l'upload des images attachées fonctionne !
[ckeditor.git] / skins / ckeditor / _samples / php / advanced.php
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
2 <!--
3 Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
4 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5 -->
6 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
7 <head>
8 <title>Setting Configuration Options &mdash; CKEditor Sample</title>
9 <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type"/>
10 <link href="../sample.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
11 </head>
12 <body>
13 <h1 class="samples">
14 CKEditor Sample &mdash; Setting Configuration Options
15 </h1>
16 <p>
17 This sample shows how to insert a CKEditor instance with custom configuration options.
18 </p>
19 <p>
20 To set configuration options, use the <a class="samples" href="http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.config.html"><code>config</code></a> property. To set the attributes of a <code>&lt;textarea&gt;</code> element (which is displayed instead of CKEditor in unsupported browsers), use the <code>textareaAttributes</code> property.
21 </p>
22 <pre class="samples">
23 &lt;?php
24 // Include the CKEditor class.
25 include_once "ckeditor/ckeditor.php";
27 // Create a class instance.
28 $CKEditor = new CKEditor();
30 // Path to the CKEditor directory.
31 $CKEditor->basePath = '/ckeditor/';
33 // Set global configuration (used by every instance of CKEditor).
34 $CKEditor-><strong>config['width']</strong> = 600;
36 // Change default textarea attributes.
37 $CKEditor-><strong>textareaAttributes</strong> = array("cols" => 80, "rows" => 10);
39 // The initial value to be displayed in the editor.
40 $initialValue = 'This is some sample text.';
42 // Create the first instance.
43 $CKEditor->editor("textarea_id", $initialValue);
44 ?&gt;</pre>
45 <p>
46 Note that <code><em>textarea_id</em></code> in the code above is the <code>name</code> attribute of
47 the <code>&lt;textarea&gt;</code> element to be created.
48 </p>
50 <!-- This <div> holds alert messages to be display in the sample page. -->
51 <div id="alerts">
52 <noscript>
53 <p>
54 <strong>CKEditor requires JavaScript to run</strong>. In a browser with no JavaScript
55 support, like yours, you should still see the contents (HTML data) and you should
56 be able to edit it normally, without a rich editor interface.
57 </p>
58 </noscript>
59 </div>
60 <form action="../sample_posteddata.php" method="post">
61 <label>Editor 1:</label>
62 <?php
63 // Include the CKEditor class.
64 include("../../ckeditor.php");
66 // Create a class instance.
67 $CKEditor = new CKEditor();
69 // Do not print the code directly to the browser, return it instead.
70 $CKEditor->returnOutput = true;
72 // Path to the CKEditor directory, ideally use an absolute path instead of a relative dir.
73 // $CKEditor->basePath = '/ckeditor/'
74 // If not set, CKEditor will try to detect the correct path.
75 $CKEditor->basePath = '../../';
77 // Set global configuration (will be used by all instances of CKEditor).
78 $CKEditor->config['width'] = 600;
80 // Change default textarea attributes.
81 $CKEditor->textareaAttributes = array("cols" => 80, "rows" => 10);
83 // The initial value to be displayed in the editor.
84 $initialValue = '<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p>';
86 // Create the first instance.
87 $code = $CKEditor->editor("editor1", $initialValue);
89 echo $code;
90 ?>
91 <br />
92 <label>Editor 2:</label>
93 <?php
94 // Configuration that will only be used by the second editor.
95 $config['toolbar'] = array(
96 array( 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike' ),
97 array( 'Image', 'Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor' )
98 );
100 $config['skin'] = 'v2';
102 // Create the second instance.
103 echo $CKEditor->editor("editor2", $initialValue, $config);
104 ?>
105 <p>
106 <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
107 </p>
108 </form>
109 <div id="footer">
110 <hr />
111 <p>
112 CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
113 </p>
114 <p id="copy">
115 Copyright &copy; 2003-2011, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
116 Knabben. All rights reserved.
117 </p>
118 </div>
119 </body>
120 </html>