On prépare de quoi se concentrer sur les images incorporées.
[ckeditor.git] / skins / ckeditor / _source / plugins / indent / plugin.js
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
4 */
6 /**
7 * @file Increse and decrease indent commands.
8 */
10 (function()
11 {
12 var listNodeNames = { ol : 1, ul : 1 },
13 isNotWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ),
14 isNotBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( false, true );
16 function onSelectionChange( evt )
17 {
18 if ( evt.editor.readOnly )
19 return null;
21 var editor = evt.editor,
22 elementPath = evt.data.path,
23 list = elementPath && elementPath.contains( listNodeNames ),
24 firstBlock = elementPath.block || elementPath.blockLimit;
26 if ( list )
27 return this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
29 if ( !this.useIndentClasses && this.name == 'indent' )
30 return this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
32 if ( !firstBlock )
33 return this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
35 if ( this.useIndentClasses )
36 {
37 var indentClass = firstBlock.$.className.match( this.classNameRegex ),
38 indentStep = 0;
39 if ( indentClass )
40 {
41 indentClass = indentClass[1];
42 indentStep = this.indentClassMap[ indentClass ];
43 }
44 if ( ( this.name == 'outdent' && !indentStep ) ||
45 ( this.name == 'indent' && indentStep == editor.config.indentClasses.length ) )
46 return this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
47 return this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
48 }
49 else
50 {
51 var indent = parseInt( firstBlock.getStyle( getIndentCssProperty( firstBlock ) ), 10 );
52 if ( isNaN( indent ) )
53 indent = 0;
54 if ( indent <= 0 )
55 return this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
56 return this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF );
57 }
58 }
60 function indentCommand( editor, name )
61 {
62 this.name = name;
63 this.useIndentClasses = editor.config.indentClasses && editor.config.indentClasses.length > 0;
64 if ( this.useIndentClasses )
65 {
66 this.classNameRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s+)(' + editor.config.indentClasses.join( '|' ) + ')(?=$|\\s)' );
67 this.indentClassMap = {};
68 for ( var i = 0 ; i < editor.config.indentClasses.length ; i++ )
69 this.indentClassMap[ editor.config.indentClasses[i] ] = i + 1;
70 }
72 this.startDisabled = name == 'outdent';
73 }
75 // Returns the CSS property to be used for identing a given element.
76 function getIndentCssProperty( element, dir )
77 {
78 return ( dir || element.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) ) == 'ltr' ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right';
79 }
81 function isListItem( node )
82 {
83 return node.type = CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( 'li' );
84 }
86 indentCommand.prototype = {
87 exec : function( editor )
88 {
89 var self = this, database = {};
91 function indentList( listNode )
92 {
93 // Our starting and ending points of the range might be inside some blocks under a list item...
94 // So before playing with the iterator, we need to expand the block to include the list items.
95 var startContainer = range.startContainer,
96 endContainer = range.endContainer;
97 while ( startContainer && !startContainer.getParent().equals( listNode ) )
98 startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
99 while ( endContainer && !endContainer.getParent().equals( listNode ) )
100 endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
102 if ( !startContainer || !endContainer )
103 return;
105 // Now we can iterate over the individual items on the same tree depth.
106 var block = startContainer,
107 itemsToMove = [],
108 stopFlag = false;
109 while ( !stopFlag )
110 {
111 if ( block.equals( endContainer ) )
112 stopFlag = true;
113 itemsToMove.push( block );
114 block = block.getNext();
115 }
116 if ( itemsToMove.length < 1 )
117 return;
119 // Do indent or outdent operations on the array model of the list, not the
120 // list's DOM tree itself. The array model demands that it knows as much as
121 // possible about the surrounding lists, we need to feed it the further
122 // ancestor node that is still a list.
123 var listParents = listNode.getParents( true );
124 for ( var i = 0 ; i < listParents.length ; i++ )
125 {
126 if ( listParents[i].getName && listNodeNames[ listParents[i].getName() ] )
127 {
128 listNode = listParents[i];
129 break;
130 }
131 }
132 var indentOffset = self.name == 'indent' ? 1 : -1,
133 startItem = itemsToMove[0],
134 lastItem = itemsToMove[ itemsToMove.length - 1 ];
136 // Convert the list DOM tree into a one dimensional array.
137 var listArray = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray( listNode, database );
139 // Apply indenting or outdenting on the array.
140 var baseIndent = listArray[ lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ) ].indent;
141 for ( i = startItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ); i <= lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ); i++ )
142 {
143 listArray[ i ].indent += indentOffset;
144 // Make sure the newly created sublist get a brand-new element of the same type. (#5372)
145 var listRoot = listArray[ i ].parent;
146 listArray[ i ].parent = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( listRoot.getName(), listRoot.getDocument() );
147 }
149 for ( i = lastItem.getCustomData( 'listarray_index' ) + 1 ;
150 i < listArray.length && listArray[i].indent > baseIndent ; i++ )
151 listArray[i].indent += indentOffset;
153 // Convert the array back to a DOM forest (yes we might have a few subtrees now).
