# $Id$ Please read the README file NOW. Thanks. If you have downloaded several pips sources. Good. You would like to install them: there is still but some work ahead! HOW TO GET THE SOURCES: ----------------------- The pips sources also includes the newgen and linear libraries. On the edge version: sh> svn co https://svn.cri.ensmp.fr/svn/pips/bundles/trunks MYPIPS Current production version? Source distribution version? DEPENDENCIES: ------------- Compiling pips requires the following softwares: - "cproto" C header generation [debian package "cproto"] - GNU make (no other will do) [debian package "make"] - a C compiler such as "gcc" - "flex" and "bison", or other lex/yacc instances. - the "perl" interpreter. - "latex" if you want to have the documentation. You MUST also install the PolyLib library: - polylib: http://icps.u-strasbg.fr/polylib/ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: -------------------------- Run the install_pips script in this directory: sh install_pips You may wish to set the PIPS_ARCH variable to a value depending on you local architecture. If you have GNU compilers, GNU or GNULL should be a good choice. Otherwise, good luck;-) This must be done before sourcing the pipsrc file (a default is provided there). export PIPS_ARCH=GNU The install_pips script first generates "pipsrc.{sh,csh}" files that contain reasonnable environment variable settings for using PIPS. You can source, and eventually edit this file, especially with IBM AIX. source pipsrc.sh The script also checks for useful softwares that may be needed for using or compiling PIPS. Additional information on how to obtain these softwares can be found on http://www.cri.ensmp.fr/pips When provided at the source level, you can make pips with the make-pips script. This scripts simply forwards make commmands in the distribution tree, which is quite large. Its location should have been added to the path in the pipsrc file. make-pips -iv Seems a nice first attempt. This is not yet perfect, because it may fails if softs such as latex2html is not installed. Avoid trying to regenerate the documentation. If you which to use pips permanently, you should add to your shell configuration files the setting of PIPS_ARCH and the source of pipsrc. Good luck. You may find help at pips-support-at-cri.mines-paristech.fr. Fabien.