4 /* This is pretty much the same as compressor.dsp, but here the given ratio is
5 applied to *attenuate* levels *below* the threshold. */
7 declare name "expander -- expander/noise gate unit";
8 declare author "Albert Graef";
15 exp_group(x) = hgroup("1-expander", x);
16 env_group(x) = vgroup("2-envelop", x);
17 gain_group(x) = vgroup("3-gain", x);
19 ratio = exp_group(nentry("ratio", 2, 1, 20, 0.1));
20 threshold = exp_group(nentry("threshold", -40, -96, 10, 0.1));
21 knee = exp_group(nentry("knee", 3, 0, 20, 0.1));
23 attack = env_group(hslider("attack", 0.001, 0, 1, 0.001)) : max(1/SR);
24 release = env_group(hslider("release", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01)) : max(1/SR);
26 gain(x) = attach(x, x : gain_group(hbargraph("gain", -96, 0)));
30 env = abs : *(1-g) : + ~ *(g);
31 rms = sqr : *(1-g) : + ~ *(g) : sqrt;
34 env2(x,y) = max(env(x),env(y));
36 expand(env) = level*(1-r)
38 level = env : h ~ _ : linear2db : (threshold+knee-_) : max(0)
40 h(x,y) = f*x+(1-f)*y with { f = (x<y)*ga+(x>=y)*gr; };
41 ga = exp(-1/(SR*attack));
42 gr = exp(-1/(SR*release));
44 p = level/(knee+eps) : max(0) : min(1) with { eps = 0.001; };
48 process(x,y) = (g*x,g*y)
50 g = env2(x,y) : expand : gain : db2linear;