2 ###--------------------------------------------
3 ### adjust flags to the system
6 system := $(shell uname -s)
8 ifeq ($(system), Darwin)
9 LIB := -I/Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib.framework/Headers -I/usr/local/include -framework CsoundLib -L/usr/local/lib -dynamiclib -arch i386
11 #LIB := -I/usr/local/include -lsndfile -lcsound -shared
12 LIB := -I/usr/include/csound -shared -fPIC
15 ###For Windows with gcc/mingw:(if headers in /usr/local/include and libs in /usr/local/lib)
16 ###g++ -O2 -shared -o myopcode.dylib myopcode.cpp -DOPCODE_NAME=myopcode -I/usr/local/include -lsndfile -lcsound32
19 ###--------------------------------------------
20 ### Build csound opcodes on Darwin or Linux (fx.dsp -> fx.cpp -> fx.dylib)
23 dspsrc := $(wildcard *.dsp)
24 ##cppsrc := $(addprefix $(DEST), $(dspsrc:.dsp=.cpp))
25 opcodes := $(addprefix $(DEST), $(dspsrc:.dsp=.dylib))
32 $(DEST)%.dylib : %.dsp
33 faust $(VEC) -uim -a csound.cpp $< -o $@.cpp
34 $(CXX) -O3 $(CXXFLAGS) $(LIB) -DOPCODE_NAME=$(notdir $(@:.dylib=)) $@.cpp -o $@