Bug fixed for stdin and stdout in a different platform.
[Faustine.git] / interpreter / preprocessor / faust-0.9.47mr3 / tools / faust2ck-1.0 / src / chuck_faust.template.h
1 "",
2 "#include \"ugen_clip.h\"",
3 "#include \"chuck_type.h\"",
4 "#include \"chuck_ugen.h\"",
5 "#include \"chuck_vm.h\"",
6 "#include \"chuck_globals.h\"",
7 "",
8 "/* UI class - do-nothing (from FAUST/minimal.cpp) */",
9 "",
10 "class UI",
11 "{",
12 " bool fStopped;",
13 "public:",
14 " ",
15 " UI() : fStopped(false) {}",
16 " virtual ~UI() {}",
17 " ",
18 " virtual void addButton(const char* label, float* zone) {}",
19 " virtual void addToggleButton(const char* label, float* zone) {}",
20 " virtual void addCheckButton(const char* label, float* zone) {}",
21 " virtual void addVerticalSlider(const char* label, float* zone, float init, float min, float max, float step) {}",
22 " virtual void addHorizontalSlider(const char* label, float* zone, float init, float min, float max, float step) {}",
23 " virtual void addNumEntry(const char* label, float* zone, float init, float min, float max, float step) {}",
24 " ",
25 " virtual void openFrameBox(const char* label) {}",
26 " virtual void openTabBox(const char* label) {}",
27 " virtual void openHorizontalBox(const char* label) {}",
28 " virtual void openVerticalBox(const char* label) {}",
29 " virtual void closeBox() {}",
30 " ",
31 " virtual void run() {}",
32 " ",
33 " void stop() { fStopped = true; }",
34 " bool stopped() { return fStopped; }",
35 "};",
36 "",
37 "class dsp { public: float fSamplingFreq; };",
38 "",
39 "/*",
40 " * FAUST intrinsic",
41 " */",
42 "<<includeIntrinsic>>",
43 "",
44 "/*",
45 " * FAUST defines UI values as private, but provides no getters/setters.",
46 " * In our particular case it's way more convenient to access them directly",
47 " * than to set up a complicated UI structure. Also get rid of everything",
48 " * being \"virtual\", since it may stop the compiler from inlining properly!",
49 " */",
50 "#define private public",
51 "#define virtual",
52 "",
53 "/* Rename the class the name of our DSP. */",
54 "#define mydsp %dsp_name%",
55 "",
56 "/*",
57 " * FAUST class",
58 " */",
59 "<<includeclass>>",
60 "",
61 "#undef private",
62 "#undef virtual",
63 "#undef mydsp",
64 "",
65 "/*",
66 " * ChucK glue code",
67 " */",
68 "static t_CKUINT %dsp_name%_offset_data = 0;",
69 "static int g_sr = 44100;",
70 "",
71 "static void %dsp_name%_ctor( Chuck_Object * SELF, void * ARGS, Chuck_VM_Shred * SHRED )",
72 "{",
73 " // return data to be used later",
74 " %dsp_name% *d = new %dsp_name%;",
75 " OBJ_MEMBER_UINT(SELF, %dsp_name%_offset_data) = (t_CKUINT)d;",
76 " d->init(g_sr);",
77 "}",
78 "",
79 "static void %dsp_name%_dtor( Chuck_Object * SELF, Chuck_VM_Shred * SHRED )",
80 "{",
81 " delete (%dsp_name%*) OBJ_MEMBER_UINT(SELF, %dsp_name%_offset_data);",
82 " OBJ_MEMBER_UINT(SELF, %dsp_name%_offset_data) = 0;",
83 "}",
84 "",
85 "static t_CKBOOL %dsp_name%_tick( Chuck_Object * SELF, float in, float * out, Chuck_VM_Shred * SHRED )",
86 "{",
87 " %dsp_name% *d = (%dsp_name%*)OBJ_MEMBER_UINT(SELF, %dsp_name%_offset_data);",
88 " float * input, * output;",
89 " input = &in;",
90 " output = out;",
91 " d->compute (1, &input, &output);",
92 " return TRUE;",
93 "}",
94 "",
95 "%ctrl_cget_functions%",
96 "",
97 "DLL_QUERY %dsp_name%_query( Chuck_DL_Query * QUERY )",
98 "{",
99 " Chuck_Env * env = Chuck_Env::instance();",
100 " Chuck_DL_Func * func = NULL;",
101 "",
102 " g_sr = QUERY->srate;",
103 "",
104 " if( !type_engine_import_ugen_begin( env, \"%dsp_name%\", \"UGen\", env->global(), ",
105 " %dsp_name%_ctor, %dsp_name%_dtor, %dsp_name%_tick, NULL ) )",
106 " return FALSE;",
107 "",
108 " // add member variable",
109 " %dsp_name%_offset_data = type_engine_import_mvar( env, \"int\", \"@%dsp_name%_data\", FALSE );",
110 " if( %dsp_name%_offset_data == CK_INVALID_OFFSET ) goto error;",
111 "",
112 " %ctrl_cget_query%",
113 "",
114 " // end import",
115 " if( !type_engine_import_class_end( env ) )",
116 " return FALSE;",
117 "",
118 " return TRUE;",
119 "",
120 "error:",
121 " // end import",
122 " if( !type_engine_import_class_end( env ) )",
123 " return FALSE;",
124 "",
125 " return FALSE;",
126 "}",