ob = self.PUT_factory(validId, typ, body)
self._setObject(validId, ob)
ob = self._getOb(validId)
+ httpRespCode = 201
else :
+ httpRespCode = 200
ob = self._getOb(validId)
# We call _verifyObjectPaste with verify_src=0, to see if the
ob.orig_name = fileName
- RESPONSE.setStatus(201)
- RESPONSE.setBody('')
- return RESPONSE
+ ti = ob.getTypeInfo()
+ method_id = ti.queryMethodID('jsupload_snippet')
+ meth = method_id and getattr(ob, method_id) or (lambda : 'Not implemented')
+ RESPONSE.setStatus(httpRespCode)
+ RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml;;charset=utf-8')
+ return '<fragment>%s></fragment>' % meth().strip()
# ## overload to maintain ownership if authenticated user has 'Manage portal' permission