<div metal:define-macro="grid"
- tal:define="slide_size portal_object/slide_size;"
+ tal:define="slide_size portal_object/slide_size;
+ mayBeDropable exists:dropable;
+ dropable python:True if mayBeDropable and dropable else False"
<div metal:use-macro="here/batch_macros/macros/navigation">batch navigation</div>
<div id="lightbox"
- tal:define="mayBeDropable exists:dropable;
- dropable python:True if mayBeDropable and dropable else False"
tal:attributes="class python:'lightbox photo-drop-target' if dropable else 'lightbox'">
<span tal:repeat="info infos" tal:omit-tag="">
<span tal:define="size info/thumbSize;
<br clear="all"/>
<div metal:use-macro="here/batch_macros/macros/navigation">batch navigation</div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- // <!--
+ <script type="text/javascript" tal:condition="not:dropable">
+ new Lightbox(document.getElementById('lightbox'));
+ </script>
+ <script type="text/javascript"
+ tal:condition="dropable"
+ tal:content="structure python:'''
var lb = document.getElementById('lightbox');
- var uploadUrl = absolute_url() + '/put_upload';
new Lightbox(lb);
- new DDImageUploader(lb, uploadUrl);
+ var uploadUrl = '%(putUrl)s';
+ var options = {'slideSize' : %(slideSize)d,
+ 'thumbnailSize' : %(thumbnailSize)d};
+ new DDImageUploader(lb, uploadUrl, options);
- // -->
+ ''' % {'putUrl' : '%s/put_upload' % here.absolute_url(),
+ 'slideSize' : portal_object.slide_size,
+ 'thumbnailSize' : portal_object.thumb_size}">
<div metal:define-macro="film_bar" tal:omit-tag="">
<div id="film_bar">
<table cellspacing="0">
- <tr tal:define="slide_size python:portal_object.thumb_height/2 + 10">
+ <tr tal:define="slide_size python:portal_object.thumb_size/2 + 10">
<td tal:repeat="info contextInfos/infos">
<a href="." tal:attributes="href info/href;
class info/className;
''' % {'filmLength': len(contextInfos['infos'])
,'center': index
- ,'slideSize': portal_object.thumb_width/2 + 11
+ ,'slideSize': portal_object.thumb_size/2 + 11