bugfix : on vérifie que le parent implémente bien l'interface d'ordonancement.
[Plinn.git] / skins / custom_control / synPropertiesForm.pt
1 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" metal:use-macro="here/main_template/macros/master">
2 <head>
3 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
4 </head>
6 <body>
7 <div metal:fill-slot="main" i18n:domain="cmf_default">
8 <div class="Desktop" tal:define="s_tool here/portal_syndication;
9 s_site_allowed s_tool/isSiteSyndicationAllowed;
10 s_here_allowed python:s_tool.isSyndicationAllowed(here);
11 s_allowed python:s_site_allowed and s_here_allowed;
12 ">
13 <h2 i18n:translate="">Default Syndication Properties</h2>
14 <p>
15 <span i18n:translate="">Syndication is the process by which a site is able to share information out to other sites. When syndication is enabled, this folder items summary will be provided on <strong>RSS</strong> xml format at :</span>
16 <a href="." tal:omit-tag="not:s_allowed"
17 tal:define="rssUrl string:${here/absolute_url}/RSS"
18 tal:content="rssUrl"
19 tal:attributes="href string:$rssUrl?noajax=1">this folder url/RSS</a>.
20 </p>
21 <div tal:condition="python:s_allowed">
22 <form action="editSynProperties" method="post" tal:attributes="action string:${here/absolute_url}/editSynProperties">
23 <table width="100%" border="0">
24 <tr>
25 <th colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" i18n:translate="">Channel Properties</th>
26 </tr>
27 <tr>
28 <td colspan="2">
29 <table width="90%" border="1">
30 <tr>
31 <td>
32 <table>
33 <tr>
34 <td valign="top" height="30" i18n:translate="">
35 Channel Title:
36 </td>
37 <td valign="top" tal:content="here/Title" height="30">
38 Title
39 </td>
40 </tr>
41 <tr>
42 <td valign="top" height="30" i18n:translate="">
43 Channel Description:
44 </td>
45 <td valign="top" tal:content="here/Description" height="30">
46 Description
47 </td>
48 </tr>
49 </table>
50 </td>
51 </tr>
52 </table>
53 </td>
54 </tr>
55 </table>
56 <table width="100%" border="0">
57 <tr>
58 <th align="left" valign="top" i18n:translate="">Sy Module Properties</th>
59 <td></td>
60 </tr>
61 <tr>
62 <td colspan="2">
63 <table width="90%" border="1">
64 <tr>
65 <td>
66 <table>
67 <tr>
68 <th align="left" i18n:translate="">Element</th>
69 <th align="left" i18n:translate="">Default Value</th>
70 </tr>
71 <tr>
72 <td i18n:translate="">
73 UpdatePeriod
74 </td>
75 <td>
76 <select name="updatePeriod">
77 <option value="hourly" tal:attributes="value python:item[0];
78 selected python:item[0] == upd" tal:define="upd python:s_tool.getUpdatePeriod(here)" tal:content="python: item[1]" tal:repeat="item s_tool/buildUpdatePeriods" i18n:translate="">Hourly</option>
79 </select>
80 </td>
81 </tr>
82 <tr>
83 <td i18n:translate="">
84 UpdateFrequency
85 </td>
86 <td>
87 <input type="text" name="updateFrequency:int" value="" size="3" tal:attributes="value python:s_tool.getUpdateFrequency(here)" />
88 </td>
89 </tr>
90 <tr>
91 <td i18n:translate="">
92 UpdateBase
93 </td>
94 <td>
95 <input type="text" name="updateBase:date" value="" size="25" tal:attributes="value python:s_tool.getUpdateBase(here)" />
96 </td>
97 </tr>
98 <tr>
99 <td i18n:translate="">
100 Max Syndicated Items
101 </td>
102 <td>
103 <input type="text" name="max_items:int" value="" size="3" tal:attributes="value python:s_tool.getMaxItems(here)" />
104 </td>
105 </tr>
106 <tr>
107 <td colspan="2">
108 <input type="hidden" name="noAjax" value="1" />
109 <input type="submit" name="edit" value="Save" i18n:attributes="value" />
110 </td>
111 </tr>
112 </table>
113 </td>
114 </tr>
115 </table>
116 </td>
117 </tr>
118 <tr>
119 <td>
120 <br />
121 </td>
122 <td></td>
123 </tr>
124 </table>
125 </form>
126 <form action="disableSyndication" method="post" tal:attributes="action string:${here/absolute_url}/disableSyndication">
127 <input type="submit" value="Disable Syndication" i18n:attributes="value" /> <input type="hidden" name="isAllowed:int" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="noAjax" value="1" />
128 </form>
129 </div>
130 <!-- s_allowed -->
131 <div tal:condition="python:not(s_allowed)">
132 <h4 i18n:translate="">Syndication is Disabled</h4>
133 </div>
134 <div tal:condition="python: s_site_allowed and not(s_here_allowed)">
135 <form action="enableSyndication" method="post" tal:attributes="action string:${here/absolute_url}/enableSyndication">
136 <input type="hidden" name="isAllowed:int" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="noAjax" value="1" /><input type="submit" value="Enable Syndication" i18n:attributes="value" />
137 </form>
138 </div>
139 <!-- s_site_allowed and not s_here_allowed -->
140 </div>
141 <!-- class="Desktop -->
142 </div>
143 <!-- metal:fill-slot="main" -->
144 </body>
146 </html>