154 // And replace the old list with the new forest.
155 var newList = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList( listArray, database, null, editor.config.enterMode, listNode.getDirection() );
157 // Avoid nested <li> after outdent even they're visually same,
158 // recording them for later refactoring.(#3982)
159 if ( self.name == 'outdent' )
160 {
161 var parentLiElement;
162 if ( ( parentLiElement = listNode.getParent() ) && parentLiElement.is( 'li' ) )
163 {
164 var children = newList.listNode.getChildren(),
165 pendingLis = [],
166 count = children.count(),
167 child;
169 for ( i = count - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
170 {
171 if ( ( child = children.getItem( i ) ) && child.is && child.is( 'li' ) )
172 pendingLis.push( child );
173 }
174 }
175 }
177 if ( newList )
178 newList.listNode.replace( listNode );
180 // Move the nested <li> to be appeared after the parent.
181 if ( pendingLis && pendingLis.length )
182 {
183 for ( i = 0; i < pendingLis.length ; i++ )
184 {
185 var li = pendingLis[ i ],
186 followingList = li;
188 // Nest preceding <ul>/<ol> inside current <li> if any.
189 while ( ( followingList = followingList.getNext() ) &&
190 followingList.is &&
191 followingList.getName() in listNodeNames )
192 {
193 // IE requires a filler NBSP for nested list inside empty list item,
194 // otherwise the list item will be inaccessiable. (#4476)
195 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !li.getFirst( function( node ){ return isNotWhitespaces( node ) && isNotBookmark( node ); } ) )
196 li.append( range.document.createText( '\u00a0' ) );
198 li.append( followingList );
199 }
201 li.insertAfter( parentLiElement );
202 }
203 }
204 }
206 function indentBlock()
207 {
208 var iterator = range.createIterator(),
209 enterMode = editor.config.enterMode;
210 iterator.enforceRealBlocks = true;
211 iterator.enlargeBr = enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
212 var block;
213 while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) ) )
214 indentElement( block );
215 }
217 function indentElement( element, dir )
218 {
219 if ( element.getCustomData( 'indent_processed' ) )
220 return false;
222 if ( self.useIndentClasses )
223 {
224 // Transform current class name to indent step index.
225 var indentClass = element.$.className.match( self.classNameRegex ),
226 indentStep = 0;
227 if ( indentClass )
228 {
229 indentClass = indentClass[1];
230 indentStep = self.indentClassMap[ indentClass ];
231 }
233 // Operate on indent step index, transform indent step index back to class
234 // name.
235 if ( self.name == 'outdent' )
236 indentStep--;
237 else
238 indentStep++;
240 if ( indentStep < 0 )
241 return false;
243 indentStep = Math.min( indentStep, editor.config.indentClasses.length );
244 indentStep = Math.max( indentStep, 0 );
245 element.$.className = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( element.$.className.replace( self.classNameRegex, '' ) );
246 if ( indentStep > 0 )
247 element.addClass( editor.config.indentClasses[ indentStep - 1 ] );
248 }
249 else
250 {
251 var indentCssProperty = getIndentCssProperty( element, dir ),
252 currentOffset = parseInt( element.getStyle( indentCssProperty ), 10 );
253 if ( isNaN( currentOffset ) )
254 currentOffset = 0;
255 var indentOffset = editor.config.indentOffset || 40;
256 currentOffset += ( self.name == 'indent' ? 1 : -1 ) * indentOffset;
258 if ( currentOffset < 0 )
259 return false;
261 currentOffset = Math.max( currentOffset, 0 );
262 currentOffset = Math.ceil( currentOffset / indentOffset ) * indentOffset;
263 element.setStyle( indentCssProperty, currentOffset ? currentOffset + ( editor.config.indentUnit || 'px' ) : '' );
264 if ( element.getAttribute( 'style' ) === '' )
265 element.removeAttribute( 'style' );
266 }
268 CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker( database, element, 'indent_processed', 1 );
269 return true;
270 }
272 var selection = editor.getSelection(),
273 bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks( 1 ),
274 ranges = selection && selection.getRanges( 1 ),
275 range;
278 var iterator = ranges.createIterator();
279 while ( ( range = iterator.getNextRange() ) )
280 {
281 var rangeRoot = range.getCommonAncestor(),
282 nearestListBlock = rangeRoot;
284 while ( nearestListBlock && !( nearestListBlock.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
285 listNodeNames[ nearestListBlock.getName() ] ) )
286 nearestListBlock = nearestListBlock.getParent();
288 // Avoid having selection enclose the entire list. (#6138)
289 // [<ul><li>...</li></ul>] =><ul><li>[...]</li></ul>
290 if ( !nearestListBlock )
291 {
292 var selectedNode = range.getEnclosedNode();
293 if ( selectedNode
294 && selectedNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
295 && selectedNode.getName() in listNodeNames)
296 {
297 range.setStartAt( selectedNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
298 range.setEndAt( selectedNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
299 nearestListBlock = selectedNode;
300 }
301 }
303 // Avoid selection anchors under list root.
