PIPS: Phases and Transformations
This page contains a very brief description of PIPS analysis and
transformation phases. For more information, see the corresponding
technical pages when they exist.
Creates the undelying data base and splits the program into modules
corresponding to the different subroutines or functions.
Produces the abstract syntax tree of each module.
Computes the hierarchical control flow graph of the current module.
Interprocedural control flow graph: for each module, computes its callers.
The effects describe the memory operations of instructions. PIPS
distinguishes WRITE and READ effects, as well as MAY and MUST
effects. Effects on array elements are handled as effects on the whole
array. Three types of effect are computed in PIPS:
- Proper effects describe the local references of an instructions. For
an assignment, they contain all the variables used or defined. For a loop,
they only describe the effects on the loop index, on the loop bounds, and on
the increment.
- Cumulated effects are a summary of the effects of a complex
statement and of its sub-statements.
- Summary effects of a subroutine are the cumulated effects of its
body, from which local variables have been eliminated; these effects are
used at call sites in order to obtain the proper effects, after translating
the formal parameters into real ones.
Transformers abstract the effects of intructions or procedures upon the
values of integer scalar variables by giving the affine relations that exist
between their values before and after the execution of a statement or
procedure call. They are propagated bottom-up.
Preconditions are predicate over integer scalar variables. They hold just
before the execution of the corresponding instruction or procedure. They are
propagated top-down.
Regions are sets of array elements described by equalities and inequalities
defining a convex polyhedron. There are READ, WRITE, IN and OUT regions.
Computes use-def chains, using either effects or regions.
Dependence graphs
Static control verification
Verifies if the input program is a static control program. Pre-requisite
to the computation of the Array DFG.
Array data flow graph
À la Feautrier array data flow graph.
Loop exchange
Loop parallelization
Loop distribution
Loop blocking
Loop unrolling
Scalar privatization
Partial evaluation
Dead code elimination
High Performance Fortran Compiler
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