WPIPS.comment1: # %A% ($Date: 1995/10/09 14:00:45 $, ) version $Revision$, got on %D%, %T% [%P%].\n Copyright (c) École des Mines de Paris Proprietary. ! WPIPS.comment2: WPIPS.comment3: Add some stuff to have a coherent WPips behaviour: WPIPS.comment4: ! OpenWindows.Beep: always OpenWindows.ColorTracksInputFocus: true OpenWindows.DragRightDistance: 10 OpenWindows.EdgeMoveThreshold: 100 OpenWindows.FocusLenience: True OpenWindows.MultiClickTimeout: 5 OpenWindows.PPositionCompat: true OpenWindows.PopupJumpCursor: True OpenWindows.ScrollbarPlacement: left OpenWindows.SelectDisplaysMenu: False OpenWindows.ServerGrabs: False OpenWindows.SetInput: followmouse OpenWindows.Use3DFrames: true OpenWindows.Use3DResize: true OpenWindows.WindowColor: LightSteelBlue1 *KeyboardCommands: full *FocusLenience: True *SetInput: followmouse *Input: True *Text.AutoIndent: True *Text.InsertMakesCaretVisible: Always *Text.TabWidth: 4 *Text.Retained: Yes *Text.DisplayControlChars: True ! WPIPS.comment5: Be careful ! This size is allocated for all the WPips text windows ! :-( *Text.MaxDocumentSize: 1000000 *Text.againLimit: 50 wpips*boldFont: -*-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* wpips*font: -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ! WPIPS.comment6: Some typical Wpips parameters: ! WPIPS.comment7: To change the size of the LogWindow: ! ! Here are the default values used in WPips !Wpips.Logwindow.Width: 660 !Wpips.Logwindow.Height: 250