304 // <ul>[<li>...</li>]</ul> => <ul><li>[...]</li></ul>
305 if ( nearestListBlock && range.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
306 && range.startContainer.getName() in listNodeNames )
307 {
308 var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
309 walker.evaluator = isListItem;
310 range.startContainer = walker.next();
311 }
313 if ( nearestListBlock && range.endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
314 && range.endContainer.getName() in listNodeNames )
315 {
316 walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
317 walker.evaluator = isListItem;
318 range.endContainer = walker.previous();
319 }
321 if ( nearestListBlock )
322 {
323 var firstListItem = nearestListBlock.getFirst( isListItem ),
324 hasMultipleItems = !!firstListItem.getNext( isListItem ),
325 rangeStart = range.startContainer,
326 indentWholeList = firstListItem.equals( rangeStart ) || firstListItem.contains( rangeStart );
328 // Indent the entire list if cursor is inside the first list item. (#3893)
329 // Only do that for indenting or when using indent classes or when there is something to outdent. (#6141)
330 if ( !( indentWholeList &&
331 ( self.name == 'indent' || self.useIndentClasses || parseInt( nearestListBlock.getStyle( getIndentCssProperty( nearestListBlock ) ), 10 ) ) &&
332 indentElement( nearestListBlock, !hasMultipleItems && firstListItem.getDirection() ) ) )
333 indentList( nearestListBlock );
334 }
335 else
336 indentBlock();
337 }
339 // Clean up the markers.
340 CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers( database );
342 editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
343 selection.selectBookmarks( bookmarks );
344 }
345 };
347 CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'indent',
348 {
349 init : function( editor )
350 {
351 // Register commands.
352 var indent = editor.addCommand( 'indent', new indentCommand( editor, 'indent' ) ),
353 outdent = editor.addCommand( 'outdent', new indentCommand( editor, 'outdent' ) );
355 // Register the toolbar buttons.
356 editor.ui.addButton( 'Indent',
357 {
358 label : editor.lang.indent,
359 command : 'indent'
360 });
361 editor.ui.addButton( 'Outdent',
362 {
363 label : editor.lang.outdent,
364 command : 'outdent'
365 });
367 // Register the state changing handlers.
368 editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, indent ) );
369 editor.on( 'selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind( onSelectionChange, outdent ) );
371 // [IE6/7] Raw lists are using margin instead of padding for visual indentation in wysiwyg mode. (#3893)
372 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat )
373 {
374 editor.addCss(
375 "ul,ol" +
376 "{" +
377 " margin-left: 0px;" +
378 " padding-left: 40px;" +
379 "}" );
380 }
382 // Register dirChanged listener.
383 editor.on( 'dirChanged', function( e )
384 {
385 var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
386 range.setStartBefore( e.data.node );
387 range.setEndAfter( e.data.node );
389 var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
390 node;
392 while ( ( node = walker.next() ) )
393 {
394 if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
395 {
396 // A child with the defined dir is to be ignored.
397 if ( !node.equals( e.data.node ) && node.getDirection() )
398 {
399 range.setStartAfter( node );
400 walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
401 continue;
402 }
404 // Switch alignment classes.
405 var classes = editor.config.indentClasses;
406 if ( classes )
407 {
408 var suffix = ( e.data.dir == 'ltr' ) ? [ '_rtl', '' ] : [ '', '_rtl' ];
409 for ( var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ )
410 {
411 if ( node.hasClass( classes[ i ] + suffix[ 0 ] ) )
412 {
413 node.removeClass( classes[ i ] + suffix[ 0 ] );
414 node.addClass( classes[ i ] + suffix[ 1 ] );
415 }
416 }
417 }
419 // Switch the margins.
420 var marginLeft = node.getStyle( 'margin-right' ),
421 marginRight = node.getStyle( 'margin-left' );
423 marginLeft ? node.setStyle( 'margin-left', marginLeft ) : node.removeStyle( 'margin-left' );
424 marginRight ? node.setStyle( 'margin-right', marginRight ) : node.removeStyle( 'margin-right' );
425 }
426 }
427 });
428 },
430 requires : [ 'domiterator', 'list' ]
431 } );
432 })();
434 /**
435 * Size of each indentation step
436 * @name CKEDITOR.config.indentOffset
437 * @type Number
438 * @default 40
439 * @example
440 * config.indentOffset = 4;
441 */
443 /**
444 * Unit for the indentation style
445 * @name CKEDITOR.config.indentUnit
446 * @type String
447 * @default 'px'
448 * @example
449 * config.indentUnit = 'em';
450 */
452 /**
453 * List of classes to use for indenting the contents. If it's null, no classes will be used
454 * and instead the {@link #indentUnit} and {@link #indentOffset} properties will be used.
455 * @name CKEDITOR.config.indentClasses
456 * @type Array
457 * @default null
458 * @example
459 * // Use the classes 'Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'
460 * config.indentClasses = ['Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'];
461 */