quantitySum = reduce(lambda a, b : a['quantity'] + b['quantity'], self.items)
priceSum = reduce(lambda a, b : a['unit_price'] * a['quantity'] + b['unit_price'] * b['quantity'], self.items)
priceValues = priceSum.getValues()
- total = round(priceValues['taxed'], 2)
- basePrice = round(priceValues['value'], 2)
- tax = round(total - basePrice, 2)
+ total = round(self.amountWithFees.getValues()['taxed'], 2)
options['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0'] = 'Commande realis photo ref. %s' % self.getId()
- options['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0'] = 'Commande de %d tirages photo' % quantitySum
+ if quantitySum == 1 :
+ options['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0'] = "Commande d'un tirage photographique"
+ else :
+ options['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0'] = 'Commande de %d tirages photographiques' % quantitySum
options['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0'] = total
+ options['PAYMENTINFO_0_SHIPPINGAMT'] = round(self.shippingFees.getValues()['taxed'], 2)
# options['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT0'] = tax
# options['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY%d' % n] = 1
options['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'] = total
def ppGetExpressCheckoutDetails(self, token) :
ppi = self._initPayPalInterface()
response = ppi.get_express_checkout_details(TOKEN=token)
- response = Registration.recordifyPPResp(response)
- self._paypalLog.append(response)
+ response = PrintOrder.recordifyPPResp(response)
+ # self._paypalLog.append(response)
return response
- response = Registration.recordifyPPResp(response)
- self._paypalLog.append(response)
+ response = PrintOrder.recordifyPPResp(response)
+ # self._paypalLog.append(response)
return response
security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent, 'ppPay')
def ppPay(self, token, payerid):
# assure le paiement paypal en une passe :
# récupération des détails et validation de la transaction.
- if not self.paid :
+ wtool = getUtilityByInterfaceName('Products.CMFCore.interfaces.IWorkflowTool')
+ wfstate = wtool.getInfoFor(self, 'review_state', 'order_workflow')
+ paid = wfstate == 'paid'
+ if not paid :
details = self.ppGetExpressCheckoutDetails(token)
if payerid != details['PAYERID'] :
wtool = getUtilityByInterfaceName('Products.CMFCore.interfaces.IWorkflowTool')
wtool.doActionFor( self
, 'paypal_pay'
- , wf_id='jma_registration_workflow'
+ , wf_id='order_workflow'
, comments='Paiement par PayPal')
return True
return False
--- /dev/null
+##parameters=token=None, PayerID=None
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from Products.photoprint.utils import Message as _
+options = {}
+if token and PayerID and context.ppPay(token, PayerID) :
+ context.setStatus(True, _(u'Your payment has been accepted by PayPal.'))
+ # options['current_sell_step'] = 'confirmation'
+ return context.order_view()
+else :
+ context.setStatus(False, _('Your payment has been canceled.<br/>'
+ 'You can retry with an other account / credit card by cliking on the PayPal button.<br/>'
+ 'You can also choose an other payment option, like bank transfert or cheque.<br/>'
+ 'If so, click on the "Modify" button.'))
+ return context.order_view()