compat zope-2.12
[GroupUserFolder.git] / dtml / GRUF_overview.zpt
1 <div tal:replace="nothing"> -*- mode: dtml; dtml-top-element: "body" -*- </div>
2 <div tal:replace="structure here/manage_page_header"></div>
3 <div tal:replace="structure here/manage_tabs"></div>
6 <!-- Help text -->
7 <p class="form-help">Here is an overview of users, their groups and roles. See the legend below.</p>
9 <h4>About GRUF</h4>
10 <ol>
11 <p class="form-help">
12 You are currently running <strong>GRUF v.<span tal:replace="here/getGRUFVersion">version</span></strong><br />
13 Information, latest version, documentation... see
14 <a target="_blank" href="">The GRUF Webpage</a>.
15 </p>
16 </ol>
18 <!-- Wizards -->
19 <h4>What do you want to do from here ?</h4>
20 <ol>
21 <p class="form-help">
22 Here is the list of common actions you can do with GRUF. <br />
23 Just follow the links !
24 </p>
27 <table width="90%">
28 <tr>
29 <th class="list-header" valign="top" width="30%">
30 I want to set the place where
31 my users/groups are stored.
32 </th>
33 <td class="list-item" valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
34 <p>
35 Within GRUF, users are stored in one or more <i>User Source</i>. A source can be any
36 valid Zope User Folder derived object (for example the standard Zope User Folder but also LDAPUserFolder,
37 SimpleUserFolder, ...).<br />
38 Use the <strong><a href="manage_GRUFSources">sources tab</a></strong> to manage your user sources.
39 </p>
40 </td>
41 </tr>
42 <tr>
43 <th class="list-header" valign="top">
44 I want to connect my LDAP server to Plone
45 </th>
46 <td class="list-item" valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
47 <p>
48 There are a few tasks you can automate with Plone (2.0.x or 2.1) in the <strong><a href="manage_wizard">LDAP Wizard</a></strong> section.
49 </p>
50 </td>
51 </tr>
52 <tr>
53 <th class="list-header" valign="top">
54 I want to create some users or some groups.
55 </th>
56 <td class="list-item" valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
57 <p>
58 To create groups, use the <strong><a href="manage_groups">groups tab</a></strong><br />
59 If you want to create users, you can use the <strong><a href="manage_users">users tab</a></strong>
60 </p>
61 </td>
62 </tr>
63 <tr>
64 <th class="list-header" valign="top">
65 I need to check my website's security.
66 </th>
67 <td class="list-item" valign="top" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
68 <p>
69 The <strong><a href="manage_audit">audit tab</a></strong> is certainly what you are looking for.<br />
70 With this tool you can issue personalized reports about your website security rules.
71 </p>
72 </td>
73 </tr>
74 </table>
75 </ol>
78 <!-- Users / Roles / Groups tabular view -->
79 <h4>Users overview</h4>
80 <ol>
81 <p class="form-help">
82 There may be more users in your system than the ones presented here.
83 See the <a href="manage_users">users tab</a> for more information.
84 </p>
85 <tal:block
86 tal:define="
87 global batch python:test(request.has_key('start'), 0, here.listUsersBatchTable());
88 global start python:request.get('start', 0);
89 "
90 ></tal:block>
92 <tal:block tal:condition="batch">
93 <p class="form-help">
94 To avoid too much overhead on this display, it is not possible to show more than 100 users
95 per screen. Please click the range of users you want to see in the table below.
96 </p>
98 <table tal:replace="nothing" cellpadding="2" width="90%">
99 <tr tal:repeat="rows batch">
100 <td width="25%" bgcolor="#DDDDDD" tal:repeat="col rows">
101 <table height="100%" width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
102 <tr>
103 <td nowrap="1" align="center">
104 <div class="list-item">
105 <a href=""
106 tal:attributes="href python:'%s/manage_overview?start:int=%d' % (here.absolute_url(), col[0])">
107 <img src="img_user" border="0" align="middle"><span tal:replace="python:col[2]" /> ...
