Bug fixed for stdin and stdout in a different platform.
[Faustine.git] / interpreter / main.ml
1 (**
2 Module: Interpreter
3 Description: Input wave -> interpretation -> output wave
4 @author WANG Haisheng
5 Created: 15/05/2013 Modified: 14/08/2013
6 *)
8 open Aux;;
9 open Beam;;
10 open Process;;
11 open Faustio;;
13 exception Missing_Expression;;
15 let version = "Faustine: 0.0.1";;
17 let set_GC () =
18 let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get())
19 with Gc.minor_heap_size = 0xFFFFFF } in
20 let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get())
21 with Gc.major_heap_increment = 0xFFFFFF } in
22 let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get())
23 with Gc.space_overhead = 100 } in
24 let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get())
25 with Gc.max_overhead = 0xFFF } in
26 let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get())
27 with Gc.stack_limit = 0xFFFFF } in
28 let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get())
29 with Gc.allocation_policy = 1 } in
30 () ;;
32 let path_dsp = ref "";;
33 let size_input = ref 0;;
34 let inputs = ref [];;
35 let time_max = ref 0xFFFF;;
36 let dir_output = ref "";;
37 let format_output = ref "";;
38 let basename_output = ref "";;
39 let output = ref "";;
41 let option_usage = "usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0)
42 ^ " [-f dsp_src] [-i input] [-l length] [--odir dir] [--oformat wav/csv] [--obasename name]";;
44 let option_unknown =
45 fun x -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Bad argument : " ^ x))
47 let speclist = [
48 ("-f", Arg.String (fun s -> path_dsp := s), ": faust .dsp source file");
49 ("-i", Arg.String (fun s -> incr size_input; inputs := !inputs @ [s]), ": set input wave file");
50 ("-l", Arg.Int (fun i -> time_max := i), ": maximun number of output samples");
51 ("--odir", Arg.String (fun s -> dir_output := s), ": set output directory");
52 ("--oformat", Arg.String (fun s -> format_output := s), ": set output format");
53 ("--obasename", Arg.String (fun s -> basename_output := s), ": set output basename");
54 ];;
56 let file_of_path : string -> string =
57 fun (path : string) ->
58 let fragments = Str.split (Str.regexp "/") path in
59 let n = List.length fragments in
60 List.nth fragments (n - 1);;
62 let valid_input_file : string -> bool =
63 fun (file : string) ->
64 let fragments = Str.split (Str.regexp "\.") file in
65 let n = List.length fragments in
66 let extension = List.nth fragments (n - 1) in
67 if extension = "csv" || extension = "wav" then true
68 else false;;
70 let chk_input_path : string -> bool =
71 fun (path : string) ->
72 let file_in = file_of_path path in
73 valid_input_file file_in;;
75 let stdinput = fun (x : unit) ->
76 let path = Unix.readlink "/proc/self/fd/0" in
77 if chk_input_path path then
78 ( incr size_input;
79 inputs := !inputs @ [path] )
80 else ();;
82 let chk_output_path : string -> bool =
83 fun (path : string) ->
84 let fragments = Str.split (Str.regexp "/") path in
85 let location = List.nth fragments 0 in
86 if location = "dev" then false
87 else true;;
89 let stdoutput = fun (x : unit) ->
90 let path = Unix.readlink "/proc/self/fd/1" in
91 if chk_output_path path then output := path
92 else ();;
94 let stdio = fun (x : unit) ->
95 stdinput ();
96 stdoutput ();;
98 let main () =
100 let () = Arg.parse speclist option_unknown option_usage in
101 let () = stdio () in
102 let _ = Sys.signal Sys.sigalrm Sys.Signal_ignore in
103 let _ = set_GC () in
104 let io = new iomanager in
105 let () = io#set !output !dir_output !format_output !basename_output in
108 let () = output_string stderr ("\n Faustine -> Reading input ...") in
109 let tic0 = Unix.time () in
110 let input : beam = io#read !inputs in
111 let toc0 = Unix.time () in
112 let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc0 -. tic0)) ^ "s.)\n") in
115 let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Preprocessing...") in
116 let tic1 = Unix.time () in
117 let faust_core = Preprocess.preprocess !path_dsp in
118 let toc1 = Unix.time () in
119 let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc1 -. tic1)) ^ "s.)\n") in
122 let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Constructing process...") in
123 let tic2 = Unix.time () in
124 let faust_exp = exp_of_string faust_core in
125 let proc = (new proc_factory)#make faust_exp in
126 let toc2 = Unix.time () in
127 let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc2 -. tic2)) ^ "s.)\n") in
130 let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Constructing signals...") in
131 let tic3 = Unix.time () in
132 let output : beam = proc#eval input in
133 let toc3 = Unix.time () in
134 let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc3 -. tic3)) ^ "s.)\n") in
137 let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Evaluating...") in
138 let tic4 = Unix.time () in
139 let data = output#output !time_max in
140 let rates = output#frequency in
141 let toc4 = Unix.time () in
142 let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc4 -. tic4)) ^ "s.)\n") in
145 let () = output_string stderr (" Faustine -> Writing output...") in
146 let tic5 = Unix.time () in
147 let output_paths = io#write rates data in
148 let toc5 = Unix.time () in
149 let () = output_string stderr (" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc5 -. tic5)) ^ "s.)\n") in
151 let _ = Array.map (output_string stderr)
152 (Array.map decorate output_paths) in
153 ();;
155 main();;