X-Git-Url: https://scm.cri.ensmp.fr/git/minwii.git/blobdiff_plain/1ddc7962970b99d8e6b3f760f99f1fdd76687987..ee24fce216592a13d95977d7d4e3374692fd6924:/src/app/minwii.py

diff --git a/src/app/minwii.py b/src/app/minwii.py
index 1cf7daf..fe17218 100755
--- a/src/app/minwii.py
+++ b/src/app/minwii.py
@@ -18,69 +18,126 @@ from eventutils import EventDispatcher
 from musicxml import musicXml2Song
 from config import SONG_FILE_PATH
 from globals import PLAYING_MODES_DICT
+from log import console
 class MinWii(object):
-    def __init__(self, wimoteSupport=True) :
+    def __init__(self, wiimoteSupport=True) :
+        self.wiimoteSupport = wiimoteSupport
-        app = Desktop()
-        synth = Synth()
-        modeResolution = (1024,768)
-        if wimoteSupport :
+        self.app = Desktop()
+        self.synth = Synth()
+        self.screenResolution = (1024,768)
+        self.nwiimotes = 0
+        self.initWiimotes()
+    def initWiimotes(self) :
+        if self.wiimoteSupport :
             from pywiiuse import pygame_wiimouse
-            from pywiiuse.PyWiiUse import IR_BELOW
-            pygame_wiimouse.init(1, 5) # look for 1, wait 5 seconds
-            n = pygame_wiimouse.get_count()
-            print '%d wiimotes' % n
-            WT = pygame_wiimouse.WT
+            pygame_wiimouse.init(4, 5, self.screenResolution) # look for 4, wait 5 seconds
+            self.nwiimotes = nwiimotes = pygame_wiimouse.get_count()
+            console.debug('%d wiimotes found', nwiimotes)
+            self.WT = WT = pygame_wiimouse.WT
-            wm = pygame_wiimouse.Wiimote(0) # access the wiimote object
-            wm.enable_accels(0) # turn on acceleration reporting
-            wm.enable_ir(1, vres = modeResolution, position=IR_BELOW)
         else :
-            class _WTFacade :
-                def pause(self):
-                    pass
-                def resume(self):
-                    pass
-            WT = _WTFacade()
+            self.WT = _WTFacade()
-        pygame.display.set_mode(modeResolution)
+    def run(self) :
+        "manage the screen sequence display"
+        pygame.display.set_mode(self.screenResolution)
+        WT = self.WT
         while True :
-            # sélection de la chanson
-            home = Home(songPath=SONG_FILE_PATH)
-            home.connect(QUIT, app.quit)
-            app.run(home)
-            app.close(home)
-            returnValue = home.returnValue
-            if not returnValue :
-                break
+            exit, songFile, playMode, selectedWiimoteIndex = self.selectSongAndOptions()
+            if exit : break
-            # sélection de l'instrument
+            WT.selectWiimote(selectedWiimoteIndex)
-            selector = InstrumentSelector()
-            selector.run()
-            selector.stop()
-            pygame.event.clear()
-            EventDispatcher.reset()
-            instrumentDescription = selector.selectedInstrument
+            instrumentDescription = self.selectInstrument()
+            self.runPlayingScreen(songFile, playMode, instrumentDescription)
-            # lancement du lecteur / clavier
-            songFile = home.songFile
-            playMode = home.modeSelect.value
-            playMode = PLAYING_MODES_DICT[playMode]
-            song = musicXml2Song(songFile)
-            bank, preset = instrumentDescription['bank'], instrumentDescription['preset']
-            octave = instrumentDescription.get('octave', 0)
-            synth.adjust_octave(0, octave)
-            synth.program_select(0, bank, preset)
-            playingScreen = SongPlayingScreen(synth, song, mode=playMode)
-            playingScreen.run()
-            pygame.event.clear()
-            EventDispatcher.reset()
+    def selectSongAndOptions(self) :
+        """ lance l'écran de paramétrage et retourne un tuple comportant :
+            - drapeau de sortie de l'application (booléen)
+            - chemin du fichier de la chanson
+            - mode (entier)
+            - wiimote sélectionnée (entier)
+        """
+        home = Home(songPath=SONG_FILE_PATH,
+                    nwiimotes=self.nwiimotes)
+        app = self.app
+        home.connect(QUIT, app.quit)
+        app.run(home)
+        app.close(home)
+        actual_wiimotes = self.WT.get_count()
+        if actual_wiimotes is None :
+            msg = 'chanson : %s\nmode : %s\nHID : souris'
+            msg = msg % (home.songFile,
+                         home.modeSelect.value)
+        elif actual_wiimotes == 0 :
+            msg = 'chanson : %s\nmode : %s\nHID : souris (pas de wiimote trouvée)'
+            msg = msg % (home.songFile,
+                         home.modeSelect.value)
+        else :
+            msg = 'chanson : %s\nmode : %s\nHID : wiimote %d'
+            msg = msg % (home.songFile,
+                         home.modeSelect.value,
+                         home.selectedWiimote.value + 1)
+        console.info(msg)
+        return (home.exitApp,
+                home.songFile,
+                home.modeSelect.value,
+                home.selectedWiimote.value)
+    def selectInstrument(self) :
+        """ lance l'écran de sélection de l'instrument et retourne
+            un dictionnaire comportant la description de l'instrument
+        """
+        selector = InstrumentSelector()
+        selector.run()
+        selector.stop()
+        pygame.event.clear()
+        EventDispatcher.reset()
+        return selector.selectedInstrument
+    def runPlayingScreen(self, songFile, playMode, instrumentDescription) :
+        """ Lance l'écran de jeu principal avec la chanson 'songFile' dans le mode 'playMode'
+            avec l'instrument midi 'instrumentDescription'.
+        """
+        playMode = PLAYING_MODES_DICT[playMode]
+        song = musicXml2Song(songFile)
+        bank, preset = instrumentDescription['bank'], instrumentDescription['preset']
+        octave = instrumentDescription.get('octave', 0)
+        self.synth.adjust_octave(0, octave)
+        self.synth.program_select(0, bank, preset)
+        playingScreen = SongPlayingScreen(self.synth, song, mode=playMode)
+        playingScreen.run()
+        pygame.event.clear()
+        EventDispatcher.reset()
+class _WTFacade :
+    """ Classe utilitaire pour singer l'api
+        de pygame_wiimouse en cas d'abscence de wiimote.
+    """
+    selectWimoteIndex = 0
+    def pause(self):
+        pass
+    def resume(self):
+        pass
+    def selectWiimote(self, i):
+        pass
+    def get_count(self) :
+        return None