108 <span tal:replace="python:col[3]" />
109 </a>
110 </div>
111 </td>
112 </tr>
113 </table>
114 </td>
115 </tr>
116 </table>
117 </tal:block>
119 <tal:block tal:condition="not:batch">
120 <tal:block tal:define="users python:here.getUsersBatch(start)">
121 <table width="90%" tal:condition="users">
122 <tr class="list-header">
123 <th>User</th>
124 <th>Group(s)</th>
125 <th>Role(s)</th>
126 </tr>
128 <tal:block tal:repeat="user users">
129 <tr class="row-hilite"
130 tal:define="
131 label_groups python:user.getGroups();
132 label_groups_no_recurse python:user.getGroups(no_recurse = 1);
133 label_groups_recurse python:filter(lambda x: x not in label_groups_no_recurse, label_groups);
134 groups_no_recurse python:map(lambda x: here.getUser(x), label_groups_no_recurse);
135 groups_recurse python:map(lambda x: here.getUser(x), label_groups_recurse);
136 roles python:filter(lambda x: x not in ('Authenticated', 'Shared'), user.getRoles());
137 roles_no_recurse python:filter(lambda x: x not in ('Authenticated', 'Shared'), user.getUserRoles());
138 roles_recurse python:filter(lambda x: x not in roles_no_recurse, roles)"
139 >
140 <td>
141 <div class="list-item">
142 <img src="img_user">&nbsp;<strong tal:content="structure user/asHTML"></strong>
143 </div>
144 </td>
145 <td>
146 <!-- Groups -->
147 <div class="list-item">
148 <span tal:repeat="group groups_no_recurse"
149 ><span tal:replace="structure group/asHTML"></span><span tal:condition="not:repeat/group/end">, </span></span
150 ><span tal:condition="python:groups_no_recurse and groups_recurse">,</span>
151 <span tal:repeat="group groups_recurse" >
152 <span tal:replace="structure python:group.asHTML(implicit=1)"></span><span tal:condition="not:repeat/group/end">, </span>
153 </span>
154 </div>
155 </td>
156 <td>
157 <!-- Roles -->
158 <div class="list-item">
159 <span tal:repeat="role roles_no_recurse" >
160 <font color=""
161 tal:attributes="color here/role_color">
162 <span tal:replace="role"></span><span tal:condition="not:repeat/role/end">, </span>
163 </font>
164 </span>
165 <span tal:condition="python:roles_no_recurse and roles_recurse">, </span>
166 <span tal:repeat="role roles_recurse" >
167 <font color=""
168 tal:attributes="color here/role_color">
169 <i><span tal:replace="role"></span></i><span tal:condition="not:repeat/role/end">, </span>
170 </font>
171 </span>
172 </div>
173 </td>
174 </tr>
175 </tal:block>
176 </table>
178 <table tal:condition="not:users">
179 <tr>
180 <td class="row-hilite" colspan="3">
181 <p>
182 No user available. This happens either if you have no users defined or if
183 the underlying UserFolder cannot retreive the entire users list.
184 </p>
185 </td>
186 </tr>
187 </table>
188 </tal:block>
189 </tal:block>
190 </ol>
193 <!-- Legend -->
194 <h4>Legend</h4>
195 <ol>
196 <p>
197 Just to make things clearer: <br>
198 &nbsp;<font color="" tal:attributes="color here/user_color"><img src="img_user">&nbsp;Users appear this way</font><br />
199 &nbsp;<font color="" tal:attributes="color here/group_color"><img src="img_group">&nbsp;Groups appear this way</font><br />
200 &nbsp;<font color="" tal:attributes="color here/group_color"><i><img src="img_group">&nbsp;Nested groups (ie. groups inside groups) appear this way</i></font><br />
201 &nbsp;<font color="" tal:attributes="color here/role_color">User roles appear this way</font><br />
202 &nbsp;<font color="" tal:attributes="color here/role_color"><i>Nested roles (ie. roles set on a group a user or group belongs to) appear this way</i></font><br />
203 </p>
204 <p class="form-help">In management forms, items only non-italic items can be set/unset directly. Italic items are dependencies.</p>
205 </ol>
207 <dtml-var manage_page_footer>