-class SongPlayingScreenTest(_PlayingScreenBase) :
- def __init__(self) :
- class C:pass
- o = C()
- o.midi=1
- super(SongPlayingScreenTest, self).__init__([o])
- self.__running = True
- #pygame.display.flip()
- #raw_input('allez ?')
- def run(self):
- while self.__running :
- pygame.display.flip()
- events = pygame.event.get()
- for event in events:
- self.input(event)
- def input(self, event) :
- if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- if event.key == pygame.K_q:
- self.__running = False
- uni = event.unicode
- if uni.isdigit() and int(uni) <=8 :
- self.highlightColumn(int(uni))
- # if event.key == pygame.K_i:
- # self.backToInstrumentChoice = True
- # self.done = True
- #
- # if event.key == pygame.K_w:
- # self.nextLevel = 0
- # self.done = True
- #
- # if event.key == pygame.K_e:
- # self.nextLevel = 1
- # self.done = True
- #
- # if event.key == pygame.K_r:
- # self.nextLevel = 2
- # self.done = True
- #
- # if event.key == pygame.K_t:
- # self.nextLevel = 3
- # self.done = True
-class Column(pygame.sprite.Sprite) :
- def __init__(self, hue, rect) :
- pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)
- sur = pygame.surface.Surface(rect.size)
- rgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, OFF_LUMINANCE, OFF_SATURATION)
- sur.fill(rgba)
- self.stateOff = sur
- topRgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, ON_TOP_LUMINANCE, ON_SATURATION)
- bottomRgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, ON_BOTTOM_LUMINANCE, ON_SATURATION)
- size = rect.inflate(2*rect.width,0).size
- self.stateOn = gradients.vertical(size, topRgba, bottomRgba)
- self.image = self.stateOff
- self.rect = rect
- def update(self, state) :
- if state :
- self.image = self.stateOn
- else :
- self.image = self.stateOff
-def hls_to_rgba_8bits(h, l, s) :
- #convert to rgb ranging from 0 to 255
- rgba = [floor(255 * i) for i in hls_to_rgb(h, l, s) + (1,)]
- return tuple(rgba)
\ No newline at end of file