- DefaultDublinCoreImpl.__init__( self, title, subject, description
- , contributors, effective_date, expiration_date
- , format, language, rights )
- def __getattr__(self, name) :
- try : return CMFFile.__getattr__(self, name)
- except :
- selfAttrs = self.__dict__
- if selfAttrs.has_key('_v_transform_cache') :
- cache = selfAttrs['_v_transform_cache']
- cacheTuple = cache.get('text_html', None) # (time, value)
- if cacheTuple :
- cacheData = cacheTuple[1]
- subObDict = cacheData.getSubObjects()
- if subObDict.has_key(name) :
- fileOb = OFS.Image.File(name, name, subObDict[name])
- return fileOb
- raise AttributeError, name
- def manage_upload(self,file='',REQUEST=None):
- ret = super(File, self).manage_upload(file=file, REQUEST=REQUEST)
- orig_name = OFS.Image.cookId('', '', file)[0]
- if orig_name :
- self.orig_name = orig_name
- if self.Format() == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' :
- if file :
- try :
- swfmetadata = parseswf(file)
- except IOError :
- swfmetadata = {'width':600, 'height':600}
- for name in ('width', 'height') :
- value = swfmetadata[name]
- if self.hasProperty(name) :
- self._updateProperty(name, value)
- else :
- self.manage_addProperty(name, value, 'int')
- self.reindexObject()
- return ret
- security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent, 'edit')
- def edit(self, precondition='', file=''):
- orig_name = OFS.Image.cookId('', '', file)[0]
- if orig_name :
- self.orig_name = orig_name
- CMFFile.edit(self, precondition=precondition, file=file)
- if hasattr(self, '_v_transform_cache') :
- del self._v_transform_cache
- security.declareProtected(View, 'SearchableText')
- def SearchableText(self) :
- """ Return full text"""
- baseSearchableText = CMFFile.SearchableText(self)
- transformTool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_transforms', default=None)
- if transformTool is None :
- return baseSearchableText
- else :
- f = self.bdata.open()
- orig = f.read()
- datastream_text = transformTool.convertTo('text/plain',
- orig,
- mimetype = self.content_type
- )
- f.close()
- full_text = ''
- if datastream_text is not None :
- full_text = datastream_text.getData()
- return baseSearchableText + full_text
- security.declareProtected(View, 'preview')
- def preview(self) :
- """Return HTML preview if it's possible or empty string """
- transformTool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_transforms', default = None)
- if transformTool is None :
- return ''
- else :
- filename = self.getId().replace(' ', '_')
- f = self.bdata.open()
- orig = f.read()
- datastream = transformTool.convertTo('text/html',
- orig,
- object=self,
- mimetype = self.content_type,
- filename = filename)
- f.close()
- if datastream is not None : return datastream.getData()
- else : return ''
- security.declareProtected(View, 'download')
- def download(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
- """Download this item.
- Calls OFS.Image.File.index_html to perform the actual transfer after
- first setting Content-Disposition to suggest a filename.
- This method is deprecated, use the URL of this object itself. Because
- the default view of a File object is to download, rather than view,
- this method is obsolete. Also note that certain browsers do not deal
- well with a Content-Disposition header.
