.. py:class:: Polyhedron
- .. attribute:: equalities(self)
+ .. py:property:: equalities
- Return a list of the equalities in a polyhedron.
+ Returns a list of the equalities in a polyhedron.
- .. attribute:: inequalities(self)
+ .. py:property:: inequalities
- Return a list of the inequalities in a polyhedron.
+ Returns a list of the inequalities in a polyhedron.
- .. py:method:: constraints(self)
+ .. py:property:: constraints
- Return ta list of the constraints of a polyhedron.
+ Returns a list of the constraints of a polyhedron.
.. py:method:: disjoint(self)
.. py:method:: subs(self, symbol, expression=None)
- Subsitutes an expression into a polyhedron and returns the result.
+ Substitutes an expression into a polyhedron and returns the result.
-To create a polyhedron, the user can use the following functions to define equalities and inequalities as the contraints.
+To create a polyhedron, the user can use the following functions to define equalities and inequalities as the constraints.
.. py:function:: Eq(left, right)
- Create a constraint by setting *left* equal to *right*.
+ Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* equal to *right*.
.. py:function:: Ne(left, right)
- Create a constraint by setting *left* not equal to *right*.
+ Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* not equal to *right*.
.. py:function:: Lt(left, right)
- Create a constraint by setting *left* less than *right*.
+ Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* less than *right*.
.. py:function:: Le(left, right)
- Create a constraint by setting *left* less than or equal to *right*.
+ Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* less than or equal to *right*.
.. py:function:: Gt(left, right)
- Create a constraint by setting *left* greater than *right*.
+ Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* greater than *right*.
.. py:function:: Ge(left, right)
- Create a constraint by setting *left* greater than or equal to *right*.
+ Returns a Polyhedron instance with a single constraint as *left* greater than or equal to *right*.