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4 Copyright (C) 2003-2004 GRAME, Centre National de Creation Musicale
5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
6 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
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27 Y. Orlarey, (c) Grame 2002
28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 This file contains several extensions to the tree library :
30 - lists : based on a operations like cons, hd , tl, ...
31 - environments : list of associations (key value)
32 - property list : used to annotate trees
41 nil = predefined empty list
42 cons (x,l) = create a nex list of head x and tail l
45 nth(l,i) = ith element of l (or nil)
46 replace(l,i,e) = a copy of l where the ith element is e
47 len(l) = number of elements of l
48 isNil(nil) = true (false otherwise)
49 isList(cons(x,l)) = true (false otherwise)
50 list(a,b,..) = cons(a, list(b,...))
52 lmap(f, cons(x,l)) = cons(f(x), lmap(f,l))
53 reverse([a,b,..,z]) = [z,..,b,a]
54 reverseall([a,b,..,z]) = [ra(z),..,ra(b),ra(a)] where ra is reverseall
58 (Sets are implemented as ordered lists of elements without duplication)
60 isElement(e,s) = true if e is an element of set s, false otherwise
61 addElement(e,s) = s U {e}
62 remElement(e,s) = s - {e}
64 list2set(l) = convert a list into a set
65 setUnion(s1,s2) = s1 U s2
66 setIntersection(s1,s2) = s1 intersection s2
67 setDifference(s1,s2) = s1 - s2
72 An 'environment' is a stack of pairs (key x value) used to keep track of lexical bindings
74 pushEnv (key, val, env) -> env' create a new environment
75 searchEnv (key,&v,env) -> bool search for key in env and set v accordingly
77 search(k1,&v, push(k2,x,env)) = true and v is set to x if k1==k2
78 = search(k1,&v,env) if k1 != k2
82 Every tree can be annotated with an 'attribut' field. This attribute field
83 can be used to manage a property list (pl). A property list is a list of pairs
84 key x value, with three basic operations :
86 setProperty (t, key, val) -> t add the association (key x val) to the pl of t
87 getProperty (t, key, &val) -> bool search the pp of t for the value associated to key
88 remProperty (t, key) -> t remove any association (key x ?) from the pl of t
92 Since reference counters are used for garbage collecting, one must be careful not to
93 create cycles in trees. The only possible source of cycles is by setting the attribut
94 of a tree t to a tree t' that contains t as a subtree.
98 2002-02-08 : First version
99 2002-02-20 : New description of the API, non recursive lmap and reverse
100 2002-03-29 : Added function remElement(e,set), corrected comment error
102 ******************************************************************************
103 *****************************************************************************/
112 // Basic List Operations implemented on trees
118 typedef Tree (*tfun)(Tree);
120 void print (Tree t, FILE* out=stdout);
121 //bool printlist (const CTree* lc);
123 // to create new lists
124 inline Tree cons (Tree a, Tree b) { return tree (CONS, a, b); }
126 inline Tree list0 () { return nil; }
127 inline Tree list1 (Tree a) { return cons (a, list0()); }
128 inline Tree list2 (Tree a, Tree b) { return cons (a, list1(b)); }
129 inline Tree list3 (Tree a, Tree b, Tree c) { return cons (a, list2(b, c)); }
130 inline Tree list4 (Tree a, Tree b, Tree c, Tree d) { return cons (a, list3(b, c, d)); }
132 // to access the head and the tail of a list
133 inline Tree hd (Tree l) { return l->branch(0); }
134 inline Tree tl (Tree l) { return l->branch(1); }
137 inline bool isNil (Tree l) { return (l->node() == Node(NIL)) && (l->arity() == 0) ; }
138 inline bool isList (Tree l) { return (l->node() == Node(CONS)) && (l->arity() == 2) ; }
141 Tree nth(Tree l, int i);
142 Tree replace(Tree l, int i, Tree e);
146 Tree reverse (Tree l);
147 Tree reverseall (Tree l);
150 Tree rconcat(Tree l1, Tree l2);
151 Tree concat(Tree l1, Tree l2);
152 Tree lrange(Tree l, int i, int j); // de i a j exclu
155 Tree lmap (tfun f, Tree l);
158 bool isElement (Tree e, Tree l);
159 Tree addElement (Tree e, Tree l1);
160 Tree remElement (Tree e, Tree l1);
161 Tree singleton (Tree l);
162 Tree list2set (Tree l);
163 Tree setUnion (Tree l1, Tree l2);
164 Tree setIntersection (Tree l1, Tree l2);
165 Tree setDifference (Tree l1, Tree l2);
167 // functions as set of pairs key x value
168 Tree addFun(Tree k, Tree v, Tree l);
169 bool getFun(Tree k, Tree& v, Tree l);
173 //inline Tree pair (Tree t1, Tree t2) { return cons(t1,t2); }
174 inline Tree left (Tree t) { return t->branch(0); }
175 inline Tree right (Tree t) { return t->branch(1); }
178 // Environment : stack of pairs key value)
179 Tree pushEnv (Tree key, Tree val, Tree env=nil);
180 bool searchEnv (Tree key, Tree& v, Tree env);
182 // Operations on the property list of a tree t
183 void setProperty (Tree t, Tree key, Tree val);
184 bool getProperty (Tree t, Tree key, Tree& val);
185 void remProperty (Tree t, Tree key);
187 // Mapping sur les arbres
188 Tree tmap (Tree k, tfun f, Tree t);
191 Tree substitute (Tree t, Tree id, Tree val);