- """
- RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Disposition',
- 'attachment; filename=%s' % (self.orig_name or self.getId()))
- return OFS.Image.File.index_html(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
- security.declarePublic('getIcon')
- def getIcon(self, relative_to_portal=0):
- """ return icon corresponding to mime-type
- """
- regTool = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry', default=None)
- if regTool :
- f = self.bdata.open()
- mime = regTool(f, mimetype=self.content_type)[2]
- f.close()
- return mime.icon_path
- else :
- return CMFFile.getIcon(self, relative_to_portal=relative_to_portal)
+ DefaultDublinCoreImpl.__init__( self, title, subject, description
+ , contributors, effective_date, expiration_date
+ , format, language, rights )
+ BlobFile.__init__(self, id, title, file, content_type=content_type, precondition=precondition)
+ def __getattr__(self, name) :
+ try : return CMFFile.__getattr__(self, name)
+ except :
+ selfAttrs = self.__dict__
+ if selfAttrs.has_key('_v_transform_cache') :
+ cache = selfAttrs['_v_transform_cache']
+ cacheTuple = cache.get('text_html', None) # (time, value)
+ if cacheTuple :
+ cacheData = cacheTuple[1]
+ subObDict = cacheData.getSubObjects()
+ if subObDict.has_key(name) :
+ fileOb = OFS.Image.File(name, name, subObDict[name])
+ return fileOb
+ raise AttributeError, name
+ def manage_upload(self,file='',REQUEST=None):
+ ret = super(File, self).manage_upload(file=file, REQUEST=REQUEST)
+ orig_name = OFS.Image.cookId('', '', file)[0]
+ if orig_name :
+ self.orig_name = orig_name
+ if self.Format() == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' :
+ if file :
+ try :
+ swfmetadata = parseswf(file)
+ except IOError :
+ swfmetadata = {'width':600, 'height':600}
+ for name in ('width', 'height') :
+ value = swfmetadata[name]
+ if self.hasProperty(name) :
+ self._updateProperty(name, value)
+ else :
+ self.manage_addProperty(name, value, 'int')
+ self.reindexObject()
+ return ret
+ security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent, 'edit')
+ def edit(self, precondition='', file=''):
+ orig_name = OFS.Image.cookId('', '', file)[0]
+ if orig_name :
+ self.orig_name = orig_name
+ CMFFile.edit(self, precondition=precondition, file=file)
+ if hasattr(self, '_v_transform_cache') :
+ del self._v_transform_cache
+ security.declareProtected(View, 'SearchableText')
+ def SearchableText(self) :
+ """ Return full text"""
+ baseSearchableText = CMFFile.SearchableText(self)
+ transformTool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_transforms', default=None)
+ if transformTool is None :
+ return baseSearchableText
+ else :
+ f = self.bdata.open()
+ orig = f.read()
+ datastream_text = transformTool.convertTo('text/plain',
+ orig,
+ mimetype = self.content_type
+ )
+ f.close()
+ full_text = ''
+ if datastream_text is not None :
+ full_text = datastream_text.getData()
+ return baseSearchableText + full_text
+ security.declareProtected(View, 'preview')
+ def preview(self) :
+ """Return HTML preview if it's possible or empty string """
+ transformTool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_transforms', default = None)
+ if transformTool is None :
+ return ''
+ else :
+ filename = self.getId().replace(' ', '_')
+ f = self.bdata.open()
+ orig = f.read()
+ datastream = transformTool.convertTo('text/html',
+ orig,
+ object=self,
+ mimetype = self.content_type,
+ filename = filename)
+ f.close()
+ if datastream is not None : return datastream.getData()
+ else : return ''
+ security.declareProtected(View, 'download')
+ def download(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
+ """Download this item.
+ Calls OFS.Image.File.index_html to perform the actual transfer after
+ first setting Content-Disposition to suggest a filename.
+ This method is deprecated, use the URL of this object itself. Because
+ the default view of a File object is to download, rather than view,
+ this method is obsolete. Also note that certain browsers do not deal
+ well with a Content-Disposition header.
+ """
+ RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Disposition',
+ 'attachment; filename=%s' % (self.orig_name or self.getId()))
+ return OFS.Image.File.index_html(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
+ security.declarePublic('getIcon')
+ def getIcon(self, relative_to_portal=0):
+ """ return icon corresponding to mime-type
+ """
+ regTool = getToolByName(self, 'mimetypes_registry', default=None)
+ if regTool :
+ f = self.bdata.open()
+ mime = regTool(f, mimetype=self.content_type)[2]
+ f.close()
+ return mime.icon_path
+ else :
+ return CMFFile.getIcon(self, relative_to_portal=relative_to_portal)