.. py:method:: __eq__(self, other)
- Compares two Points for equality.
+ Compare two Points for equality.
.. py:method:: __add__(self, other)
- Adds a Point to a Vector and returns the result as a Point.
+ Add a Point to a Vector and return the result as a Point.
.. py:method:: __sub__(self, other)
- Returns the difference between two Points as a Vector.
+ Return the difference between two Points as a Vector.
.. py:method:: aspolyhedon(self)
- Returns a Point as a polyhedron.
+ Return a Point as a polyhedron corresponding to the Point, assuming the Point has integer coordinates.
.. py:class:: Vector
.. py:method:: __eq__(self, other)
- Compares two Vectors for equality.
+ Compare two Vectors for equality.
.. py:method:: __add__(self, other)
- Adds either a Point or Vector to a Vector. The resulting sum is returned as the same structure *other* is.
+ Add either a Point or Vector to a Vector. The resulting sum is returned as the same structure *other* is.
.. py:method:: __sub__(self, other)
.. py:method:: __mul__(self, other)
- Multiples a Vector by a scalar value and returns the result as a Vector.
+ Multiply a Vector by a scalar value and returns the result as a Vector.
.. py:method:: __neg__(self)
- Negates a Vector.
+ Negate a Vector.
.. py:method:: norm(self)
.. py:method:: cross(self, other)
- Calculate the cross product of two Vector3D structures.
+ Calculate the cross product of two Vector3D structures. If the vectors are not tridimensional, a _____ error is raised.
.. py:method:: dot(self, other)