Masquage du diaporama html standard.
[Plinn.git] / skins / generic /
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
3 <html xmlns="">
5 <head>
6 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
7 <title>folder contents macros</title>
8 </head>
10 <body i18n:domain="cmf_default" metal:define-macro="FolderListing"
11 tal:define="batch_dict options/batch;
12 batch batch_dict/batch_obj;
13 listColumnInfos batch_dict/listColumnInfos;
14 listItemInfos batch_dict/listItemInfos;"
15 tal:omit-tag="">
16 <div style="display:none">
17 <span id="FolderUrl" tal:content="here/absolute_url" >Folder url for script</span>
18 <span tal:condition="options/form/is_orderable" tal:omit-tag="">
19 <span id="FirstItemPos" tal:content="batch_dict/firstItemPos">first batch item position</span>
20 <span id="BatchNavigationSize" tal:content="batch/size"></span>
21 </span>
22 </div>
23 <!-- batch navigation -->
24 <div tal:define="navBatchBarId string:topNavBatchBar" tal:omit-tag="">
25 <span metal:use-macro="here/batch_macros/macros/navigation">batch navigation</span>
26 </div>
27 <table class="listing" cellspacing="0">
28 <thead id="FolderListingHeader">
29 <tr>
30 <th tal:attributes="width column_info/width; colspan column_info/colspan" tal:repeat="column_info listColumnInfos" nowrap="nowrap" >
31 <a href="." tal:attributes="href column_info/url" tal:content="column_info/title" i18n:translate="">Type</a>
32 <span tal:repeat="img column_info/images" tal:omit-tag="">
33 <a tal:omit-tag="python:not img.has_key('href')"
34 tal:attributes="href img/href|nothing ; title img/alt" i18n:attributes="title"
35 ><img tal:attributes="src img/src ; alt img/alt ; id img/id|nothing" border="0" i18n:attributes="alt" /></a>
36 </span>
37 </th>
38 <td colspan="5" tal:replace="nothing"></td>
39 </tr>
40 </thead>
41 <tbody id="FolderListingBody">
42 <tbody tal:repeat="item_info listItemInfos" tal:omit-tag="" metal:define-macro="itemListing">
43 <tr class="" tal:attributes="class python: (even and 'even') or 'odd'" tal:define="even repeat/item_info/even">
44 <td>
45 <input id="" type="checkbox" name="ids:list" value=""
46 tal:attributes="value item_info/id; id item_info/checkbox" tal:condition="item_info/checkbox" />
47 </td>
48 <td>
49 <a href="." tal:attributes="href item_info/url" tal:condition="item_info/icon">
50 <img src="." alt="" tal:attributes="src item_info/icon; alt item_info/type" border="0" i18n:attributes="alt" />
51 </a>
52 </td>
53 <td>
54 <a href="." tal:attributes="href item_info/url" tal:define="tod item_info/title_or_id; id item_info/id">
55 <span tal:replace="id">id</span>
56 <span tal:condition="python:tod != id">
57 • <span tal:replace="tod">title</span>
58 </span>
59 </a>
60 </td>
61 <td>
62 <span tal:replace="item_info/modified">2001</span>
63 </td>
64 </tr>
65 </tbody>
66 </tbody>
67 </table>
68 <!-- batch navigation -->
69 <div tal:define="navBatchBarId string:bottomNavBatchBar" tal:omit-tag="">
70 <span metal:use-macro="here/batch_macros/macros/navigation">batch navigation</span>
71 </div>
72 <script type="text/javascript">
73 <!--
74 (function(){
75 // ordering / selecting
76 var firsItemPosElement = document.getElementById('FirstItemPos');
77 var listing = document.getElementById("FolderListingBody");
78 var orderable = firsItemPosElement ? true : false;
79 var firstItemPos = orderable ? parseInt(firsItemPosElement.innerHTML, 10) : 1;
80 var fDDcontroler = new FolderDDropControler(listing, orderable, firstItemPos);
81 var topNavBatchBar, bottomNavBatchBar;
82 if (orderable) {
83 topNavBatchBar = document.getElementById("topNavBatchBar");
84 bottomNavBatchBar = document.getElementById("bottomNavBatchBar");
85 if (topNavBatchBar && bottomNavBatchBar) {
86 new DropTarget(topNavBatchBar, fDDcontroler);
87 new DropTarget(bottomNavBatchBar, fDDcontroler);
88 }
89 }
90 addListener(document.getElementById("FolderListingHeader"), "click", loadListing);
91 if (topNavBatchBar && bottomNavBatchBar) {
92 addListener(topNavBatchBar, "click", loadListing);
93 addListener(bottomNavBatchBar, "click", loadListing);
94 }
96 }());
97 // -->
98 </script>
99 <script type="text/javascript" tal:condition="options/form/items_add_allowed">
100 (function(){
101 // upload by drag and drop
102 var uploadUrl = absolute_url() + '/put_upload';
103 new DDFolderUploader(document.getElementById('Desktop'), uploadUrl, document.getElementById("FolderListingBody"));
104 }());
105 </script>
106 </body>
108 </html>