""" Plinn implementation of CMFCore.
-$Id: __init__.py 1530 2009-07-08 09:19:39Z pin $
-$URL: http://svn.cri.ensmp.fr/svn/Plinn/branches/CMF-2.1/__init__.py $
import exceptions
from Products.CMFCore import utils as core_cmf_utils
from Products.CMFDefault import utils as default_cmf_utils
from Products.CMFCore.permissions import AddPortalContent
+from Products.CMFCore.FSFile import FSFile
+from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import registerFileExtension
import File, Folder, HugePlinnFolder, Topic
import MembershipTool
import MemberDataTool
import RegistrationTool
import CalendarTool
import AttachmentTool
-#from shutdown_dispatcher import ZopeShutdownDispatcher
+try :
+ import catalog
+ __solr_ok = True
+except ImportError :
+ __solr_ok = False
from PloneMisc import IndexIterator, Batch
-from utils import getCPInfo, popCP
import patch
from AccessControl import allow_module, allow_class
contentConstructors = (File.addFile, Folder.manage_addPlinnFolder, HugePlinnFolder.manage_addHugePlinnFolder, Topic.addTopic)
tools = ( MembershipTool.MembershipTool
- , MemberDataTool.MemberDataTool
- , GroupsTool.GroupsTool
- , GroupDataTool.GroupDataTool
- , RegistrationTool.RegistrationTool
- , CalendarTool.CalendarTool
- , AttachmentTool.AttachmentTool
- )
-methods = {
-'getCPInfo': getCPInfo,
-'getCPInfo__roles__': None,
-'popCP' : popCP,
-'popCP__roles__' : None
+ , MemberDataTool.MemberDataTool
+ , GroupsTool.GroupsTool
+ , GroupDataTool.GroupDataTool
+ , RegistrationTool.RegistrationTool
+ , CalendarTool.CalendarTool
+ , AttachmentTool.AttachmentTool
+ )
+if __solr_ok :
+ tools += (catalog.CatalogTool,)
+# register files extensions
+registerFileExtension('ttf', FSFile)
+registerFileExtension('eot', FSFile)
+registerFileExtension('cur', FSFile)
def initialize(registrar) :
- allow_module('quopri')
- allow_module('Products.Plinn.PloneMisc')
- allow_class(IndexIterator)
- allow_class(Batch)
- app = registrar._ProductContext__app
- #ZopeShutdownDispatcher(registrar._ProductContext__app)
- core_cmf_utils.ContentInit(
- 'Plinn',
- content_types = contentClasses,
- permission = AddPortalContent,
- extra_constructors = contentConstructors,
- ).initialize(registrar)
- core_cmf_utils.ToolInit('Plinn Tool',
- tools = tools,
- icon = 'tool.gif'
- ).initialize(registrar)
+ allow_module('quopri')
+ allow_module('Products.Plinn.PloneMisc')
+ allow_class(IndexIterator)
+ allow_class(Batch)
+ core_cmf_utils.ContentInit(
+ 'Plinn',
+ content_types = contentClasses,
+ permission = AddPortalContent,
+ extra_constructors = contentConstructors,
+ ).initialize(registrar)
+ core_cmf_utils.ToolInit('Plinn Tool',
+ tools = tools,
+ icon = 'tool.gif'
+ ).initialize(registrar)
# Monkey...
# all tags are good !
-validTags = default_cmf_utils.NASTY_TAGS.copy()
-for tag in validTags.keys() :
- validTags[tag] = 1
-VALID_TAGS = {'font': 1}
+class YesDict(dict):
+ def has_key(self, k) : return True
default_cmf_utils.NASTY_TAGS = {}
+default_cmf_utils.VALID_TAGS = YesDict()
-# TODO : vérifier l'impact.
-# # the plinn portal_calendar is a also a "SPECIAL PROVIDER"
+# the plinn portal_calendar is a also a "SPECIAL PROVIDER"
+# TODO: vérifier l'impact
# import Products.CMFCore.exportimport.actions
# Products.CMFCore.exportimport.actions._SPECIAL_PROVIDERS += ('portal_calendar',)
+# monkey-patch de getIcon qui est foirasse dans CMF2.2 :
+# les icônes ne s'affichent pas correctement dans la ZMI
+# lorqu'on y accède par un virtual host apache.
+from urllib import quote
+from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
+def getIcon(self, relative_to_portal=0):
+ """
+ Using this method allows the content class
+ creator to grab icons on the fly instead of using a fixed
+ attribute on the class.
+ """
+ ti = self.getTypeInfo()
+ if ti is not None:
+ icon = quote(ti.getIcon())
+ if icon:
+ if relative_to_portal:
+ return icon
+ else:
+ # Relative to REQUEST['BASEPATH1']
+ portal_url = getToolByName( self, 'portal_url' )
+ res = portal_url(relative=1) + '/' + icon
+ while res[:1] == '/':
+ res = res[1:]
+ return res
+ return 'misc_/OFSP/dtmldoc.gif'
+icon = getIcon # For the ZMI
+from Products.CMFCore.DynamicType import DynamicType
+DynamicType.getIcon = getIcon
+DynamicType.icon = getIcon