- <tr>
- <th i18n:translate="">Text editor</th>
- <td>
- <select name="wysiwyg_editor" size="1">
- <option value="plain text" tal:repeat="editor python:portal_object.getProperty('available_editors')" tal:attributes="value editor ; selected python:member.getProperty('wysiwyg_editor', '') == editor" tal:content="editor" i18n:translate="">plain</option>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <!--
- <tr>
- <th valign="top" i18n:translate="">Photos width</th>
- <td>
- <input type="text" name="photo_width" size="3" tal:attributes="value member/photo_width|nothing" /> pixels
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th valign="top" i18n:translate="">Listed status</th>
- <td tal:define="listed member/listed|nothing">
- <input id="cb_listed" type="radio" name="listed" value="on" tal:attributes="checked listed" /><label for="cb_listed" i18n:translate="">Listed</label>
- <dl class="FieldHelp">
- <dd i18n:translate="">You will show up on the public membership roster.</dd>
- </dl>
- <input id="cb_unlisted" type="radio" name="listed" value="" tal:attributes="checked python:( hasattr(member,'listed')
- and not(member.getProperty( 'listed' ) ) )" /><label for="cb_unlisted" i18n:translate="">Unlisted</label>
- <dl class="FieldHelp">
- <dd i18n:translate="">You will <i>not</i> show up on the public membership roster. Your Member folder will still be publicly accessible unless you change its security settings.</dd>
- </dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr tal:define="s_tool here/portal_skins" tal:condition="python:len(s_tool.getSkinSelections()) > 1">
- <th i18n:translate="">Skin</th>
- <td tal:define="current request/portal_skin|nothing;">
- <select name="portal_skin">
- <option value="" tal:attributes="value skin;
- selected python:current == skin" tal:define="skins python:s_tool.getSkinSelections()" tal:content="skin" tal:repeat="skin skins">skin</option>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- -->